Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1540 The Charm of Michelangelo

Under Ye Tian's introduction, pieces of top antique works of art that had disappeared for more than two hundred years finally reappeared in front of the world, shining brightly again.

No matter Betty and the others in the living room above, or the countless people in front of the live broadcast, everyone was completely stunned by the huge value of Napoleon's treasure, without exception!

They stared dumbfounded at the live broadcast and the top-notch antique artworks that kept appearing, and even doubted their own eyes and wondered if they were dreaming!

The sensational effect caused by Napoleon's treasure has become bigger and bigger, and the whole world has been shaken by it. Countless eyes have gathered on Citi Island and on Napoleon's treasure!

Especially in European countries, because of the discovery of Napoleon's treasure, huge waves have been set off at this time.

And the instigator of all this, Ye Tian, ​​is still wandering in the ocean of art, communicating with many top ancient art masters across time and space, feeling the charm of culture and art!

Nearly an hour passed, and the exploration operation continued.

Each of Ye Tian and the others was full of energy and excitement. They couldn't see the slightest feeling of fatigue, and they were full of vitality from top to bottom!

During this period, Ye Tian successfully removed all the traps in the underground secret room, allowing everyone to enjoy the top-level antique artworks without worrying about their own safety!

The two searchlights brought to the underground chamber had already been extinguished and were placed on the floor.

Miller and Walker have completed the wiring work and installed lighting fixtures, and the entire underground secret room is lit up, clearly illuminating everything here.

In consideration of protecting those top antique works of art, Ye Tian asked Miller and the others to lower the intensity of the lights, and these lighting fixtures were specially selected to emit soft light.

Even so, as the lights came on successively, those top antique artworks that had been shrouded in darkness for a long time were more or less damaged, which was inevitable!

Faced with this situation, Ye Tian and Martinez, as well as many professionals in front of the live broadcast, took deep breaths, but there was nothing they could do!

While speaking, Ye Tian finished introducing a masterpiece by Titian, a famous late Renaissance painter, and then stepped forward, ready to appreciate another top-level artwork hanging in front of him.

at this moment,

Mattis' voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, we have cleared all the mechanism traps in the corridor, transported all the Charleville muskets, crossbow bolts, and stainless steel javelins out of the tunnel, and temporarily placed them in other rooms in the basement.

We also dealt with the flap traps in the corridor accordingly. Each movable granite floor is covered with a steel plate, which is very strong and has no potential safety hazards.

The only thing that couldn't be dealt with in time was the two seven-pound cannons. They were too heavy to be handled immediately, so they had to be dismantled into several parts afterwards and shipped out separately.

Fortunately, those two cannons have long been scrapped, and it is impossible to ignite and shoot again. There is no threat, and it doesn't matter even if they are placed in the corridor, and it will not hinder our subsequent exploration operations.

Let me give you an update on the latest situation outside. More and more people are gathering around Xidi Island. Every bridge leading to Xidi Island is blocked and blocked.

The situation on the Seine River was the same. Many boats came here to watch the excitement, completely blocking the upper and lower river channels, and this section of the Seine River was also paralyzed.

There are not only ordinary Parisians and tourists who come to watch the excitement, but also many diplomats from European embassies in France, as well as reporters from major news media around the world.

Then there are protesters who are mainly college students from various universities in Paris, who are full and have nothing to do. These guys have gathered from all directions and are protesting and demonstrating at various bridgeheads.

Fortunately, the Paris police were quite sensible and blocked the entire Isle of Cité early on, and did not let these guys in. Otherwise, we would definitely be hit and face a lot of pressure.

At the intersection of both ends of Channones Avenue, many onlookers gathered, including tourists, pedestrians, residents of the island, many media reporters and diplomats from various countries.

Those European countries that were once looted by Napoleon have responded one after another. All countries have publicly stated that they claim the top antique artworks that once belonged to their countries..."

Hearing Matisse's voice, Ye Tian stopped immediately, then took a few steps back, and turned off the microphone used for live broadcast.

After Matisse finished reporting the situation, Ye Tian pondered for a while, then said with a sneer in a low voice:

"Don't worry about the turmoil from the outside world, just let them go. Can they still bite me? Claim those top-level antique works of art? Go ahead and live your mother's spring and autumn dream!

