Just as Ye Tian expected, the birth of Napoleon's treasure caused a huge sensation in the world, and countless eyes were focused on Ye Tian, ​​paying attention to the secret room deep underground!

Especially in European countries, it has caused huge waves.

Just when Ye Tian was talking to the camera lens and declaring his ownership of Napoleon's treasure, the French government authorities and the police had already responded first.

From the French Presidential Palace and the office building where the Ministry of Culture is located, several cars drove out one after another, speeding all the way at a high speed, and headed straight for the Avenue of Channones on the Cité Island!

The Chief of the Police Department of Citi Island, who was close to Ye Tian and the others, soon received a call from his immediate superior, the Chief of the Paris Police Department.

"Just received a call from the President's Office to block the entire Cité Island, organize tourists and pedestrians to enter the island, and focus on preventing protesters from entering Cité Island.

According to news from Sorbonne University and Second University, some people have called for protests and demonstrations on social media, and the target is directed at that bastard Steven! "

"Understood, boss, we will immediately seal off the island of Cité, and absolutely will not allow the protesters to enter the island!"

The chief of the Xidi Island Police Department responded with a rather dignified expression and a bit of bitterness.

Immediately afterwards, the police chief said wisely:

"Boss, the building where Napoleon's treasure is located is next door to us, and there are only two houses in the middle. If we send some guys to take over that building, it's over. Why bother!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the roar of the chief of the Paris police came from his ears.

"Stupid! Stop it, this is the dumbest piece of advice I've ever heard, if you don't want to retire early or go to jail, just be honest, don't play tricks!

Here I want to emphasize one point, without the order from the highest level, you must not force your way into that historic building and clash with Steven and those damned bastards.

The American ambassador is in that building. If you forcefully storm it, it is likely to cause a major diplomatic incident. By then, all of us will be unlucky and even pack our bags and go home.

Steven's bastard is too well prepared. Besides the American ambassador, there are many senior lawyers there, and none of them are good. Those guys will definitely eat us alive!


There are also news media from all over the world, and it is being broadcast live. We can't find any excuses at all, and we can't deceive the eyes of those news media.

With Steven's bastard's usual style, he must be fully prepared. Even if we launch an attack, we may not be able to take advantage of it, and we may have to pay huge casualties!

That building is his private property, and the whole world knows it. It is basically impossible for us to enter it smoothly, and we can't handle it just by those lawyers.

If we attack rashly, Steven's bastards will definitely fight back on the grounds of self-defense and the protection of the sanctity of private property, without any hesitation.

Due to the many entanglements, even if we pay a huge price, we may not be able to win the historical building and Napoleon's treasure, and it will also incur bloody revenge from that bastard Steven!

Now everyone knows that Steven is a vengeful bastard who kills people without counting. If he is allowed to escape from Citi Island successfully, it will definitely become a nightmare for everyone! "

Hearing the words of his immediate superior, the chief of the Xidi Island Police Station couldn't help shivering, and a piercing chill went from his heels to his forehead, which instantly woke him up.

yes! Whoever has nothing to do and eats enough to provoke that murderous bastard Steven, isn't that a clear end to death, buddy hasn't lived enough yet!

In an instant, the chief of the Xidi Island Police Department threw all unrealistic thoughts to the sky, and dared not mention them again!

Meanwhile, the rest of Europe reacted.

Especially those countries that were once ravaged by Napoleon's army and plundered and occupied, successively issued statements on the news media and the Internet.

They unanimously asked Ye Tian to publicly display all the antique works of art in Napoleon's treasure, and to claim in advance those treasures that once belonged to their country, including Austria!

At the same time as the public statement was made, the ambassadors and cultural counselors of various countries in France also drove to the Ile de la Cité.

Their respective domestic cultural departments and cultural relics protection departments have also been operating at high speed. Some people are preparing to fly directly to Paris, and some people are staying in the country for logistical support!

As for the Internet and various social media, there has been a lot of quarrels, everyone holds different positions, arguing with each other, even attacking and swearing at each other!

