"Bang, bang"

With two loud bangs in succession, the two granite slabs each weighing several hundred kilograms were lifted by Ye Tian one after another, revealing the rusty iron gate below.


Seeing this scene, Martinez, who was standing behind, took a sharp breath and almost choked himself.

Although he had seen the same scene on the video before, but seeing it with his own eyes now, he really understood how terrifying Ye Tian's power is, and he was immediately stunned!

Not only him, everyone in the living room above and everyone on the live broadcast end were almost dumbfounded by Ye Tian's performance.

Is this thing really human? It is simply a prehistoric monster, it is too terrifying!

Before people came back to their senses, Ye Tian had already stretched out his hand to pull up the rusty iron door and turned it aside.

The dark and secret passage under the iron gate leading directly to the depths of the ground immediately appeared in front of everyone and on the live screen.

"Wow! This is the entrance to Napoleon's treasure!"

Martinez exclaimed, and immediately walked over quickly, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the secret passage, not willing to look away for a moment.

The same was true of countless live broadcast terminals, and there was a sound of exclamation, and everyone's eyes were tightly attracted by the dark secret passage.

Ye Tian turned to look at Martinez, then smiled and said:

"That's right, Martinez, this is the entrance to Napoleon's treasure. Follow this secret passage down to the secret room deep underground, where you can see those priceless top antique artworks."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go in."

Martinez said excitedly, can't wait.

"Don't worry, there are still some things to arrange before entering this secret passage, and some precautions must be reiterated before we can start exploring!"

"Okay, we're all ears!"

"Matisse, you and Jack guard this basement, guard this treasure entrance,

Before we come out, absolutely no one else is allowed to enter here!

Walker, Miller, and Martinez, the three of you will follow me into the secret passage to explore Napoleon's treasure, and you must follow my instructions during the operation.

Walker and I walked in front, Miller and Martinez in the back, no more than two meters in between, take care of each other, I hope everyone can return safely"

"Got it, Steven"

Everyone responded in unison, all full of confidence.

"Okay, let's start. I will open the way with a shield in front, Walker will follow behind me, and provide lighting with searchlights. Miller, you will arrange the lighting equipment.

During the action, everyone must pay attention to the steps under your feet, the walls on both sides and the dome above. God knows if there are deadly traps in these places! "

As he said that, Ye Tian reached out to pick up a police shield that was placed beside him, and stood it in front of him.

This is a heavy-duty police shield. It is about 1.5 meters high and 80 centimeters wide. It is made of alloy, which is quite heavy and has very good protection.

It can withstand the attacks of rifle bullets and strong bows and crossbows, providing the best protection performance. There is a bulletproof glass observation window on it, which can provide the shield holder with a good vision and judge the situation ahead!

Moreover, there is a searchlight tied to the front of this police shield for lighting. This was specially modified by Ye Tian and the others to facilitate the exploration operation.

The police shield was provided by Raytheon Security Company, and the words Raytheon Security were printed on it. The Paris police had no excuses even if they wanted to find fault!

In addition, Ye Tian was also wearing a Kevlar body armor, a G36C short assault rifle and a lot of ammunition in his backpack, and two M9 pistols in his armpit holsters, enough to deal with any emergencies!

Of course, he also carried a lot of equipment necessary for exploration operations, as well as several high-definition cameras.

The same goes for Walker and Miller in the back, both fully armed, carrying a lot of equipment and high-definition cameras.

Even Martinez wore a Kevlar body armor over his white overalls to protect the director of the Louvre Museum.

At the same time Ye Tian picked up the shield, Walker and the others also picked up their things, ready to enter the secret passage to explore Napoleon's treasure.

In Walker's hand is a searchlight with a strong light cable. The coiled cable is more than 30 meters long. One end of the cable is connected to the residential power supply on the ground, which can provide continuous lighting.

Miller is holding a roll of power cords in his right hand and a toolbox full of energy-saving lamps in his left hand. His main job is to arrange the power cords to completely illuminate this underground secret room that has been closed for more than two hundred years.

Martinez has nothing else but a bright flashlight and a coil of climbing rope around his waist, but he can still do some auxiliary work.

Ye Tian looked back at these three people, nodded slightly to them, then turned on the searchlight and stepped out, stepping on the first step of this secret passage.

After being closed for more than 200 years, this secret tunnel finally welcomes the first batch of visitors, and Napoleon's treasure is about to be seen again!

Seeing this scene through the live broadcast, everyone's hearts can't help but hang high, both excited and nervous!

It was very calm, nothing happened, there were no sudden bullets and crossbow arrows, and the ground did not suddenly crack open, revealing a bottomless trap!

Ye Tian stood firmly on the first step of the secret passage with both feet, holding a heavy police shield, and looked at the situation below through the bulletproof observation window.

The searchlight tied in front of the police shield cast a beam of strong light, clearly illuminating the steps below and the situation deeper in the dark passage, and the dust floating in the dark passage was clearly visible.

Ye Tian knows better than anyone whether the steps in front of him are dangerous and whether there are traps, but in order not to show his feet, he still has to perform seriously.

He was not in a hurry to step up to the second step and continue to go deep into the secret passage, but first observed the top of the secret passage, and then used the heavy police shield in his hand to start probing, so it was realistic.

"bang bang"

Ye Tian hit the left and right walls with the heavy police shield in his hand, and then quickly used the shield to protect his body.

There was no reaction on the left and right walls, only two marks were smashed.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian lowered the police shield and smashed it on the second step of the secret passage.

There is still no response, neither mechanism nor trap.

The next moment, Ye Tian took a step forward and stepped firmly on the second step.

Next, he repeated the same trick, first observing the top of the secret passage, and then using the heavy police shield in his hand to test the walls on both sides and the steps below, appearing very cautious and meticulous!

After going down three or four steps, he had another task.

Check out the rusty bronze candelabrums from the early nineteenth century and the alcoves in which they were installed, and see what secrets lie behind them!

The result was pretty good. The bronze candlestick was installed so firmly that it couldn't be twisted at all. Obviously it wasn't a switch to control the trap!

The alcoves where the candlesticks are placed are all carved out of granite, so there is no mystery.

At the same time, Walker and the others also entered this secret passage, and the inside of the secret passage suddenly became brighter, as if it were daytime!

Matisse and Jack, who stayed in the basement, were guarding the stairs and the entrance of the secret passage. They were all armed with short assault rifles and were always on high alert.

The people in the living room upstairs, as well as the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, were all staring at the live broadcast screen intently, with expressions of excitement, nervousness, and anticipation!

A few minutes passed quickly, and Ye Tian and the others walked down more than 20 steps. Judging from the direction, they should have come directly below the atrium garden.

Nothing happened. Apart from the breathing and footsteps of a few of them, there was no other sound in the secret passage, and it was still very peaceful.

Going down seven or eight steps, you will reach the end, and the curved curve below is clearly visible. After bypassing the curved curve, you will find the dangerous corridor, and you will face the two seven-pound guns!

"bang bang"

A few muffled sounds came from the secret passage again, as if they were beating on everyone's heart, making everyone's heart feel tight, and they became tense unconsciously.

Ye Tian stepped out again and went down another step.

As soon as his feet stood firmly on the steps, he immediately said in a deep voice:

"Attention everyone, slow down and be vigilant, we are about to go down to the bottom, the moment we step on the bottom of the secret passage, the real test will come!"

"Understood, Steven, but rest assured, we know what to do"

Walker and Miller responded in unison, and Martinez gritted his teeth in response.

Hearing their conversation, the atmosphere in the living room and countless live broadcast terminals suddenly became more tense.

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