Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1510 Escort Plan

A new day came, and the golden sun once again filled the sea.

God is very kind to me. This is another very good weather. The sea is calm and the sea is also the same in the depths of the sea. The hydrological situation is stable, which is convenient for salvage operations of sunken treasures.

After breakfast, everyone gathered again in the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid, laughing and chatting, while paying attention to the ongoing cleaning work on the seabed.

In the early hours of this morning, the nacui gold, jewels and diamonds in the freighter on the bottom of the sea have basically been salvaged, and they were all hoisted onto the main deck of the Intrepid and sent to the vault.

The remaining gold and silver treasures scattered all over the ship are irrelevant, but it is a pity to just throw them on the bottom of the sea, and they can only benefit others in vain.

After a rest, at 6:00 in the morning, the clean-up operation started and went very smoothly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around nine o'clock in the morning.

While everyone was talking, Kenny's excited voice suddenly came from the intercom and reached the ears of everyone in the living room.

"Steven, the freighter on the bottom of the sea has been cleaned up. The guys found some scattered nacui gold and jewel diamonds, but the quantity is not much, and they have been collected!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie in front of him, and said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Great, let the guys float to the surface of the sea. When everyone comes up, we can pull out the anchor and set sail! Be careful when going up, control the speed, and don't rush to go up!"

"Okay, Steven, I'm going to notify the guys in the subsea operations!"

Kenny responded, and immediately acted.

Ye Tian stood up holding the walkie-talkie, smiled and said to everyone in the living room:

"Come on, guys, let's go to the stern and meet the guys who are about to surface, and welcome them back in triumph!"

After speaking, he took Betty to the main deck living room door.

Immediately after, Jason, Mathis, Chandler, and a few guys from the live broadcast team got up and followed, all of them extremely excited.


The group of them came to the stern platform, looking down at the sea, laughing and chatting while waiting for the guys who salvaged the sunken treasure to surface.

Not long after, the sea broke open suddenly, and the seven Aurora submarines floated to the surface first, appearing in everyone's field of vision.

On the anti-collision rails on the left and right sides of this small submarine, a small rope net is tied respectively, and there are some black sealed bags inside!

What's in those sealed bags, do you even have to ask? Of course, it was the nacui gold and jewelry diamonds that were cleared from the freighter, and the quantity didn't seem to be much!

Because of the small number, the seven Aurora submarines carried them out of the water this time instead of using the winches on the Intrepid to hoist them to the surface. It's not worth the effort!

After floating to the surface, the seven Aurora mini-submarines immediately sailed towards the stern of the Intrepid, carrying a small amount of nacui gold and jewels and diamonds!

The reload divers who had just completed the cleanup did not show up. They were doing decompression stops at the middle depth, and they would not surface until their bodies adapted to the change in water pressure.

As for the five-seat Aurora mini-submarine, it was also suspended near the deep dive decompression stop at a depth of more than 60 meters below the sea surface, protecting the reloaded divers.

Another ten minutes passed, and amidst the splashes, the sea broke open again!

The reloaded divers and the five-seat Aurora mini-submarine surfaced one after another.

The moment they surfaced, there was thunderous applause and bursts of cheers on several large ships of the exploration fleet!

On some of the ships moored outside the restricted area, there were laments like mourning.

"It's over! The nacui gold and jewels and diamonds in the cargo ship on the bottom of the sea have been swept away by that bastard Steven. I'm sure there's not even a hair left!"

"Steven, that bastard did such a great job. He didn't even leave us a mouthful of soup, not to mention eating meat. He's so disgusting. What a greedy bastard!"

It didn't take long for several divers to board the Intrepid, enter the aft garage, take off their heavy diving suits, and then return to the cabin to rest.

The two small Aurora submarines have also been taken back to the garage and are undergoing maintenance and inspection.

The nacui gold, jewelry and diamonds cleaned out from the submarine freighter were quickly counted, and all were sent to the vault after registration!

You're done, there's no need to stay in this sea area anymore.

Ye Tian, ​​who returned to the living room on the main deck, sent instructions for the next move through the intercom.

