Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1539 Detonate Paris

A few minutes later, Mattis led several security personnel and four employees of Intrepid Exploration Company, carrying a large amount of equipment, into the secret passage one after another.

Although those vicious traps in the secret passage were dispelled by Ye Tian, ​​they could not be triggered again, but they existed in the secret passage, which was a kind of safety hazard.

Especially those rusty crossbow arrows, and the rusty steel javelins under the corridor flap, if anyone accidentally touches them, it is likely to be scratched.

In that case, the injured would have to go to the hospital for medical treatment and get a tetanus shot. Although it was not a big deal, it was quite troublesome.

At the same time as Matisse and the others started their operations, because of the discovery of Napoleon's treasure, the outside became more and more lively, as if it was boiling!

More and more Parisians heard the news, left their homes, drove or walked, and flocked towards the Cité!

Such a world-sensation event, of course, cannot be missed, they all want to see the mysterious treasure of Napoleon with their own eyes, and see those priceless top antique works of art!

Of course, many of them were also quite upset in their hearts, gnashing their teeth one by one!

If they had the chance, they were all ready to shout a few protest slogans, condemn Steven, that greedy bastard, and let that bastard hand over Napoleon's treasure and those priceless top antique artworks!


Our ancestors threw their heads and blood, and even robbed them, and finally got these top-level antique works of art from European countries, but in the end it was cheap for you, you bastard. How can he reason?

You bastard want to sweep away those priceless top-level antiques and artworks in Napoleon's treasure, and keep them all for yourself. What a dream, don't even think about it!

Private property is indeed sacrosanct, it depends on the circumstances!

Those idiots from the French government and police may have nothing to do with you bastard, but I won't agree!

Don't forget, this is Paris, France! French politics is on the street, not in some shit parliament, and not in the hands of some idiots!

Compared with many ordinary citizens in Paris, the college students from several famous universities in Paris obviously responded faster and were more enthusiastic.

When many Parisians rushed to the bridges connected to the Cité,

The college students in Paris have already opened up their battles, setting off waves of protests and demonstrations, releasing their voices!

The protest slogans they shouted loudly also resounded throughout Paris and even the entire world.

"The treasures of Napoleon belong to France, to all French people, and no one can take them away!"

"Steven, go back to America, go back to New York! You greedy bastard, don't try to take any of Napoleon's treasures, never!"

Seeing these indignant and impassioned college students protesting against the demonstrators, the ordinary Parisians who came afterward couldn't help being excited and quickly joined the protesting team.

Fortunately, the Paris police reacted fairly quickly. They had already sealed off the entire Ile de la Cité, prohibiting tourists and pedestrians from entering, not to mention the passionate protesters!

The Paris police knew very well that there must be many people with ulterior motives hidden among these protesters, who were planning to take advantage of the chaos, and then smashed, looted, burned, and made a small fortune!

But in the end, all protests and demonstrations in Paris will turn into a carnival of beating, smashing, looting and burning, which will end in chaos and cause more or less losses!

And this time the situation is very special. Inside and outside the historic building on Shannon Avenue, there are heavily armed private security personnel. Almost every guy has seen blood on the battlefield!

Those guys are private armed security guards who are paid to do things. If someone threatens the life and property of their boss, those guys will never hesitate to shoot and kill!

In addition, there are senior diplomatic officials and embassy security personnel of the US embassy there, as well as many reporters from major news media in the world, and a large number of top lawyers!

Which of these guys is easy to mess with? There is no good stubble!

Accidentally messing with someone can make people peel off, not to mention that these guys were all called together by that bastard Steven, it's better to stay away, so as not to get burned!

What's more, that historic building is full of priceless top-level antique works of art, many of which are national treasures. Damage to any of them will cause an uproar!

Faced with such a complicated situation, how dare the Paris police let the protesters enter the Ile de la Cité and the Avenue de Channones, that will definitely cause huge troubles, and no one can bear the consequences!

Fortunately, the Paris police were wiser and kept the protesters out of the Cité.

If not, those passionate Paris college students would have confronted Ye Tian's armed security personnel long ago, and Channones Avenue might have become a battlefield!

In addition to a large number of Parisians watching the excitement and college students who came to protest and demonstrate, countless tourists from all over the world and many media reporters gathered at the bridgeheads around the island of Cité.

They were all extremely excited, the fire of gossip was burning in their chests, and they all looked eagerly and eagerly at the Citi Island on the opposite side of the bridge, wishing they could rush directly into the island, into the Avenue of Channones!

While watching the live broadcast with their mobile phones, they also use their mobile phones and cameras to transmit everything that happened here to the rest of the world in the first place, which is even faster than the live broadcast!

The same scene happened at the intersection of both ends of Shannones Avenue.

People who gathered at both ends of the street and were stopped by the police outside the blockade were watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones while looking at the heavily guarded historical building in the middle of the street!

Without exception, everyone's eyes here are extremely hot and full of envy, and some of them are even red-eyed with jealousy, wanting to replace Ye Tian!

Outside the bridges leading to the Isle of Citi and the blockades at both ends of Channones Avenue, there are some special groups of people, most of them are in suits and leather shoes, with solemn faces and angry eyes!

These guys in suits and leather shoes are all diplomats from European embassies in France, including civilian staff and special agents with special missions.

The same treatment as others, they can't get close to that historical building, they can only use their mobile phones to inform their superiors about the situation here in time, and accept instructions!

And in the respective countries of these diplomats, countless pairs of eyes are fixed on the island of Cité, the Avenue of Channones, and everything that is happening here.

These things that happened inside and outside of Citi Island have already spread to every corner of the world through the camera lenses of the news media and the smartphones in everyone's hands!

Seeing this extremely lively scene, many people couldn't help being shocked, and they all stared at the live broadcast in dumbfounded!

When people react, they will immediately burst out laughing and secretly sigh with emotion.

Steven, the bastard, is so capable of tossing around, he doesn't stop wherever he goes, the romantic city of Paris, this guy is about to explode!

Ye Tianquan is fully aware of the turmoil from the outside world, but he doesn't care at all, and he doesn't take it to heart!

He still goes his own way, taking Martinez and the others to swim in the ocean of art, which is extremely comfortable.

"This is a self-portrait of Rembrandt, one of the many self-portraits of Rembrandt, created around 1642, and it is the same period as the priceless "Night Watch",....

The oil painting on canvas that you see now comes from a famous painter in the early Renaissance, the last painter of the Florentine School, one of Botticelli's outstanding masterpieces,...  

I believe many people have heard of the three masters of the Venetian School of Painting in the late Renaissance. The oil painting on wood in front of you is from Tintoretto, one of the three masters of the Venetian School of Painting,..."

Following Ye Tian's explanation, in the living room where Betty and the others lived and in front of countless live broadcast terminals, there were bursts of exclamations, one after another, endless!

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