Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1520 Game with the French Government

The living room fell silent, and everyone was lost in thought.

After a while, Betty just asked worriedly:

"Honey, how are you going to deal with this matter? How do you deal with the difficulties of the French?"

Hearing this, everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for his answer.

Ye Tian gently squeezed Betty's hand, glanced at the crowd, and said with a smile:

"Dear guys, since this treasure is deep underground in this building, and this ancient building belongs to me, then this treasure must also belong to me, there is no doubt about it.

Let alone Napoleon's treasure, even if it is the reserve treasury of France, as long as it is underground in this ancient building, legally speaking, I have indisputable ownership of it"

"You are right, Steven, legally, you have indisputable ownership of everything above and below this ancient building, regardless of French law or American law!"

Anderson continued, affirming what Ye Tian said just now as a lawyer.

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly at him, and continued to say:

"Although the provisions of the law are so, it is people who enforce the law. Here, there are French people. With the huge value and influence of Napoleon's treasure, can the French not be jealous? It is impossible!

In this way, the French will come up with some kind of moth, get in the way, or find some excuse to forcibly take away Napoleon's treasure from me. This possibility is very high, and we must guard against it.

Compared with the previous two shipwreck treasures, this is Paris, France, not the high seas. It is basically impossible for us to use the US military to protect Napoleon's treasures. We can only rely on ourselves"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded, their faces became more dignified, and the previous ecstasy had completely disappeared!

No matter what kind of treasure, how high the value, or how great the influence is, it is the most authentic only if you put it in your own pocket, otherwise it is just making wedding clothes for others!

No one wants to fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain, and work hard in vain, but in the end they get nothing, and everyone present is no exception!

After a short pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again,

Into the ears of everyone in the living room.

"From these perspectives, in order to protect the interests of me and everyone from infringement, there is only one way now, and that is to disclose Napoleon's treasure to the world and the whole process of exploring the treasure.

Only in this way can the French have scruples and dare not blatantly infringe on private property. France has always been known as the moral benchmark of the free world, advocating the spirit of democracy, freedom, and fraternity.

Just kidding, in comparison, the French are much more naive. The United States calls for democracy and freedom every day, but kills and sets fire all over the world. France also calls for democracy and freedom every day, but it is practiced to a certain extent.

Not only France, but many old capitalist countries in Europe are like this. They look like a bunch of idiots. The most obvious example is the immigration policy. Many countries in Western Europe have very loose immigration policies!

In particular, refugees from the Arab region of North Africa and other war-torn regions flooded into France and other countries in Western Europe in large numbers, causing the social security in these countries to deteriorate sharply, and terrorist attacks continued to occur.

Let’s look at the United States again. It is basically impossible for refugees from war-torn areas to enter. Even if they get in by chance, they will be closely watched by the FBI and the police. If there is any trouble, they will be the first to suffer!

As far as the degree of freedom of refugees is concerned, the two are far apart. We will take advantage of this to elevate the French government to make it difficult for the French to start, and violate the spirit of democracy and the rule of law they have always advocated! "


There was a loud laugh in the living room, and everyone laughed out loud.

Amidst the laughter, the tense atmosphere at the scene was instantly swept away, and everyone felt a lot more relaxed.

"Steven, you are so bad, it's too high to think of such a bad move!"

"The co-authors of the French are all idiots. If the French hear this, they will definitely pass out of anger!"

Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

The living room became quiet again, and Ye Tianqing's clear voice sounded immediately.

"I have also come up with some countermeasures on how to raise the French and the French government so that they are afraid to attack us and rob Napoleon's treasure.

Next, I will assign tasks. Everyone can implement the strategy step by step according to the strategy I formulated. As long as everything goes well, we will be able to complete the layout in a short time! "

"Okay, Steven, you assign tasks, we are all ears!"

Everyone responded in unison, everyone was full of fighting spirit and eager to try.

Without exception, each of them is very excited to participate in this game with the French government!

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then said to Mathis:

"Matisse, your task is the same as before. Lead the security personnel to protect this ancient building and protect everyone. You must be loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and don't let others see anything abnormal.

You also need to take anti-monitoring measures to prevent our communications from being monitored. Once the news is leaked in advance, we are likely to waste all our previous efforts and have a happy time. It is for nothing to benefit the French! "

"Okay, Steven, there won't be any problems with security, and no one is going to listen to everyone's communications!"

Matisse nodded, his words and expressions were full of confidence.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the others.

"Taylor, you contact Kenny immediately and ask him to notify all our company's employees in France to gather at this historic building and prepare to go to the underground chamber to clean up Napoleon's treasure.

When calling Kenny, don't reveal anything about Napoleon's treasure, just say that there is something that needs everyone to come here, so as to prevent someone from staring at Kenny and the others, thereby leaking the news.

The company employees in Paris, let them come here directly by taxi, and the company employees in Le Havre, let them come here by helicopter, the faster the better, there is no delay! "

"Understood, Steven, I'll contact Kenny and the others immediately"

With that said, Taylor took out his cell phone, ready to call Kenny.

But Ye Tian reached out to stop him, telling him to be calm and not to be impatient, and it's not too late to call after the task is arranged.

"Anderson, you can contact the American embassy, ​​if possible, it is best to invite the American ambassador to France and the cultural counselor here, and you can promise those guys some benefits.

With the American ambassador and cultural counselor here, the French government and the police will definitely feel a little more scrupulous. The two countries are allies and have a good relationship. The French must consider international influence.

You can contact Antoine again and ask him to come with a team of lawyers to prepare for the French government and the police to make things difficult. Don't reveal the Napoleon treasure when you call! "

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to me, and it must be done!"

Anderson nodded in response, and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, then continued:

"I will contact NBC and The New York Times and ask them to send their correspondents here in Paris to broadcast live so that everyone can witness the unveiling of Napoleon's treasure!

At the same time, we also want to conduct a live broadcast on the Internet to maximize the influence. Through TV and Internet broadcast, I want to let everyone in the world know that Napoleon's treasure belongs to my buddies!

In addition, I plan to invite France 2 to conduct a live broadcast. After all, this is France. I also want to let those French who do not understand English know the truth so as not to be deceived by the French government.

In this way, the French government and the police will definitely have a lot of scruples. They can't forcefully break into the house in broad daylight and in full view of everyone, and loot my private property, right?

Apart from the news media, I am also going to call Martinez, the curator of the Louvre Museum, and ask him to lead a professional cultural and cultural team to come here, this is to avoid the French making things difficult!

These are the countermeasures I can think of. If all goes well, I believe these measures will be enough to tie the hands of the French government and the police, so that they dare not openly rob Napoleon's treasure!

Once Napoleon's treasure is released, it will definitely shock the whole of France and even the whole world. At that time, the Cité Island is likely to be blocked by the French police, prohibiting tourists and others from entering.

Before that, we must arrange everything properly in order to protect the interests of all of us to the greatest extent. I will stop here. Let's start to act and shake the world together! "

"Got it, Steven"

Everyone responded in unison, everyone was high-spirited and full of confidence.

The next moment, everyone split up and acted.

Soon, the city of Paris began to surge undercurrents, and a monstrous wave was brewing!

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