Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1534: The Pearl Casting Secretly?

Martinez gently wiped the dust on the glass cover of "Napoleon Enters Vienna" like a newborn baby, his movements are very gentle and caring!

As the dust on the glass cover was wiped off bit by bit, the neoclassical masterpiece presented in front of everyone suddenly became clearer and more moving, as if it radiated bright light!

It is different from famous paintings describing Napoleon's life and deeds such as "Battle of Austerlitz", "Battle of Waterloo" and "Napoleon Enters Berlin".

In this "Napoleon Entering Vienna", there are no war scenes full of gunpowder and swords at war, but only grand scenes of praise, so as to demonstrate the greatness of Napoleon.

While appreciating this neoclassical masterpiece, Ye Tian also explained it with great interest.

"As we all know, during the French Revolution in the early nineteenth century, Napoleon led an army to occupy Vienna twice, one in November 1805 and the other in 1809.

This painting depicts the scene of Napoleon's first occupation of Vienna. After the Battle of Ulm, the anti-French alliance surrendered, and the French army entered Vienna without any resistance.

Riding a war horse in the center of the painting, surrounded by many senior generals of the French army, is Napoleon. At this time, he has become the new overlord of the European continent, majestic and majestic!

As a victor, he led his invincible army and marched into Vienna with his head held high. He became the new master of the city and ended the Holy Roman Empire by the way!

You can see that during the march of the army, Napoleon greeted the cheering people on both sides of the road and paid tribute to the people of Vienna with his usual and most familiar gestures.

The soldiers and civilians in Vienna did not have the usual disappointment and frustration of the defeated. Instead, they were full of curiosity and even very happy, and they flocked to the streets of Vienna to welcome the arrival of the French emperor and his army.

Facing Napoleon and his army who conquered Vienna, instead of resistance and hatred, the soldiers and civilians of Vienna gave Napoleon warm applause and cheers,..."

Listening to Ye Tian's explanation, every Frenchman in front of the live broadcast had a feeling of excitement and pride, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot and flashed with admiration!

For the vast majority of French people, Napoleon is undoubtedly the greatest figure in French history, an idol worthy of every Frenchman's worship, and an emperor they recognize from the bottom of their hearts!

Contrary to the French,

The Austrians blushed and were somewhat embarrassed when they heard the explanation and looked at the painting on the live screen.

While speaking, Martinez had already wiped off most of the dust on the glass cover, and the remaining part was less than a quarter, and it was about to be completely wiped off.

At this moment, the guy suddenly said in surprise:

"Steven, look here. There are two cursive capital letters 'J.D'. There is no doubt that this is indeed a painting by Jacques-Louis David. This is his signature. I am very familiar with it!"

While saying these words, he pointed to the lower right corner of the painting with his right finger, with an expression of ecstasy, and his excited eyes shone like searchlights!

Ye Tian stepped forward very cooperatively, looked closely at the author's signature, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, this is the signature of Jacques-Louis David. It's the same signature. I have seen the same signature in "The Oath of the Horatii" and "The Death of Marat"!

Compared with the two neoclassical masterpieces, I personally think that this "Napoleon Enters Vienna" is even better, and it can definitely be called a classic of the neoclassical school! "

Martinez nodded vigorously, then turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​and asked in an extremely urgent tone:

"Steven, I would like to ask, what do you plan to do with this masterpiece of Jacques David? Can you transfer this oil painting to the Louvre? The price is up to you!

Our Louvre can buy it with funds, or we can exchange it with you with Chinese antiques in the collection according to the previous transaction method. The transaction method is up to you! "

Hearing his words, everyone in front of the live broadcast immediately closed their ears, waiting for Ye Tian's answer.

Without exception, everyone was staring at Ye Tian and the painting "Napoleon Enters Vienna", with eyes full of envy, even jealousy!

The directors of some famous museums and some top collectors patted their tables and thighs in remorse, and even started cursing Martinez!

Each of them wished they could be in the underground secret room on the live broadcast screen and replace Martinez, so that they would be able to get close to the water first, and buy it immediately!

Ye Tian, ​​who was under the spotlight of everyone, shook his head slightly with a smile on his face, and directly rejected Martinez's request.

"Martinez, the search for Napoleon's treasure has just begun, and there are still many priceless top-level antique artworks that haven't appeared yet, so it's too early to negotiate a deal!

After we complete the exploration operation and confirm that there are top-level antique artworks in Napoleon's treasure and clean them up, it's not too late for us to negotiate a deal, there is plenty of time!

Here, I need to make a special statement. As we all know, I am a professional treasure hunter, treasure hunting is my business, and these antique artworks are the commodities in my hands.

As in the past, all the antique works of art found in Napoleon's treasure, as long as the price is right and I am satisfied, I will sell them, everyone can prepare in advance!

After the cleaning is completed and all the evaluation work of antique works of art is completed, I will open the door for transactions. You are welcome to contact me at that time, and remember to bring enough real money! "

Ye Tian joked, showing his fangs unabashedly!

Before the words fell, the front of countless live broadcast terminals was completely boiling, and the sound of crazy exclamation became one!

"Fack! The bastard Steven is just like the one in the legend. He is not only cruel, but also greedy to the extreme. He probably only has money in his eyes. What a lunatic!"

"I'm going! This bastard actually intends to sell all the top-level antique works of art. Napoleon's treasure falls into the hands of such a bastard.

Amidst the exclamation, there were also many ecstatic cheers, from curators of some famous museums and a large number of top collectors!

At this time, they had already started to gear up, waiting for Ye Tian to open the door to the transaction, and then waved the check to fight a good fight, and won several priceless top antique works of art!

That's Napoleon's treasure! How can such a godsend opportunity be missed, otherwise don't get mixed up in the field of antique art collection!

At the same time, in the French President's Office in the Elysee Palace, there was a sudden burst of angry roars.

"Steven, you are a complete bastard, I can't stop talking to you!"

The same scene is happening simultaneously in many countries on the European continent, just in different languages.

Martinez froze for a few seconds, then shook his head in disappointment and said with a wry smile:

"You are such a bastard, Steven, you have once again refreshed my understanding of greed. There are still people in this world who are so obsessed with money and wealth. I have opened my eyes!

Now that you have made your decision, what can I do, I can only wait, and hope that the Louvre can successfully win this "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna" and other treasures! "


Ye Tian and Walker all laughed heartily and proudly.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Don't worry, Martinez, with the influence and strength of your Louvre, you will definitely be able to defeat all competitors and win this painting "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna".

As a friend, I can also take care of you properly. If someone gives you the same highest offer as the Louvre, then I will give priority to the Louvre. It’s just enough!

Let's not talk about this, you continue to clean up the dust on "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna", and I will clean up the crown of the Holy Roman Empire and make this crown shine again! "

With that said, Ye Tian stepped to the Holy Roman Empire crown, took out a soft cloth from his backpack, and began to clean the dust on the top antique artwork.

Martinez shook his head helplessly, and then continued his unfinished work, carefully cleaning up the dust that fell on "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna"!

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