Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1535 Crazy Napoleon

Ye Tian held the crown of the Holy Roman Empire with his left hand, held a soft cloth with his right hand, and carefully wiped off the dust on the cross on the top of the crown.

The next moment, a rhombus-shaped white diamond inlaid in the center of the golden cross appeared in front of everyone.

Under the light, the huge flawless white diamond was crystal clear, dazzling, and radiated dazzling light, which made people dazzled!

There was a moment of silence in front of the live broadcast, and then the whole fire started.

"Wow! That's a flawless white diamond. It's so big, so beautiful, it's going to drive you crazy!"

"What Steven said is absolutely right. This is definitely a priceless top-level antique artwork. Not to mention anything else, the value of this flawless white diamond is astronomical!"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again, overwhelming all the voices in an instant.

"Before introducing this crown of the Holy Roman Empire, I think it is necessary to popularize some knowledge related to it, so that everyone can better appreciate this treasure.

The oldest surviving crown is the golden crown of the Holy Roman Empire, which was made in the tenth century during the period of Otto I or Conrad II III, and is recorded in relevant historical documents.

During the Holy Roman Empire, the Golden Crown, the Reichsword, the Reichspear and the Reichscross together formed the symbol of the Holy Kingship, which remained in Nuremberg from 1424 to 1796.

Nuremberg is the birthplace of the Frankish Kingdom. Only when the new king is crowned, these royal treasures can leave Nuremberg. Today, the golden crown is kept in the Hofburg in Austria.

Hearing this, everyone should have understood that the dazzling crown in front of you is not the golden crown of the Holy Roman Empire made in the tenth century, but another crown.

But the origin of this crown is not trivial, and its importance is no less than the golden crown of the Holy Roman Empire. From the fifteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, it was the real symbol of imperial power.

At the beginning of the fifteenth century, after the Habsburg family occupied the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, this new crown was made in the style of the golden crown to symbolize the imperial power of the Habsburg family.

Like the gold crown, this crown also adopts the shape of an octahedron, and is surrounded by eight gold plates on the outside. The gold plates are inlaid with gemstones and pearls of various colors, and the number is as high as hundreds!


On these eight gold plates, there are also many enamel patterns decorated with different contents, all of which come from religious stories in the "Old Testament" and "New Testament", symbolizing the divine right of kings.

There is an arched beam on the top of the crown, and above the arched beam is a cross, which is the cross you see now, and it is not only inlaid with diamonds, but also emeralds and sapphires, etc...."

Next, while Ye Tian introduced the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, he gently wiped the dust on the crown, his movements were very gentle.

With his movements, the crown, which symbolizes the imperial power of the Holy Roman Empire and was made by the Habsburg family in the early fifteenth century, gradually revealed its true face and glowed brightly again!

In front of countless live broadcast terminals, people listened to Ye Tian's explanation with great interest, staring closely at the dazzling crown on the live broadcast screen, their eyes full of envy.

Martinez had already cleaned up the dust on "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna", turned his head and looked this way, admiring the crown ecstatically, his eyes were so hot!

At this moment, how much he wanted to take that crown as his own, and then bring it back to the Louvre, display it in the exhibition hall of the Louvre, and let everyone enjoy it!

That's where it should exist, instead of sleeping in this dark underground chamber, and it shouldn't fall into the hands of that bastard Steven!

While speaking, Ye Tian's explanation was coming to an end.

"... In 1804, Franz II wore the crown in Vienna and declared himself Emperor of Austria, in response to Napoleon's proclaiming himself emperor, and became the first emperor of the Austrian Empire.

It was also Napoleon who ended the Holy Roman Empire in 1806. Franz II had to take off the crown of the Holy Roman Empire and became the last emperor in the history of the Holy Roman Empire.

Since then, this dazzling crown of the Holy Roman Empire has completely disappeared from the eyes of the world, and it has never appeared again for more than two hundred years. Who would have thought that it would be hidden here.

I have to say that it is a very lucky thing to find this crown today. In the next exploration operation, I believe that other related things or documents will be found! "

As soon as his voice fell, Martinez immediately said:

"Obviously, after Franz II was forced to take off the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, he sent the crown to Paris and became the spoils of Emperor Napoleon.

After Napoleon's defeat, this crown did not appear in the list of items returned to Austria, and no one knew where it went. The truth is not revealed until today! "

When he said these words, Martinez's tone was so sour that he gritted his teeth when he heard it.

Not only him, but who is watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt, which one is not in a sour mood? Which one is not the red eyes of envy? Without exception!

At the same time as the explanation was finished, Ye Tian also wiped the dust off the crown of the Holy Roman Empire.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the dazzling crown, slowly turned around in front of the high-definition camera he carried with him, and showed it off completely!

