This is the last step, and below is the bottom of the secret passage. Ye Tian stopped on this step and stopped going down.

Walker, Miller and Martinez in the back also stopped, standing on several different steps.

Under the illumination of the searchlights, the bottom of the tunnel at this moment is extremely bright, thick dust on the ground, dark green moss, and traces of small animals such as mice crawling over, all clearly visible!

Like the basement above and other parts of the dark passage, the bottom of the dark passage is also paved with granite, but the size is not so big, and the weight is much lighter.

In addition, the space here is also much larger.

The corridor is about three meters long, 2.67 meters high, and 2.5 meters wide. It is a corridor hidden deep underground.

On the walls on both sides of this corridor, there are three neoclassical-style bronze candlesticks installed, a total of six, all from the early nineteenth century, which can be considered as some valuable antique works of art.

There is a niche at the end of the corridor where it connects with the curved bend, and there is a statue of the Virgin inside, which is also a neoclassical sculpture and has a certain artistic value!

After standing still on the last step, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation at the bottom of the dark passage with the help of the searchlight, and then said in a deep voice:

"Everyone put on goggles and masks. This place has been closed for more than 200 years. Although the air is not bad, it is not much different from the outside world, but there is inevitably some mold.

After we go down to the bottom of the tunnel, we will definitely bring up some accumulated dust, so we ask everyone to wear goggles and masks, this is for safety reasons"

After speaking, he leaned the police shield in his hand against the wall next to him, then took out the goggles and special mask from his backpack and put them on.

"Okay, Steven"

Walker and Martinez in the back responded, followed suit, and quickly put on goggles and special masks!

Afterwards, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield and blocked it in front of him, ready to continue exploring.

As before, he first observed the top of the corridor to confirm that there were no traps on it, then picked up the police shield and hit the walls and the ground on both sides respectively.

"bang bang bang"

The dull crash sounded again,

Echoing in this secret passage and the secret room ahead.

There was a cloud of dust on the ground, but there was no other change.

Obviously, there is no mechanism trap here. The ground and the walls on both sides are made of hard granite, which has not been artificially hollowed out to make mechanism traps.

After pausing for about four or five seconds, Ye Tian stepped out, stepped onto the ground at the bottom of the tunnel, and stood firm on the granite floor.

Next, he repeated the old trick, using the heavy police shield to keep hitting the ground in front of him and the walls on both sides, groping forward bit by bit. Although the speed was very slow, it was very safe.

Walker, Miller, and Martinez went down to the bottom of the secret passage one after another, following Ye Tian's footsteps, and explored step by step.

While exploring and moving forward, Miller is also constantly wiring and installing lighting equipment. As each light bulb lights up, the corridor becomes brighter and brighter.

This corridor is very short, only about three meters.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian and the others had come to the end of the corridor, which was the starting position of the curved curve.

When he came here, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and stopped moving forward.

He knew very well what he was going to face next after bypassing the curved curve ahead.

Turn around the end of the corridor, and there are two seven-pound guns waiting for everyone.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the environment, then smiled and said:

"Martinez, take a look at this statue of the Madonna in the alcove, see whose work it is, and take this opportunity to rest for a while, recover your strength, and calm down your emotions.

Miller, Walker, you can release the drones to investigate the situation behind this curved curve. From now on, we will deal with traps! "

"Okay, Steven, let me admire this statue of the Virgin Mary and see that it is the masterpiece of that sculptor!"

Martinez responded, then stepped forward and stood side by side with Ye Tian, ​​and began to admire the statue of the Virgin placed in the alcove at the end of the corridor.

At this time, he and Ye Tian were standing about 1.78 meters away from the alcove. With the help of the searchlight, they could clearly see the statue of the Virgin Mary.

At the same time, Walker has opened his backpack, released the beetle drone, and began to detect the situation behind the curved curve.

As before, the beetle drone did not appear on the live broadcast screen, and what appeared on the live broadcast screen at this time was the statue of the Virgin in front of Ye Tian and Martinez.

