After only twenty minutes, the first group of people arrived at Xidi Island and were taken into the living room by security personnel.

Three company employees came, two women and one man. They were shopping on the Champs-Elysées, very close to each other, and rushed over immediately after receiving the call.

At the same time, several other company employees who were staying on the Intrepid in the port of Le Havre have also boarded the Bell medium-sized helicopter and are flying quickly towards Paris.

Immediately after several company employees, a film crew of NBC TV station in Paris and the chief reporter of "New York Times" in Paris also rushed to the Avenue des Channones in Cité.

As soon as these media reporters arrived, they immediately asked Ye Tian why they came here, but Ye Tian kept his mouth shut and did not reveal any news about Napoleon's treasure!

He directly told these media reporters from the United States that if you want headlines, just wait patiently for a while, and there will be big news that shocks the world later.

After saying these few words, he turned around and returned to his house, leaving all the media reporters on Channones Avenue.

Afterwards, those media reporters could only watch helplessly on the street, reluctant to leave half a step away, and had to keep the secret strictly so as not to be informed by other news media!

Colleagues are enemies, this is the same everywhere, especially in the media circle.

The arrival of these American media reporters inevitably attracted the attention of the Paris police.

All the police officers on duty in the nearby police station rushed to the street, looking curiously at the media vehicles and the excited and expectant media reporters.

"What the hell is this bastard Steven doing? He rushed here early in the morning, and stayed in that apartment all the time, and now he has attracted a large number of media reporters. Obviously, there is something big going on!"

"God knows what this bastard is going to do, but I have a premonition that something important will happen today. All we can do is be vigilant and wait and see!"

After watching the excitement, the Paris police immediately mobilized their forces and exhausted all means, trying to find the truth of the matter and figure out what happened in that building.

But it's a pity that even though they racked their brains and tried their best, they didn't get any news, and they were still at a loss!

About ten minutes later,

Two cars with American flags and diplomatic license plates, escorted by two Parisian police cars, drove into the Rue Channones.

The American ambassador to France and the cultural counselor of the embassy came, and they were also at a loss as to why the famous New York bastard had sent himself here.

The arrival of these senior American diplomatic officials stationed in France immediately made the policemen in the nearby police station even more nervous, as if they were facing a big enemy.

Not only the policemen in the nearby police station, but even the top leaders of the Paris police were shocked, and they were equally nervous!

You know, this is the US ambassador to France, the cultural counselor and other senior diplomatic officials, and they are the targets of assassination by countless terrorists. Can the Paris police not feel nervous?

The response of the Paris police was not bad. They quickly raised the alert level of Channones Avenue, and sent people to guard both ends of the street to strictly check all suspicious vehicles and pedestrians.

At the same time, the Paris police are more certain that there must be a major incident happening on today's Château de la Cité, and the instigator is Steven, that crazy bastard!

But no matter how the Paris police investigate, they still can't get any news, and they don't understand what's going on in that ancient building.

The two cars of the American embassy had just arrived at the gate, and the escorting Paris police and embassy security personnel immediately jumped out of the car, quickly pulled up a cordon, and stared at the surroundings vigilantly.

Anderson, who was waiting at the door, stepped forward to identify himself and confirmed that there was no danger at the scene. Then the US ambassador to France and his entourage got out of the car and exchanged polite greetings with Anderson and Mattis.

Immediately afterwards, they followed Anderson into the house and stayed outside for a short time.

Except for the two personal bodyguards of the US ambassador to France, the other security personnel who followed stayed outside the residence and were responsible for peripheral security.

Regarding the safety inside this ancient building, the security personnel of the embassy have no worries and are very relieved.

Each of them understands that the security personnel guarding this ancient building are all top experts, no matter how dangerous and complicated the situation is, those guys can handle it.

Especially that crazy bastard Steven, who is absolutely invincible, no one can take advantage of him!

More importantly, everyone in this ancient building is an American citizen, and they are well-established and trustworthy. It is impossible to endanger the safety of the embassy's diplomatic personnel.

As soon as he entered this ancient building, Ye Tian strode towards these American diplomats with a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning, Mr. Ambassador, I'm Steven, it's a pleasure to meet you, and it's a great honor to welcome you to my residence!"

Ye Tian greeted enthusiastically and shook hands with Mr. Ambassador.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, I am the US ambassador to France, you can just call me Perry, I am also very happy to meet you, I have heard about your name for a long time!"

While shaking hands and introducing himself, the ambassador also looked at Ye Tian curiously.

This is the ruthless but extremely lucky New York bastard in the legend. It seems that humans and animals are harmless, which is quite different from what is described in the rumors. It seems that the rumors cannot be believed!

After getting to know each other, Ye Tian and Perry introduced the people around them. Everyone got to know each other and shook hands!

After going through these procedures, Perry immediately asked curiously in a low voice:

"Steven, why did you invite us here? What is the purpose? When Anderson called us just now, he didn't explain the reason. He only said that it needs to be kept secret, and it is inconvenient to disclose it for the time being!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"That's right, Mr. Ambassador, this matter is of great importance, and there must be no leaks. Even now, I still can't reveal the mystery, and it still needs to be kept secret.

I believe it will not be long before the answer to this mystery will be solved in front of everyone. By then, the whole of France and even the whole world will be shocked by it, and everyone's eyes will be attracted.

Although it needs to be kept secret for the time being, I can tell you with certainty that what will happen in this building will be beneficial and harmless to you and the United States!

As for the safety here, please rest assured that no accidents will happen here, no one can get a little bit of cheap here, and the police station is right next to it! "

"It seems that we are in the right place this time, and it is possible to witness the occurrence of a major event. I am very much looking forward to the moment when the mystery is solved!"

Perry nodded with a smile and said, the curiosity in his eyes became more intense.

Afterwards, led by Ye Tian and Anderson, the group of diplomatic officials from the US embassy in France walked into the small reception room connected to the living room!

At this time, the outside world has become more and more lively!

Many people who follow Ye Tian have already confirmed that there must be something big happening on Xidi Island today, but no one knows the details, so they can only scratch their heads and suffer, guessing wildly!

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