In two or three steps, Ye Tian came to the front of the alcove where the sculpture of the Madonna was placed, which is the starting position of the curved curve.

It looked very peaceful here, without any danger, everything was the same as the first half of the tunnel we walked through, the ground was covered with dust, and there were only traces left by small animals such as mice.

But in Ye Tian's eyes, there is another world here.

Under the floors just one meter away, there are several rusty mechanisms. Once someone steps on those granite floors, those organs will be activated immediately.

They did not trigger the two seven-pound guns at the end of the passage, nor did they trigger the Charleville muskets and crossbow bolts to launch a fierce attack and tear anyone who ventured into the passage.

To say that they are organs, it is better to say that they are a set of early warning devices.

The main function of these organs is to wake up the vicious and vicious traps in the tunnel, and let those traps enter the attack state.

This is like shooting a gun. Before, the shooter's index finger had been resting next to the trigger. After receiving the warning, the index finger was immediately resting on the trigger, and the fire could be fired with a light pull!

Of course, even if the intruder didn't touch these granite floors, after entering the corridor in front of him, if he made a mistake, he would still be doomed, but the attack was launched a little slower!

After standing still in front of the alcove, Ye Tian pretended to observe the ground and wall in front of him very carefully, and then picked up the heavy police shield and stepped forward, entering the curved curve!

Following his movements, everyone's hearts instantly rose to their throats, and everyone dared not even breathe out, staring closely at the live broadcast and his every move.

Ye Tian raised his right foot and landed on a light gray granite floor in the middle of the corridor, followed by his left foot and stood firmly.

There was no sound of machine guns turning, the two seven-pound guns at the end of the corridor were still silent, and there was no violent bullet rain from Charleville muskets, and those rusty steel crossbow bolts were still hidden behind the firing holes.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their tense nerves relaxed a little bit, but their hearts were still hanging high in their throats, and they didn't dare to put them back in their stomachs yet.

After gaining a firm foothold on the diamond-shaped granite floor, Ye Tian pretended to observe again,

Then he stepped out cautiously, stepping on another diamond-shaped granite floor.

Like the previous granite floor, this diamond-shaped granite floor is also light gray, and the color is slightly lighter than the adjacent floors, but it is also limited!

If someone looks closely, it may be possible to find that the wear marks on this granite floor are slightly more accentuated than those of several adjacent granite floors.

Moreover, Ye Tian adjusted his direction this time, instead of going straight forward, he turned to the front right. This granite floor is located closer to the wall on the right!

The footsteps fell, nothing happened, the corridor was still very calm, and luck once again fell on Ye Tian's head!

People couldn't help but let out a long breath again, and their emotions relaxed a little.

Of course, there were also whispers of cursing and complaining.

Why haven't those damn traps been activated, just shoot that bastard Steven into a hedgehog, tear him into pieces, and send him to the depths of hell!

Among those who complained and cursed were Cook in Los Angeles, the Clement family in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, and many enemies who had hatred against Ye Tian and hated him for immortality!

Those diplomats from various European countries at the two ends of Channones Avenue, as well as many people in their respective countries, probably thought so too!

As long as Steven, the extremely greedy guy, dies, the hope of getting back those top antique artworks will definitely increase, otherwise there will be no chance!

But it is a pity that their wish is doomed to fail, they can only watch Ye Tian loot Napoleon's treasure, and sweep away all the top antique artworks in the treasure!

In this way, step by step, groping forward bit by bit, Ye Tian finally passed the curved bend and came to the last section of the passage leading to the underground secret room, which is also the most dangerous section of the passage.

From the eyes of everyone in the living room and the live broadcast end, Ye Tian was very cautious when passing the curved curve, which must have consumed a lot of mental and physical energy, and there was a lot of luck in it.

Like every treasure hunt in the past, God stood by Steven's bastard again and took care of that bastard all the time, so he was safe and sound.

For Ye Tian himself, this journey was extremely easy, like strolling in a garden, not like what he showed at all, it was just a performance!

While Ye Tian was groping forward, Walker and the others also moved forward a little.

The three of them came to the alcove where the statue of the Madonna was placed, and used searchlights to shine on the dangerous corridor ahead to provide Ye Tian with better lighting conditions.

The high-definition cameras worn on them also captured Ye Tian's every move, and spread it out for everyone to see.

Ye Tian stopped again, and began to look at the ancient tunnel in front of him, which was only about six meters long, but full of murderous secrets.

The first thing he saw was naturally the two seven-pound guns at the end of the corridor.

The muzzles of the two cannons are facing here. Although they have been rusted and scrapped long ago, they still give people a heavy sense of oppression!

In fact, the symbolic significance of placing the two cannons here is far greater than the actual significance. They are more of a deterrent to intruders and deter intruders!

Napoleon was a master at playing artillery. Perhaps it was because of his obsession and instructions that the craftsmen who designed and manufactured these traps placed two artillery pieces here!

Regardless of the fact that the two seven-pound guns are already rusted, they are very exquisitely and elegantly crafted, more like two pieces of handicraft than two deadly weapons.

Looking back, I just need to clean up the rust marks on the two cannons, and then ask experts to restore them. Those are also two very good antique weapons, worth collecting!

After glancing at the cannon twice, Ye Tian continued to look forward, and then looked at the wall behind the cannon.

With the help of the powerful beam of light projected from the searchlight, he clearly saw the densely packed shooting holes on that wall. Everyone knows what is hidden behind those shooting holes!

Immediately afterwards, his gaze turned to the right wall again.

This wall is also full of shooting holes, densely packed, it looks like a huge beehive, making one's scalp tingle!

The same is true of the left wall, which is also full of shooting holes, as if a storm of bullets and crossbow bolts may be fired at any time.

Finally, Ye Tiancai looked at the ground of this corridor.

Through the images from the beetle drone and the high-definition camera Ye Tian wore, everyone can see the situation on the ground.

But in everyone's eyes, this section of ground is ordinary, no different from the first half of the secret passage that Ye Tian walked through before, and there is no trace of the existence of traps at all!

Only Ye Tian understood what was hidden under these granite floors, and how terrifying it was!

Pretending to observe carefully, Ye Tian then raised a heavy police shield to protect his whole body, stepped out with a dignified expression, and stepped into this corridor!

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