"This statue of the Madonna is elegant and dignified, exudes a noble temperament, and is carved in bas-relief, judging from these points, it must be a neoclassical sculpture.

From the late eighteenth century to the late nineteenth century, this hundred years was the era when neoclassical sculpture was popular, and the most outstanding sculptor was Antonio Canova in Italy.

Judging from the surface texture and muscular luster of this Madonna, it should not be the sculpture of Canova. Except for Canova, I am not very familiar with other neoclassical sculptors! "

Martinez commented on the statue of the Virgin in front of him, but did not give a clear answer.

"That's right, Martinez, this is indeed a neoclassical sculpture with certain artistic value and market value, it is not the masterpiece of neoclassical sculpture master Canova.

If I'm not mistaken, this should be the work of another famous neoclassical sculptor Mons at the same time. If you look carefully at the position of the skirt of the Madonna, there seems to be the author's signature there."

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to the position of the skirt in the lower right corner of the Madonna statue.

Martinez immediately looked there with an excited expression.

"Sure enough, there is a mark there, which looks like a capital M. It seems to be Mons's personal signature. Unfortunately, it is covered with dust. Let's go over and take a closer look!"

With that said, Martinez was about to step forward, wipe off the dust and see what happened!

Just when he was about to start, Ye Tian grabbed him.

"Don't be impatient, Martinez, according to our previous investigation results, we have now entered a dangerous area. For everyone's safety, it is best not to touch anything here easily.

After eliminating various traps and ensuring safety, it is not too late for us to appreciate the neoclassical sculpture. The statue of the Madonna will not grow wings to fly again. There is plenty of time! "

Hearing this, Martinez immediately took back the steps he was about to take, nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, Steven, let's go and admire the sculpture later"

After admiring the sculpture for a while, Ye Tian walked up to Walker, and while looking at the screen sent back by the beetle drone, he asked:

"Walker, did you find anything?"

"You're right, Steven, the corridor behind the curved curve is indeed dangerous, full of murderous intentions, and it is almost impossible to pass safely.

The two seven-pound guns at the end of the tunnel pointed directly at this side, posing a huge threat. Fortunately, after a long period of erosion, the two guns were already rusted and completely scrapped!

The muzzles and barrels of the two cannons were covered with rust and moss, and the same was true inside the barrels. The anti-rust grease wiped more than 200 years ago had already evaporated completely.

The seven-pound shells inside the barrel were also covered with rust, and even stuck to the barrel, regardless of each other. I didn't see the condition of the gunpowder, but it must have been damp.

On the wall behind the two guns, and on the walls on either side of the passage, we found a number of firing holes through which we could see the muzzles and sharp arrows.

Obviously, a large number of tunnel-fired muskets and crossbow bolts are arranged behind those shooting holes. Once they are fired at the same time, they can completely cover the entire corridor, and people who enter it have no way of escaping.

I'm looking for the control mechanism for the tunnel-fired muskets and crossbow bolts to see if the threat can be relieved from here. According to common sense, there should be a control mechanism in the first half of the secret passage, maybe it's by our side.

Of course, there is also this possibility. The control mechanisms for the muskets and crossbow bolts are in the secret room, and a special method must be used to pass through this passage. If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

We haven't had time to investigate below the ground, but don't even think about it, the ground of this passage must be dangerous, and the trigger mechanism of the two cannons, muskets and crossbow bolts must be on the floor! "

Hearing Walker's introduction, Martinez couldn't help but shudder, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, I didn't touch the statue of the Virgin just now, otherwise I might have died under the random arrows, and was shot into a hedgehog by those crossbow arrows!

Not only him, but many people in the living room above and on the live broadcast end gasped, secretly terrified!

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then said to Walker:

"You continue to investigate and try to find the control system of those mechanism traps as soon as possible. Let me take a look at the situation here, maybe I can find the control mechanism here!"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at the wall next to him, and began to investigate little by little.

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