Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1538 Sun God Apollo

Continuing down the steps, after the oil painting on canvas by Dürer, the most famous German painter in the Renaissance, another outstanding work of a Renaissance art master appeared in front of Ye Tian.

This is also an oil painting on canvas, classical style, medium size, about 100*80, by Sarto, a famous Italian painter in the Renaissance and known as the perfect painter.

After the three masters of Renaissance art left Florence, Sarto became the most famous painter in Florence, well-known throughout Europe, and had an extremely important position in the history of Western art.

Moreover, this classic oil painting is one of the representative works of Sarto in his peak period, so it is naturally a priceless top art work, even higher than the portrait of Rubens!

Like the other paintings I saw before, this oil painting is also covered under a glass cover. The glass cover is covered with dust and looks a little black, and the preservation condition is not bad.

After standing still in front of this classical oil painting, Ye Tian gently wiped off the dust on the glass cover with a soft cloth, and then admired it with a full face.

While appreciating this painting, he also briefly explained this classic oil painting.

He mainly introduced the "perfect painter" Sarto's artistic style, life story, representative works, and status in the history of Western art, and commented on the content of this painting.

However, he did not disclose the value of this painting in the current art market, the issue that people are most concerned about before the live broadcast.

This left room for the professionals, semi-professionals, and pseudo-professionals in front of the live broadcast, and those guys jumped out one after another and began to perform on their own.

He hasn't finished explaining here yet, someone on the Internet has already given the valuation of Sator's painting, each and every one of them is convincing, the valuation ranges from several million dollars to hundreds of millions of dollars, the span is very large!

After appreciating this outstanding painting by Sarto, Ye Tian walked down a few steps and stood on the granite floor of the hall of this underground chamber.

At this time, Martinez was still in the middle of the steps, admiring the outstanding paintings of the artist Dürer with a full face, and almost forgot where he was and why he came here!

Walker and Miller also stayed in the middle of the steps, and they were cooperating with each other, busy arranging wires and installing lighting equipment.

As energy-saving lamps are turned on one after another, this underground secret room that has been shrouded in darkness for more than two hundred years,

It suddenly became brighter, and everyone's vision became clearer.

The live broadcast picture also became clearer, and it attracted bursts of exclamation.

Before Martinez and the others came down, Ye Tian quickly scanned the entire hall, and secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through this hidden space buried underground for more than 200 years.

During the process, he saw a lot of top-notch antique artworks that radiated dazzling light, some were hung on the walls and marble columns, and some were packed in boxes!

But without exception, every piece of antique artwork here has a charming halo of more than ten or twenty layers, which is extremely beautiful!

What do those enchanting halos mean? Ye Tian's heart is like a mirror.

It is those charming halos that accurately indicate the value of these top antique artworks, and the value of each antique artwork is very amazing.

Although he has seen through it several times before and knows these top-level antique artworks well, Ye Tian is still very excited when he sees these treasures again at this time, wishing he could directly cheer!

In addition to many top-notch antique works of great value, he also saw a slightly smaller secret room, located under the floor in a corner of the hall.

What is stored in that secret room is mainly some important documents, which are well preserved and have high historical and cultural research value, and may even rewrite part of history.

In addition, there are some small traps, most of which have been scrapped, and the few remaining do not pose any threat to Ye Tian, ​​let alone stop their exploration.

Then he withdrew his gaze, ended the perspective, turned around, and began to admire a sculpture placed behind him with great interest.

Soon, Martinez and the others walked down the steps.

"Steven, this sculpture of Apollo, the sun god, looks very good, and it is obviously a top-notch work of art. Do you know the work of the master sculptor? Tell everyone!"

After speaking, Martinez came to Ye Tian's side and admired the sculpture in front of him together.

This is a bust sculpture of Apollo, the sun god. It is not big, and it is placed on a stone platform close to the wall. There is a layer of dust on the statue, but it does not affect the appreciation.

It can be seen that this statue of Apollo, the sun god made of marble, has a dignified and majestic appearance, sharp edges and corners, and a handsome appearance. His curly long hair hangs on his shoulders and flutters gently with the wind.

On his head is a crown woven with branches and leaves of laurel, amyrtle, and olive trees. His lower jaw is slightly raised, and he turns his head to stare at the left front with firm and persistent eyes.