Countless live broadcasts were boiling again, and there were clicks of admiration everywhere, one after another, endless!

After the display, Ye Tian reluctantly put the Crown of the Holy Roman Empire back on the solid wooden table and placed it in its original position.

After admiring it for a while, he retracted his gaze, smiled and said:

"Guys, let's continue to explore. I believe there will be even bigger surprises in the future, and there are many priceless top antique artworks waiting for us. Today must be extremely beautiful!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped out, walked around the front display wall, and walked deeper into the secret room.

Martinez, Walker and the others immediately looked away, and followed closely behind. Everyone was extremely excited, and their steps were brisk, as if they were stepping on clouds!

At the same time, in Vienna, Austria, many people were staring at the crown of the Holy Roman Empire on the live broadcast screen with blood-red eyes, and they never took their eyes off for a moment!

"We must take back the crown of the Holy Roman Empire at any cost. More than two hundred years ago, Napoleon led an army to sack Austria and Vienna.

More than two hundred years have passed, and we must not be robbed by this bastard Steven again. This is a national treasure belonging to Austria, and it is time to return to this land, and it must not fall into the hands of others! "

"We have already launched an operation. The ambassador to France and the cultural counselor have already rushed to the Ile de la Cité, where the building is located, but were stopped by the Paris police at the intersection, unable to enter the building.

The ambassador to France then contacted Steven's bastard's lawyer and formally filed a claim, hoping that Steven's bastard could return the crown of the Holy Roman Empire to Austria.

But that bastard Steven is too greedy, he doesn't pay attention to our claim at all, but asks us to prepare real money, go to him to negotiate a deal, and redeem that crown! "

"What a bastard, I hate these goddamn Yankees, it's so fucking disgusting!"

An exasperated cursing sound suddenly sounded, revealing endless anger and a bit of helplessness.

Although he didn't witness these things that happened in Vienna with his own eyes, all of this was within Ye Tian's expectation, and he didn't care at all!

If you want this crown of the Holy Roman Empire, then bring real money to trade it, otherwise it’s out of the question, no matter which god you are, it’s all the same!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian and the others had already turned around the display wall and came to the back of the wall.

Only then did they actually enter the underground chamber where Napoleon's treasure was hidden.

The moment they walked into this underground secret room, except for Ye Tian, ​​Walker and Martinez were all completely stunned by what they saw, and they just stood there dumbstruck!

Everyone in front of the live broadcast was the same, their eyes widened and they stared at the live broadcast so hard that their eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets.

Under the illumination of the two searchlights, the situation in the underground secret room was clearly presented before people's eyes.

Rather than saying that this is an underground secret room, it is better to say that this is an underground palace.

The first thing Ye Tian and the others saw was a dome made of granite, which was extremely strong and magnificent!

Under the high dome, there is a spacious hall with a considerable area!

In the hall stood seven or eight marble columns with a diameter of about half a meter, which firmly supported the dome and the ancient building in the early Renaissance style on the ground!

Looking at the location of this hall, it is just below the atrium garden of the ancient building on the ground, and the pressure on the dome is not too great!

Through the searchlights, it can be seen that the dome of the hall, the four walls, and the marble pillars used for support are all carved with exquisite patterns and several murals!

Although separated by a certain distance, Ye Tian and Martinez could tell at a glance that those decorative patterns and murals were not only exquisite, but also had a certain artistic value. They were all neoclassical works!

From this, it can be inferred that this underground secret room should have been built in the early nineteenth century, and it was very likely that Napoleon himself ordered the construction, and the specific person in charge was Jacques David.

In addition to the carved patterns and murals, there are also many oil paintings hanging on the walls around the hall and those marble columns. Each oil painting has a glass cover, which is very well protected!

On the hall floor, there are many boxes piled up.

The boxes were of different sizes and specifications, and they were stacked on top of each other. There were so many of them that they were piled up like hills, covered with dust and covered with moss!

Needless to say, those boxes must be full of top-notch antiques, each worth a fortune, or Napoleon wouldn't have hidden them here!

But except for Ye Tian, ​​no one else knows what those antique artworks are. Only by opening those boxes one by one, the answer will be revealed!


Martinez and the others finally came to their senses. Immediately afterwards, they gasped together, unable to believe their eyes.

"My God! How is this possible? How much treasure did Napoleon hide here? It's crazy!"

With Martinez's trembling emotion, everyone on the live broadcast end was awakened.

In the next moment, many people jumped up from the sofa like an electric shock, and rushed directly to the TV or computer screen, almost crazy! 8)

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