Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1532 Successfully Cleared

Just stepped on the floor in front of him with his right foot, but Ye Tian quickly retracted it as if he was electrocuted, took a step back, and exited the corridor directly.

The foothold of his right foot, which he retracted and stepped back quickly, was just a piece of granite floor that he had stepped on before. There were no mechanism traps there, and it was very safe.

At the same time, his figure suddenly fell down, using the heavy shield in his hand to completely cover himself, without exposing any part of his body!

Looking at the diamond-shaped granite floor in the corridor ahead, it suddenly flipped over while Ye Tian retracted his feet, revealing a dark hole with an unknown depth, which looked quite scary.

In the next instant, the situation changed again.


Three slender black shadows shot out from the hole in a zigzag shape like lightning, and with a strong wind, they rushed straight to the dome of the corridor.

"Bang bang bang"

Accompanied by a huge impact sound, sparks suddenly flashed in the corridor, which was extremely dazzling!

The three slender black shadows slammed into the dome of the tunnel, and then fell down again, hitting the granite floor of the tunnel, clanging loudly.

It wasn't until this time that people were able to see clearly that they were three stainless steel javelins about 1.5 meters long and 4 to 5 centimeters in diameter, all black and rusty.

Under the violent impact, the sharp heads of the three javelins were bent, and almost all the rust on the javelins was shaken off, revealing the black body of the javelins, shining coldly!

Looking at the dome of the corridor made of granite, three large pits were directly knocked out by the three violent stainless steel javelins, and stone chips kept falling from the sky, which is frightening to watch!

From the three big pits on the dome of the corridor, we can see how terrifying the lethality of the three fine steel javelins is, and how terrifying this trap is.

If someone unfortunately steps on that granite floor and one leg sinks into the black hole under the floor, what he will face next will be death or death!

Under the attack of three fine steel javelins, the human body is not much tougher than a piece of paper, and it will be pierced by the javelins in an instant, without any suspense!


In the dark passage, in the living room above, and countless live broadcast terminals,

At the same time, there was a piercing scream, and almost every sound was full of fear!

"Oh my god! That granite floor turned out to be a flap, with three stainless steel javelins installed underneath. It's too cruel. Who can escape such a trap? It's that guy Steven!"

"It's crazy! Fortunately, the person who entered that corridor and stepped on that granite floor was Steven, and that guy's reaction was so fast, like lightning!

If it were me, or someone else, I would have been directly pierced by the three fine steel javelins long ago, and I couldn’t die any more. I will report to heaven or hell.”

While people were exclaiming, many people slapped their thighs in disappointment and even cursed loudly.

Such an insidious and frightening trap failed to kill that damn bastard Steven. It's really hateful. God must be blind at this moment!

But at this moment, Ye Tian was hiding behind the heavy police shield, with a bright smile on his face!

Everything that happened just now was intentional, to stimulate everyone's nerves and make this exploration more interesting, so as to cover up his next actions.

He had already seen through clairvoyance the trap beneath the granite floor.

After making sure that it was an isolated flap trap and triggering it wouldn't cause a chain reaction, he decided to touch the granite flap for a little more fun!

Obviously, his goal has been achieved, and the effect is very good!

The corridor became quiet again, the dust gradually dissipated, and the upturned granite floor slowly returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

However, the three fine steel javelins on the ground of the corridor clearly told everyone what happened here just now and how dangerous it was.

The two seven-pound guns and Charleville muskets in front did not sound, ejecting shells and bullets, and those deadly crossbow bolts were still ready to fire, hidden behind the firing holes!

However, in Ye Tian's wireless invisible earphones, it was very lively at this time.

"Honey, this corridor is really too dangerous, why don't you go back along the original road, and find another way to break those traps, there must be a safer way!"

Betty's voice came through the earphones, and she trembled when she heard it, obviously frightened enough.

Before her words fell, Anderson's voice came again.

"Steven, do you think about it again? There is no need to take such a big risk. We are all terrified and our legs are shaking, let alone you who are on the scene!"

Hearing what they said, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly.

"Don't worry, guys, it was just a small accident, an episode that added interest, and then, it won't happen again.

There is no turning back when you open the bow. Since I have decided to go through the level alone, I will not give up halfway, because that is not my style. Don't worry, I will be able to pass this tunnel safely! "

With that said, Ye Tian had already raised the heavy police shield, stepped out, and resolutely broke into the dangerous corridor again.

The foothold he chose this time was another diamond-shaped granite floor, just next to the overturned granite floor just now.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts suddenly hung high again, each of them held their breath, not even daring to breathe, and stared closely at Ye Tian's every move.

Betty even closed her eyes, not daring to look at it at all, and kept crossing herself quickly, praying for God's blessing!

Nothing happened, it was very quiet in the corridor!

Ye Tian's feet stood firmly on the granite floor, his figure was tall and straight, full of confidence.


Many people breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

There were also some guys who were extremely disappointed, and even beat their chests and cursed loudly, no need to ask, these are enemies who hate Ye Tianbu to death!

After pausing on that granite floor for four or five seconds, and pretending to observe carefully, Ye Tian then raised his left foot and stepped on another granite floor in front of the left.

In this way, he groped forward step by step. After nearly three minutes, Ye Tian finally passed the corridor safely and safely, and came to the side of the two cannons at the end of the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, his figure disappeared from the tunnel, and also disappeared from the live broadcast screen.

"Whoa! That's great!"

Walker and the others in the back, the people in the living room above, and many people on the live broadcast end cheered loudly and began to high-five each other in celebration.

"God! My nervous heart is about to jump out. This guy Steven is really crazy. He actually let him pass this corridor. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to go through the level alone even if I had ten guts. !"

"Who says it's not! Even if you are brave enough, and whoever has the luck against the sky like Steven, anyone else who breaks into this tunnel is destined to be the result of ten deaths and no life!"

People were chattering excitedly, all beaming, as if they were the ones who broke through that corridor!

Many people were cursing crazily at the top of their voices, cursing that God would not open his eyes, and once again favored that damn bastard Steven, allowing him to pass through this death trap!

While swearing wildly, some guys even wanted to smash the TV or computer in front of them to vent their hatred!

The live broadcast screen changed again, and the situation in the underground secret room behind the corridor finally appeared on the live broadcast screen and appeared before people's eyes.

The first thing people see is the neoclassical masterpiece, "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna", and the dusty, but still dazzling Holy Roman Crown.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

The exclamation sounded immediately, in the living room above the countless live broadcast terminals.

The same is true for Ye Tian who is at the entrance of the secret room. His eyes have long been attracted by the two top-level antique works of art, and he is admiring them intently, fascinated.

The searchlight beam on the heavy police shield in his hand did not directly shine on the two treasures, but only illuminated them with peripheral light.

Even so, the sudden strong light still brought some damage to the painting "Napoleon Enters Vienna", which has been sleeping in the dark for more than two hundred years, but it cannot be avoided!

While intoxicated, Martinez's impatient voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie, which directly woke Ye Tian up.

"Steven, don't bother admiring those top antique works of art. Shouldn't you disarm those insidious traps? Let's pass through that tunnel smoothly.

When we enter the underground secret room at the end of the corridor, we can enjoy the top antique artworks that have disappeared for more than two hundred years. I can't wait! "

Ye Tian woke up, then smiled and said:

"Okay, Martinez, I will release those dangerous traps, and then you can follow my footsteps, pass through the tunnel safely, and enter this secret room that will surely shock the whole world!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian reluctantly looked away, turned around and walked towards the secret room behind the two cannons.

. m.

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