Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1511 I love Paris, do you believe it?

As Ye Tian expected, in less than an hour and a half, the work of cleaning up the ancient battleship on the seabed was completed.

Immediately afterwards, two small Aurora submarines and several divers floated to the surface one after another, and returned to the Intrepid, carrying the gold and silver treasures that had been cleaned up.

Seeing this scene through the live TV broadcast, some guys who were in this sea area and had their last hope were completely desperate, and they lamented endlessly!

But what made them even more desperate happened immediately after.

The counting work on the main deck of the Intrepid had just been completed, and four Chinook heavy helicopters suddenly roared from the east of the English Channel and appeared in people's field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, two fully armed Seahawk helicopters flew over quickly from the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, aggressively.

Without exception, all six helicopters are painted with the American flag, which can be seen at a glance!

Seeing the sudden appearance of these U.S. helicopters, people couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Monk Zhanger couldn't figure out why these U.S. helicopters came here.

However, when these six helicopters came over the exploration fleet and hovered tens of meters in the air, people immediately understood why these US military helicopters came here.

In the next second, there was an exclamation in front of the countless live broadcast terminals and the ships moored around.

"Oh my god! I understand, this guy Steven is going to use the U.S. military's Chinook heavy helicopter to transfer those sunken ship treasures. The skill is really big, it's amazing!

If I'm not wrong, those gold and silver treasures will be transported to an air base of the US military stationed in Europe, and then directly transported back to New York with a military transport plane, cutting off everyone else's thoughts! "

"I'll go, this guy Steven is too cautious and careful, no one can take advantage of him, the previous Lima treasure, he used the C5 transport plane to transport it back to New York!

The British, French, Egyptians, and even the Germans were probably completely dumbfounded by this. They could only watch this gold and silver treasure fly by before their eyes, but they couldn't get anything at all! "

This is exactly the fact. While six US military helicopters were hovering over the exploration convoy, some places in Britain and France immediately heard frenzied curses.

The people's discussion has not yet died down,

The Bell medium helicopter equipped on the Intrepid has already taken off, giving way to the apron on the ship.

Immediately afterwards, a Chinook heavy-duty helicopter began to descend and slowly landed on the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid.


In many places, there was a sudden cry of despair.


Paris, the romantic city of the world, has once again welcomed its least welcome guest.

At around eleven o'clock in the morning, a convoy of seven or eight black Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUVs drove at high speed from Le Havre and drove straight into downtown Paris!

In the air about 200 meters above this heavy convoy, two medium-sized helicopters whizzed over, maintaining the same speed as the convoy, and entered the sky above downtown Paris.

In addition, there are several French police cars with flashing police lights at the front and back of the convoy, separating this heavy convoy from other social vehicles to avoid any accidents.

The many French policemen in those police cars were all fully armed, and each of them had a tense expression, as if they were facing an enemy!

Several of them hated their teeth so much that they were itching with hatred. While driving forward, staring at the surrounding situation vigilantly, they gnashed their teeth and cursed in a low voice!

As soon as this heavy convoy drove into downtown Paris, it immediately caused a sensation on the streets and attracted countless attentions.

There is no other reason, almost all Parisians know the origin of this heavy convoy and who is visiting the city of Paris again!

"Damn it, Steven, the crazy bastard, actually came to Paris again, isn't it over? Does he have to completely destroy Paris before he is willing!"

"When the treasure of the sunken ship was not discovered before, Steven and his gang of bastards did countless things in Paris, almost turning this beautiful city into a battlefield!

Now that Steven has just acquired two priceless shipwreck treasures, there are undoubtedly more people staring at him, and there must be more bastards coming towards him.

For the next period of time, until this bastard Steven leaves, Paris is likely to become a battlefield full of bullets. I hope God bless this city! "

People guessed right, this is Ye Tian's team.

He and Betty sat in the back seat of one of the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz SUVs, talking and laughing, enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window, very relaxed!

