Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1533 Confronting Napoleon's Treasure

Elysee Palace, the Office of the President.

Like many French people resting at home on Sunday to recharge their batteries, the French president and his entourage were watching live television.

Needless to say, the live program is the most watched program in France and even the world at the moment, the live broadcast of exploring Napoleon's treasure!

When Ye Tian successfully broke through the perilous corridor and "Napoleon Enters Vienna" appeared on the live broadcast screen again, the French President suddenly said with a solemn expression:

"Can you confirm the location and scope of this underground secret room? Does it exceed the scope of the early Renaissance-style building on the ground? If it exceeds, stop the exploration immediately.

In addition, find some legal experts to contact the original owner of the house, carefully review the real estate transaction documents and transaction procedures of the historic building, and see if there are any loopholes to catch.

Napoleon's treasure belongs to France and belongs to the wealth of all French people. It must not be looted by that greedy bastard Steven, so I can't explain it to all the people! "

Hearing this, a confidant next to him immediately replied with a wry smile:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the underground secret room where Napoleon's treasure is located is just below the atrium garden of that ancient building, and it is the private property of that bastard Steven!

The other party didn't destroy the main structure of the historic building, so we have no right to interfere with Steven's bastard's exploration. If we intervene rashly, we may cause big trouble.

That bastard Steven was very cunning. Under the banner of the sanctity of private property, he invited the US ambassador to France to sit in charge, and broadcast the entire exploration operation live on TV and the Internet.

In this way, no matter what action we take, people will look at it with a magnifying glass, especially those idiots in the opposition party who are afraid of chaos, and will never let this opportunity go.

Therefore, we must be very cautious, and we must never give others a handle. If so, not only will we not get Napoleon's treasure, but we may even be bitten by those guys from the opposition party. The loss outweighs the gain.

It is not very likely that Steven, the bastard, will play tricks on the real estate transaction documents. The lawyers hired by that bastard are none other than some of the top legal experts in France.

They have just publicly displayed all real estate transaction documents, bank transfer records, and real estate certification documents before and after the change, and they are almost invulnerable, and no loopholes can be found.

This is exactly the way that bastard Steven has always acted. He is deliberate and impeccable. No one can catch him. If we want to deal with him, we can only wait for the opportunity! "

"Damn it! What kind of bastard is this? It's too scary. Could it be that we can only watch him loot Napoleon's treasures? I'm not reconciled!"

The French President gritted his teeth and cursed, his eyes were red with anger, and he was blazing, but he was helpless.

The same goes for everyone else in the office, they all have the feeling of a dog biting a hedgehog and have nowhere to bite, with a helpless expression on their faces, and at the same time, their teeth itch with hatred, wishing they could tear Ye Tian apart.

In Spain, in Austria, in Belgium, in Italy and other countries once conquered and occupied by Napoleon and his army, the same scene is also taking place!

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed.

Ye Tian finally lifted, or rather destroyed, all the organ traps in the tunnel, and let those organ traps that were arranged more than 200 years ago end their mission and be completely scrapped!

After re-checking and making sure that the corridor is completely safe, Ye Tian came to the side of the two seven-pound guns again, and then shouted loudly towards the curved curve behind:

"Walker, Miller, Martinez, you can come here, I have removed all the traps in this corridor, and there is basically no danger here.

Some of the granite floors in the corridor are empty. For safety reasons, you must follow the footprints I left when you come in. It is best not to make mistakes!

I will keep an eye on you here, and if you accidentally make a mistake, I will remind you in time, and when you pass through this corridor, you can witness Napoleon's treasure with your own eyes! "

"Got it, Steven, we'll be here right away, don't worry, we will follow your footsteps closely, and we will never make a mistake. No one wants to fall into a trap and be pierced by a steel javelin!"

The three guys answered in unison, everyone excited and full of anticipation.

Before the words fell, Walker had stepped out and walked towards the corridor.

The place this guy chose was the diamond-shaped granite floor that Ye Tian had stepped on before, and it was very safe there!