All of a sudden, the entire continent of Europe has been surging and has become very lively!

The instigator of all this was Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes from all over the world were also focused on him.

At this moment, he had already prepared various arrangements, and was about to leave the living room and go to the basement to explore the secret passage leading directly to the deep underground.

At this moment, Martinez suddenly said eagerly:

"Steven, regardless of the ownership of Napoleon's treasure, what you said just now does have some truth, and I know that I have no chance of convincing you.

I want to participate in your next exploration, enter the secret room deep underground through the secret passage, and witness those top-level antique artworks that have disappeared for more than two hundred years.

As a professional in the field of antique art collection, I don't want to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I hope you can grant my request! "

Ye Tian turned his head and took a deep look at this old friend. After pretending to think for a while, he nodded and said:

"No problem, Martinez, you can participate in our exploration operations, but you must obey our command, only then can we ensure your safety.

In the field of antique art collection, you are the top professional, and it is good to have you follow us, just in time to supervise our exploration operations, so as to relieve some people's doubts! "

Hearing this, Martinez immediately nodded excitedly, and the old face burst into a smile like a flower in an instant, and all the creases and creases disappeared miraculously.

"No problem, Steven, I will obey the command, and I will never cause trouble for you or interfere with the progress of the exploration operation!"

"That's good, let's go, the relevant equipment is in the basement, wear it after you get to the basement, and then you can enter the secret passage!"

After speaking, Ye Tian took the lead to walk towards the stairs, preparing to go to the basement.

Matisse and the others followed closely behind, followed by the excited Martinez.

The other people in the living room and the media reporters originally wanted to follow, but they were stopped by Anderson and two security personnel as soon as they started.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the space in the basement is limited, it can't accommodate too many people, and there are certain dangers, everyone should stay in this living room, it's safer here!

When Steven and the others start to explore, everything in front of them will appear in front of everyone through the projection equipment, which will definitely bring you an immersive feeling! "

Anderson said loudly with a smile, but his tone was very firm, beyond doubt.

Hearing his words, those guys who were about to move had no choice but to stop, looked at the other side of the stairs, and then retreated to their original positions.

Ye Tian and the others had disappeared from the stairs, and two armed security personnel walked to the stairs immediately, guarding there like two door gods!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others had already entered the basement.

As soon as he entered here, the old guy Martinez rushed to the big hole that was dug excitedly, wanting to see the situation in the secret passage for the first time.

But it's a pity, when he left here before, Ye Tian had closed the iron gate again, and pressed two granite strips on the iron gate again, the cover was so solid that he couldn't see anything!

"Hi! This is too cautious, Steven, you are in the living room above, is it necessary to seal the entrance to the secret passage again?"

Martinez said unhappily, with a bit of regret in his eyes, but also full of expectation.

"This treasure is too important, you can't be too careful, Martinez, come and put on your equipment, anyway, you can't move those two granite slabs!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, with a bit of complacency in his tone.

"That is, except for monsters like you, who can move these granite stones weighing several hundred kilograms, and they are not made of plastic!"

Martinez joked, turned around and walked towards Ye Tian.

In less than ten minutes, everyone was fully dressed and ready to start this exploration operation.

Before turning on the high-definition camera worn on his body, Ye Tian deliberately walked up to Mathis, and whispered to him:

"Matisse, after we enter the secret passage, you will be responsible for the security of this basement, the living room above, and all the security personnel outside.

As I said before, everyone's safety always comes first, and other things are secondary, including Napoleon's treasure in the underground chamber.

We can handle this secret passage and the traps in the secret room without any problems, as long as you keep Betty and the others safe.

No one is allowed to enter this secret passage and secret room. If something happens, let those French lawyers come forward to deal with it, and if it doesn't work, let Perry and the others come forward! "

"Understood, Steven, you can rest assured to explore the treasure, we will defend here, protect Betty and the others, and no one can take advantage of it here!"

Mattis responded in a low voice, but his tone was firm and confident.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then turned around and walked towards the entrance of the secret passage.

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