The sculptor used the carving knife in his hand to show the sun god Apollo, the most versatile, most beautiful and handsome male god in Greek mythology, vividly and almost perfectly!

Standing in front of this sculpture, people will be easily attracted by it and fascinated by the classical beauty!

Ye Tian turned to look at Martinez, then smiled and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, this bust of Apollo, the sun god, should come from the famous Italian sculptor Cellini during the Renaissance, and it is one of his representative works.

On this sculpture of the sun god, we can see the shadow of Michelangelo and the specific presentation of Florentine Mannerism, which are the characteristics of Cellini's sculptures.

In addition, we can also see the heroism that Florentine Mannerism dismissed, and this is the most distinctive feature that Cellini is different from other Florentine Mannerist artists.

It is precisely based on the above characteristics that I judge that this is a sculpture by the master artist Cellini. Of course, my appraisal conclusion is not necessarily accurate, and you can discuss it later.

In addition to the bust sculpture of the sun god Apollo, there is also a bust sculpture under the steps on the left, also placed on a stone platform, which is carved with the god of fire Prometheus.

The sculpture is also very expressive, but it is not known which sculptor it is from. According to my judgment, it seems to be the work of the art master Donatello, but I am not sure! "

Hearing these words, Martinez couldn't bear it any longer. The old guy hugged his head and exclaimed.

"My God! Did I hear you right? Under the steps on the right is the sculpture of Apollo, the sun god by Cellini, and under the steps on the left is the sculpture of Prometheus, the god of fire by Donatello. Is this the temple of Zeus?

Steven, I now believe what you said before. The top antique artworks in Napoleon's treasure are no worse than the artworks in the Louvre Grand Gallery, and even far exceed them! "

Not only Martinez, but many professionals in front of the live broadcast were also exclaimed at this time, and they were almost crazy with envy.

Who were Donatello and Cellini? That is the top art master of the Italian Renaissance, a well-known heavyweight in the history of Western art!

Their status and achievements in the field of sculpture, in the Renaissance period, and even in the next few hundred years, I am afraid that only Michelangelo can stabilize them, and Rodin may also be counted as one!

As for other famous sculptors later, they can only look up to them and worship them, including the famous modern sculptor Giacometti and others.

Isn't it shocking that the works of such a top sculptor appeared in this underground secret room at the same time, and all fell into the hands of that bastard Steven? Can you not make people crazy with envy?

After a burst of exclamation, Martinez immediately took a step forward, approaching the bust of Apollo, the sun god, and began to carefully wipe off the dust on it, muttering to himself.

"I want to appreciate this masterpiece of Cellini, and then go to appreciate Donatello's Prometheus, today is really beautiful, all this is like a dream!"

For the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian, ​​Martinez did not have any doubts.

Since Steven said that this is the work of the sculptor Cellini, it must be true, this is 100% Cellini's masterpiece, and it is a priceless top-level artwork.

When did that guy look past him, never once, and this time is no exception!

Not only him, almost everyone on the live broadcast end is also very sure of Ye Tian's judgment, without the slightest doubt!

As for his self-effacing words, no one really took them seriously, and no one cared about them.

While Martinez took a step forward, Ye Tian took a step back, then turned off the live broadcast microphone, and began to assign tasks through the wireless invisible headset.

"Matisse, you can lead our staff into the secret passage, first deal with the traps in the secret passage that have been cracked by me, and remove all potential safety hazards.

After dealing with those traps, let the guys stand by, and when we finish the exploration work, they can go into the underground chamber to clean up the antique art here!

Napoleon's treasure has been reappeared in the world. Don't even think about it, there must be huge waves in the outside world. You must pay attention to security issues, and there will be absolutely no mistakes!

If necessary, you can ask Perry, the US ambassador to France, to involve the security personnel of the embassy. With the weight of these top antique works of art, the embassy will never sit idly by!

In addition to the US embassy in France, you can also contact that guy Wilson, ask Raytheon to provide support, and send some armed security over, I said hello to Wilson before"

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, there will be no problems!"

Matisse responded in a deep voice, his voice was firm and full of confidence.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian told Anderson and Kenny who was far away in the port of Le Havre some things, and made various preparations, just in case!

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