Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1522 Turned Out

Not long after the American embassy group entered the door, the French TV 2 live broadcast team also arrived at Citi Island. Several OB vehicles drove straight into Channones Avenue and stopped on the street in front of the No. 15 residence.

At this time, even a fool would understand that something shocking would happen here.

Many people have already thought of treasures. That lucky bastard Steven might have found something important, and it might be another priceless treasure.

Countless gazes gathered on Channones Avenue in Citi Island and the ancient building in the early Renaissance style. Every gaze was extremely hot but full of doubts.

Almost everyone wanted to find out what kind of medicine was sold in Ye Tian's gourd, and what was happening in that ancient building.

But unfortunately, no news has come out.

Those who were lucky enough to enter that ancient building did not report any valuable news, and everything was shrouded in thick fog!

The news media with a keen sense of smell all smelled the headlines, and the tide was pouring towards Channones Avenue in Citi Island, everyone was extremely excited, although they were also confused!

When they rushed here non-stop, they found that there were several blockades in front of them, and they couldn't get close to the ancient building that gathered countless sights.

At both ends of Avenue Channones, the Paris police have already pulled up a cordon to strictly check the passing vehicles and pedestrians. Every Paris policeman at the scene is fully armed and watching!

Entering Channones Avenue, when approaching the house of No. 15, you have to face another cordon, which is composed of security personnel from the US embassy in France.

These guys are all in suits and leather shoes, and everyone hides automatic weapons and pistols under their coats, staring at passing vehicles and pedestrians with suspicious eyes, making the air here extremely tense!

Arriving at the gate of No. 15, Channones Avenue, there was another group of heavily armed guys with live ammunition.

The guards at the entrance of this ancient building are naturally Ye Tian's security personnel. Everyone is wearing Kevlar body armor and holding a long gun. They are always on high alert and extremely capable!

The situation on Avenue Channones has already shocked the top police officers in Paris and even the French authorities.

At the same time as a large number of media vehicles flooded in, many Paris police cars also rushed here,

There are many well-equipped special police units among them!

Even the famous GIGN, the French National Gendarmerie Special Service known as the "Sword in front of the Arc de Triomphe", also dispatched two armored vehicles and was rushing towards the Cité Island.

The outside world has become turbulent, and everyone is guessing what Ye Tian is planning to do, but everyone can't figure it out!

At this time, Ye Tian was in the small reception room with a group of people from the American embassy, ​​chatting nonsense, and still did not reveal any valuable information.

“Steven, this home is so beautiful and full of history, it’s a joy to look at!”

The US ambassador to France, Perry, admired the small reception room where he was located, while admiring it endlessly. It is not known whether it is a polite compliment or a genuine compliment.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a chuckle and said:

"This is indeed an ancient building full of historical charm. It was built in the early Renaissance and is a Florentine-style building. It is very rare to preserve it today,..."

Next, Ye Tian introduced this ancient building.

While introducing this building, he revealed the meaning in his words that the ownership of this ancient building belongs to him, including everything above and below ground, which is indisputable!

Just when he was about to finish his introduction, Matisse suddenly walked into the small reception room, came up close and whispered:

"Steven, Antoine and other French lawyers have arrived, and we can start the next step. The helicopter from Le Havre will arrive in another 20 minutes!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stood up from the sofa, pleaded guilty to the group of the American embassy in France, and then walked out of the small reception room with Matisse and came to the living room.

After entering the living room, Ye Tian first greeted Antoine and several other French lawyers.

He told the French lawyer team clearly and unequivocally that they are ready to meet a huge challenge and deal with all kinds of difficulties from the French government and police.

In the next period of time, they will be very busy, and they may even face crazy attacks from all over France, including calling them "legal traitors".

These French lawyers who live by lip service and can bring the dead back to life, not only did not flinch, but each of them was full of fighting spirit, and wished they could join the battle immediately!

In the eyes of these guys, as long as there is money to be made and a decent reward, even the king of heaven, they would dare to take him to court and attack him to pieces!

When assigning tasks and getting vaccinations, Ye Tian remained silent and did not disclose information about Napoleon's treasure.

He only said that he had discovered a treasure in France, and it was very valuable. Once the exploration operation was launched, there would be friction with the French government and the police, so they needed to be involved.

After chatting with Antoine and the others, Ye Tian left the living room and walked into the atrium garden, ready to contact the last group of people, Martinez of the Louvre and the Wenbo team!

Of course there was a reason why I contacted them last.

Because these guys are professionals, and they are the top ones. Some things may be hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, but it is difficult to hide them from these professionals!

The call was connected in an instant, and Martinez's impatient voice came from the phone.

"Steven, what are you doing? What is in that old building on Channones Street? Could it be that you found a priceless treasure there?

The series of actions you have made have caused a sensation in the field of antique art collections, and even the whole of Paris. You can say anything, and my ears are already full of rumors! "

After his words fell, Ye Tian said with a leisurely smile:

"Good morning, Martinez, I think you know that No. 15, Shannones Avenue is my private property. I just bought it not long ago. The property rights are clear and there is no doubt.

Now we are in this ancient building in the early Renaissance style. It is estimated that something big will happen here in a short time, and it will attract countless attention.

Hearing this, you must have guessed the answer. Yes, I did find something in this historical building, but let me keep it a secret for now!

What I can tell you here is that this discovery is related to the history of the French Revolution and is of great significance. Once it is announced to the public, it will definitely cause quite a stir.

We're about to explore, which is why Rue Channonez is so buzzing, but this is Paris, France, not New York, not our home turf.

That's why I called you, hoping that the Louvre can send a professional museum team to participate in the exploration and supervise, so as to avoid many unnecessary troubles!

If you don't want to be a part of this exploration, that's okay, I can contact the Museum of Modern Art and the Musée d'Orsay to see if they are interested! "

An exploration that is sure to cause a huge sensation! Only a fool would miss such a godsend opportunity!

Without the slightest hesitation, Martinez gave the answer firmly.

"Steven, our Louvre is the first of the four major museums in the world and the first of all museums in France. It has strong strength and a long history. Who else can we do this kind of exploration?

Our Louvre participated in this exploration operation. You don’t need to contact other museums. There is no need for that. Is there any museum in France that can compare with our Louvre?

Specifically need professional cultural and bloggers in those fields? You tell me, I will immediately organize a professional cultural and cultural team, and we will be able to reach the West Island in half an hour at most! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately burst into a smile, which was extremely bright!

Everything is ready, and the next step is to reveal Napoleon's treasure!

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