Following Walker was that old guy Martinez, with a bright smile on his face and eyes full of longing!

The last one to walk was naturally Miller. He was very busy wiring while walking!

In the blink of an eye, the three of them have successfully arrived at the end of the corridor and joined Ye Tian.

This perilous corridor also became brighter, as if it were daytime!

When everyone arrived, Martinez immediately said impatiently:

"Steven, let's enter the secret room. I can't wait any longer. I'm eager to see what are the priceless top-level antique works of art in Napoleon's treasure!"

"You won't be disappointed, Martinez, this must be a major discovery that is enough to shock the world, let's go in and have a look, and give the world a huge surprise!"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said, his eyes were full of complacency, and he didn't hide it!

After the words fell, he turned around first, and walked into the underground secret room on the right side of the corridor, ready to reveal the mystery of Napoleon's treasure.

Walker and the others immediately followed up and walked into this underground secret room that had been closed for more than two hundred years!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the living room above and everyone on the live broadcast end suddenly became more excited, their eyes widened, and they stared at the live broadcast screen, not willing to blink their eyelids!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian and the others had come to the wall where "Napoleon Enters Vienna" was hung, they stopped one after another, and started to admire it!

This is a display wall at the entrance of the secret room. There is only one painting hanging on the wall, and next to it is a solid wooden table. The crown of the Holy Roman Empire is placed on it!

Other top-notch antiques from Napoleon's treasure can only be seen by bypassing this wall.

Why is there a wall like a screen wall here? Why is there only the neoclassical masterpiece "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna" hanging on it? Why is there a Holy Roman Empire crown next to it?

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the pinnacle of Napoleon's life was achieved in the Battle of the Three Emperors, and the Roman Empire that had been passed down for thousands of years was completely ended by him, becoming a historical term!

The reason why it is arranged in this way is to highlight Napoleon's achievements and greatness. This kind of careful thinking is common to everyone, and it is normal, and Napoleon is no exception!

And the person who presided over the construction of this underground secret room is likely to be Jacques David who left treasure clues in the "Coronation of Napoleon I". It is not surprising that his paintings hang here!

After standing still in front of "Napoleon Enters Vienna", Walker was about to use the searchlight in his hand to shine on this neoclassical masterpiece, but was stopped by Ye Tian in time.

"This underground secret room has been closed for more than two hundred years. In the past two hundred years, these top-level antique artworks have always been in the dark and have never seen light!

Now they are quite fragile, especially those paints on the surface of the painting. They must not be directly illuminated by the powerful beam of the searchlight, which may destroy the painting.

Let's just use the sidelight of the searchlights, and let's turn down the light intensity, and try to protect these top-level antique works of art from harm! "

Hearing this, Walker immediately lowered the light intensity of the searchlight, and turned the searchlight to the side, avoiding "Napoleon Entering Vienna".

"Steven is right, these works of art that have been preserved in the dark for hundreds of years, if they are suddenly exposed to strong light, it is likely to cause irreversible damage, it would be a pity!

Some antique works of art that have been sealed for a longer period of time or unearthed from tombs may even be wiped out and completely wiped out when they are suddenly exposed to strong light or exposed to the air!

The air circulation here is not bad, and the temperature and humidity are not bad, so there is no need to worry about these treasures being wiped out, but it is still necessary to avoid strong light, Steven is very considerate! "

Martinez echoed a few words, and gave Ye Tian a thumbs up, expressing his admiration!

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's enjoy this neoclassical masterpiece, there is a lot of dust on the glass cover, I didn't see it very clearly before.

Now we can wipe off the dust and make it shine again, and we can also feel the glory of Napoleon leading the army into Vienna! "

With that said, Ye Tian was about to take out the soft cloth in his backpack to wipe the dust off the glass cover of "Napoleon Enters Vienna".

But someone moved faster than him, and Martinez couldn't wait to take the first step, and directly grabbed the dirty job, and it was so beautiful that his nose was bubbling!

. m.

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