It only took a moment for Ye Tian to introduce the general situation of these traps that have been discovered. Everyone's eyelids twitched, and everyone's back felt cold.

Betty and the others were even more worried, fearing that something might happen to Ye Tian and the others.

Of course, it's no big deal for more people to watch the excitement, and they are all waiting to watch a good show, and there are some guys who are malicious and gloat.

While speaking, the beetle drone made new discoveries.

"Steven, the trigger mechanisms for these Charleville muskets and crossbows are all on the floor of the corridor, but how these mechanism traps are triggered is still unknown for the time being."

Walker reported the latest situation with a slightly worried tone.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, as long as the trigger mechanism of those Charleville muskets and crossbow bolts is on the floor of the corridor, it will be easy to handle. No matter how clever the mechanism trap is, it will inevitably leave traces.

Not to mention the mechanism trap set up more than 200 years ago, and so many antique works of art, and two artillery pieces, it is impossible not to leave traces on the floor.

As long as we observe carefully and explore bit by bit patiently, I believe it is not difficult to find a way to pass through the tunnel safely. No matter what traps or traps, don't try to fool my eyes! "

"Okay, Steven"

Walker and Miller responded in unison, both full of confidence.

In their view, nothing in this world can trouble Ye Tian, ​​and the traps in front of them are no exception.

Martinez next to him was different. He was somewhat worried. The traps in the corridor in front of him were so ruthless that it was creepy to watch!

As soon as the conversation here ended, Anderson's voice suddenly came from the earphone.

"Steven, there are people from the Austrian embassy in France. They are ambassadors and cultural counselors. Those guys are here for the crown of the Holy Roman Empire. They are not good people!

They were stopped by the Paris police at the intersection of Avenue Channones and failed to enter this street. They brought a message through the police and wanted to talk to you directly.

In addition to the diplomatic staff of the Austrian embassy,

The embassies of Spain, Belgium, Italy and other countries in France have also sent people over, but they haven't spoken yet, and they are all waiting and watching.

In the era when Napoleon ravaged Europe, these countries were all conquered by Napoleon and became dependent countries of the First French Empire, and they were all plundered frantically!

It goes without saying that these guys are all here for the top antique artworks in Napoleon's treasure. Once those antique artworks reappear in the world, they should make a move!

In addition, some people at the Sorbonne University and Paris II University have launched protests and demonstrations against you on social media, and the parade is coming to the Cité.

According to the information collected by Kenny, four to five hundred people gathered in a mighty parade. Fortunately, the police have sealed off Citi Island, and those guys will not be able to enter for a while! "

Hearing Anderson's words, Ye Tian immediately showed a contemptuous smile.

He turned off the microphone used for the live broadcast casually, took another two steps back, and then whispered with a sneer:

"Anderson, let those diplomats stay cool, I don't have time to deal with them, want the top antique art in Napoleon's treasure? They really want to go blind!

Those treasures belong to my buddies’ private property, so don’t covet them, not even God, there is only one way to get those top antique works of art, exchange them with real money!

You can tell the Austrians bluntly that it is not impossible to want the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, and you are ready to trade with me for real money, and you want to be a white wolf with empty hands? It was pure dreaming!

As for those protestors who are full and have nothing to do, don't pay attention to them for the time being. If the Paris police higher-ups have a little brains, they will not let those guys enter the Cité! "

"Understood, Steven, I just replied to the Austrians in this way. It is conceivable that after hearing this reply, their expressions must be very exciting!"

Anderson chuckled and responded in a low voice, he is also a guy who is afraid of chaos in the world.

Afterwards, Ye Tian turned on the live broadcast microphone again, and returned to Walker and the others.

The performance is almost done, it's time to get down to business, if it is delayed any longer, something unexpected might happen.

The diplomats from European embassies in France are easy to deal with. If you ignore them, you will be finished. The real trouble is those college student protesters who are overly passionate and claim to be righteous.

If they were allowed to rush through the police cordon, or if the Parisian police chiefs suddenly had a brain twitch and put them in the Cité, in the Rue de Channones, they would be in big trouble!

At that time, the security personnel standing outside will have to confront those guys head-on, and fierce conflicts may even break out, which will give the Paris police a reason to intervene!

Ye Tian picked up the heavy shield standing against the wall again, looked at the video screen sent back by the beetle drone, and then said with a smile:

"Walker, Miller, Martinez, the three of you stay here, I am going to go through the dangerous corridor alone, enter the secret room at the end of the corridor, and release all the traps!

After I clear all the traps in the corridor and the secret room and make sure it is completely safe, you can pass through the corridor and enter the secret room where the top antique works of art are placed."

Hearing his words, no matter Walker, the people in the living room above, or the live broadcast end, everyone was taken aback. They all stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief!

Is Steven this guy bold or crazy? On the premise of not thoroughly ascertaining the situation, he actually planned to walk through the tunnel that can be called the road of death alone, is he dead?

After being stunned for a few seconds, Walker and the others quickly woke up.

"Is this too risky? Steven, as you said just now, it's enough to explore little by little. Why be so anxious, anyway, those babies in the underground secret room can't grow wings and fly!"

Martinez asked in surprise, obviously not understanding Ye Tian's approach.

"Although don't worry, Martinez, since I plan to go through that corridor alone, I can be sure that I'm not an idiot, and I will never put myself in a desperate situation!

Don't forget, I am a top professional treasure hunter, and I am confident that no one is stronger than me. If I can't even deal with these traps, I will still have the nerve to hang out in this industry."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his words and expressions were full of confidence.

"That's right, you are the most powerful professional treasure hunter I have ever seen, you can always create incredible miracles, and dealing with various traps is your specialty.

More importantly, your luck is so good that God seems to be with you forever. Although these traps seem very dangerous, you must be helpless! "

Martinez nodded in agreement, his eyes were full of envy, but the worry in his eyes was much less.

This is especially true for Miller and Walker next to them. They simply don't believe that these traps set up two hundred years ago can do anything to Ye Tian.

The reason why they were stunned just now was just a normal reaction.

Next, Ye Tian gave Walker and the others a few more words, and then stepped out with a heavy police shield, walking towards the curved curve ahead.

The eyes of Walker and the others in the secret passage, the people in the living room above, and everyone on the live broadcast end were all on Ye Tian.

Everyone's eyes are moving with his back, and the eyes are different, or worried, or full of expectation, or full of malice, gloating, different!

"Honey, you have to be more careful, safety first, I'm waiting for your triumphant return!"

Betty's voice came from the earphones, obviously worried.

Ye Tian didn't respond aloud, he just raised his right hand and made an 'OK' gesture in the air, reassuring Betty and others.

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