"Guys, pull anchor and set sail. Let's clean up the ancient warship that has sunk in the sea for hundreds of years. After cleaning up the gold and silver treasures scattered in the sunken ship, we can return triumphantly and return to New York!"

"Okay, Steven"

There was a burst of response from the walkie-talkie, and each voice was filled with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, several large ships of the exploration fleet began to raise their anchors, and the four large flybridge yachts moored at the edge of the restricted area also moved.

The anchor was put away, and the Dreadnought was the first to sound the whistle.


The melodious whistle sounded suddenly, resounding through the entire sea area.

Amidst the sound of the whistle, several large ships moved forward slowly, making a graceful arc on the sea surface, then quickly turned around, and sailed straight to the sea area where the Galen ship sank.

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was in the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid, also began to arrange the next action.

"Guys, after the exploration fleet arrives at the sea area where the Galen ship sank, they will start a cleanup operation immediately. If everything goes well, the cleanup operation can be completed within an hour and a half at most.

To be on the safe side, I plan to rent a C5 heavy-duty transport plane from the U.S. military to airlift all the salvaged gold and silver treasures back to New York instead of shipping them by sea, so as not to leave a chance for anyone with ulterior motives!

Mattis, you immediately contact the relevant personnel of the Third Air Force at Mildenhall Air Force Base to get the four Chinook heavy helicopters ready to take off at any time, and wait for our notice!

When the cleaning work of that ancient battleship is about to be completed, you call them and let the four Chinook heavy helicopters take off and fly directly to this sea area to transfer the treasure of the sunken ship,

After using the Chinook heavy helicopter to transport the sunken treasures to Mildenhall Air Force Base, immediately transfer those gold and silver treasures to the C5 heavy transport plane, and then take off immediately, non-stop to New York!

Mildenhall Air Force Base is not far from London. If you stay there for too long, unexpected troubles may arise. Those British guys are not good at it, and their eyes are already red!

In view of this, our actions must be fast, we must not delay, and we must not leave opportunities for those British guys with ulterior motives. This is why I use Mildenhall Air Force Base! "

"Okay, Steven, I'm going to call those guys in Third Air Force and get them ready!"

Mattis responded, then took out his mobile phone and walked aside to make a call.

When he walked away, Ye Tian continued to arrange actions.

"Jason, you pick a few company employees, pack your bags, and prepare to escort the gold and silver treasures back to New York. Except for the pilot, we are all responsible for this escort mission.

Anderson, you also need to participate in the escort operation. When the C5 Galaxy transport plane transporting the sunken treasures arrives in New York smoothly, and David takes over the legal affairs, you will fly back to Paris immediately.

In addition to you, National Geographic Channel reporters will also participate in the operation of escorting the treasure of the sunken ship, and follow up and shoot the whole process, and supervise those guys in the military. I don’t trust those unruly guys! "

"No problem, Steven, we will prepare right away and set off with those gold and silver treasures. Don't worry, no one can tamper with us under our noses!"

Jason and Anderson responded in unison, both full of confidence and excitement.

Immediately afterwards, Anderson asked curiously:

"Steven, from what you said, you don't seem to plan to return to New York with those gold and silver treasures. What is the reason? Do you have other things in Europe?"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, pretending to be mysterious and said:

"That's right, I don't intend to return to New York immediately, just let you escort those gold and silver treasures back, as long as you act cautiously, there shouldn't be any problems.

After returning to New York, you, in the name of the company, deposited all those gold and silver treasures in the underground vault of the headquarters of MG Chase Bank, and processed them when I returned to New York.

There is also a very exciting show here in Paris, but the specific content of this show is temporarily kept secret. It is estimated that you will witness it with your own eyes in a short time! "

"Ah! There's a good show going on in Paris, did I hear you right?"

There were exclamations in the living room, and Anderson and the others were shocked by Ye Tian's words.

While exclaiming, these guys immediately thought of it.

Could it be that Steven found a treasure in Paris? This possibility is very high! What kind of treasure will it be?

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