Yesterday morning, Jason and the others escorted a large amount of gold and silver treasures salvaged from the seabed, left the exploration fleet in four Chinook heavy helicopters, and headed straight for Mildenhall Air Force Base.

After arriving at Mildenhall Air Force Base, they transferred the boxes full of gold and silver treasures to a C5 transport plane non-stop, and then took off immediately to New York!

Just as they were leaving the UK and soaring over the Atlantic Ocean, several British officials stormed into Mildenhall Air Force Base aggressively, ready to take a piece of the action from Ye Tian!

But unfortunately, they reacted too slowly and came too late, they didn't even catch a hair, and they were all so angry that they stood on the runway pointing at the sky and yelling!

The following operation of escorting the treasure of the sunken ship went very smoothly without any problems.

After the C5 transport plane successfully arrived in New York, several company employees, David and his legal team, and a large number of armed security personnel have been waiting at Kennedy International Airport for a long time.

In addition to David and the others, there were also a group of Fed members and a large number of media reporters who heard the news. The scene was quite lively!

Some of those media reporters came here after they got the news, but most of them were notified by David. The purpose was to supervise the military and the Federal Reserve, which made those guys somewhat afraid.

Immediately afterwards, under the escort of a large number of armed security personnel and New York police, those priceless gold and silver treasures were all sent to the underground vault of the headquarters of MG Chase Bank and preserved!

Knowing that the treasure of the shipwreck had safely arrived in New York and was stored in the vault, Ye Tian ordered the exploration fleet that had been dangling in the high seas to return to the port of Le Havre for a rest!

Early this morning, he and Betty left the port of Le Havre with a large number of security personnel and headed straight for Paris!

There is another Napoleon treasure waiting for you in Paris, how can you miss it? How can you miss it?

They left Le Havre, but the Dreadnought stayed in port to rest.

After a few days of rest in the port of Le Havre, the Dreadnought can set sail, return triumphantly, and return to New York!

During the rest period, the crew on the Dauntless and other company employees can take turns to visit Paris. Now that they are all in France, of course they can't miss Paris!

Of course, when Ye Tian started to discover Napoleon's treasure, those company employees who stayed in France would come in handy, saving them from transferring people from New York!

At the same time as Ye Tian and the others set off for Paris, Anderson and an assistant lawyer had already boarded the plane and were flying to Paris.

In a blink of an eye, the convoy passed the Seine River and drove onto the Grande Armée Avenue. Not far along this main road is the famous Arc de Triomphe.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, shall we go to the Regina Hotel first, or go to Channones Avenue in Citi Island first? The convoy is not far from the Regina Hotel, just go straight ahead!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Go to the Regina Hotel first, everyone have a good rest in the hotel, and then go to Citi Island later, don't worry, this time there is plenty of time!"

"Okay, Steven, I'll let everyone know!"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

The conversation between the two of them had just ended when Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly. It was a call from his old friend Martinez.

The phone was connected, and after a few polite words, Martinez immediately went straight to the topic, looking a little impatient and worried.

"Steven, can you tell me the reason for your return to Paris this time? Did you find any treasure in Paris? If so, I hope you can reveal some news!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately joked and said:

"You think too much, Martinez, there are so many treasures, and they all fell on my head! The city of Paris is so beautiful and romantic, I was reluctant to leave, so I returned to Paris!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you are a guy who has no profit and can't afford it early, especially just swept away two priceless shipwreck treasures. How can you not make people think about coming to Paris at this time?"

Martinez said angrily, he didn't believe Ye Tian's nonsense at all.

"Hahaha, it seems that I am quite wary, Martinez, to be honest, I do have another purpose in returning to Paris, but I will keep it secret for the time being!"

Ye Tian laughed and said, very relaxed, a smug look flashed in his eyes.

While speaking, the convoy had arrived near the Charles de Gaulle Square, and the tall Arc de Triomphe was in sight, where the gunpowder was still filled with smoke and flags were flying!

have to! Today is Saturday again, a good day for the French to demonstrate, or a good day for looting and burning!

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