You must guard this historical building. Without my permission, you must not let anyone enter this historical building. If someone trespasses, don't be polite to them.

In case the French government or the Paris police want to enter this building, let the French lawyer Antoine and the people from the American embassy come forward to deal with it, and you can also use the media.

Given the current situation, with their courage, the French government and the Paris police would not dare to forcibly plunder Lao Tzu’s private property in front of audiences all over the world.”

"Understood, Steven, leave the matter on the ground to us, we must guard this building, and no one can come in without your permission!"

Matisse's voice came immediately, and the answer was decisive and full of confidence.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Now that the organ traps in the corridor have been cleared, you can exit the secret passage, the security personnel continue to guard the building, and other company employees are ready to start cleaning.

Tell all company employees that when entering the underground secret room, everyone must wear a full set of work clothes and gloves, and don't forget the special masks and goggles to protect themselves.

In addition, everyone must wear a miniature high-definition camera and keep it turned on at all times. This is to ensure that the entire exploration operation is highly open and transparent, thereby avoiding unnecessary troubles.

Just like the cleanup work of previous treasure hunting operations, everyone must sign a provisional agreement before entering Napoleon’s treasure. Anderson has prepared the terms and conditions that everyone is familiar with.”

"Okay, Steven, let's exit the secret passage immediately and start the follow-up work!"

Mattis responded, and immediately took action.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said to Anderson through the wireless invisible earphone:

"Anderson, you supervise my employees to sign a temporary agreement, every employee who enters the basement must sign, and then let them enter the basement to prepare for the clean-up work.

In addition to the employees of my company, two lawyers are needed to enter the underground chamber to witness and supervise the subsequent clean-up work, let your assistant lawyer come down, and pick a French lawyer.

They also have to sign a provisional agreement, wear work clothes, gloves, masks and goggles, wear miniature cameras, etc., and there is nothing less, and then they can enter the underground secret room.

You stay in the upper living room and take care of the outside affairs. No matter who you are, as long as you don't get my permission, you must keep them out of this building! "

After the words fell, Anderson immediately responded:

"Understood, Steven, I will arrange the manpower right away. By the way, what about the reporters from the three media outlets of NBC TV? They really want to enter Napoleon's Treasure for on-the-spot filming!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately gave the answer.

"They can't enter here, these top antique artworks have been sleeping in the dark for more than two hundred years, and they can't stand the stimulation of strong light, let alone the spotlights used for shooting!

Besides, the space in this underground secret room is limited, and there are too many people who come down and it is not convenient for them to move, so it is best for them to stay in the living room, and they can still broadcast live! "

Afterwards, Ye Tian gave a few more instructions and ended the call.

As soon as his voice fell, Martinez, who was one or two meters away, couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, don't forget the cultural museum team I brought, shouldn't they be allowed to come down and participate in the cleaning work? They are all top cultural museum personnel, one is worth two!"

Ye Tian turned to look at Martinez, then nodded with a smile and said:

"No problem, you can let them come down and participate in the cleanup of Napoleon's treasure, but they must obey my command and must not act without authorization or make their own decisions!

Otherwise I'd just have to ask them to get out of here, and they'd have to sign temporary agreements, be supervised by lawyers, and wear tiny high-definition cameras, just like my company employees.

During the cleaning process, I hope they will uphold the professionalism and protect these top antique works of art that have disappeared for more than 200 years, even if they do not belong to the Louvre! "

"I have to say, you guys are really too cautious, you can't leak water, don't worry, they are the most professional cultural and cultural personnel, they will not make low-level mistakes, and it is no problem to follow your command!"

Martinez said angrily, with a look of fear and admiration in his eyes.

Afterwards, Martinez picked up the walkie-talkie and began to notify his men to get them ready to come down.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of excited cheers from the intercom, from the professional cultural and cultural personnel of the Louvre!

For them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, can't you be excited?

After Martinez arranged these things, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Let's go, Martinez, let's enjoy Michelangelo's masterpiece and feel the charm of this three masters of Renaissance art!"

With that said, he stepped out and walked towards a painting hanging on the wall in front of him!

Looking at Martinez again, he froze in place, eyes full of disbelief, and muttered to himself.

"My God! Michelangelo, there are really Michelangelo's works here!"

. m.

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