Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1548 The First Code of the Bourgeoisie

Elysee Palace, the Office of the President.

"Immediately deploy additional security forces to firmly guard every bridge leading to Cité Island, and the protesters must not be allowed to enter Cité Island and Channones Street!

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection of the surface and bottom of the Seine River to prevent people from making a fuss on the Seine River, taking a boat or diving, and sneaking into the Cité Island, then the trouble will be big!

These historical documents are too important to be lost. We must try our best to prevent that bastard Steven from taking these documents.

Now everyone knows that these documents are the history of France, they can only stay in France, they must not leave the country, otherwise I will not be able to explain to all the people! "

The French President gritted his teeth and said in an extremely urgent tone.

As soon as the voice fell, someone next to him immediately got up and responded:

"Okay, sir, I will contact the Paris police immediately and ask them to send more security forces!"

After speaking, this man acted.

Meanwhile, exploration continues.


Another rusty padlock was cut off, and another red sandalwood box was opened by Ye Tian.

This is already the sixth box he has opened. The Napoleon Chronicle composed of these boxes in the secret room, the timeline has also come to 1804!

Each of the five boxes opened before was filled with historical documents, which brought huge surprises to Ye Tian and shocked everyone on the live broadcast time after time!

Those hidden documents show people another side of the French Revolution period, many of which have never been known, and this is the first time it has appeared in front of the world!

At the same time, those documents also reveal the success trajectory of Napoleon!

How did he rise from an ordinary officer from Corsica to rise like a rocket in just a few years until he ruled the world and became the ruler of France!

All of this is reflected in those documents!

This is the sixth box,

Not sure what kind of surprises this box will bring.

Whether it was Martinez and the others at the scene, or the countless viewers on the live broadcast, everyone was staring at the box, their gazes were extremely hot!

Under the gaze of countless gazes, Ye Tian gently peeled off the last layer of moisture-proof oil paper, and the things covered under the oil paper appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Unlike the previous few times, this time it was not a bulging kraft paper bag full of literature, but two identical tomes lying quietly on the top shelf of the box!

These are two elegantly bound books. There is no text on the blue velvet cover embroidered with lace, only a logo of the First French Empire is embroidered in the center of the cover, which is very eye-catching!

Due to the erosion of time and the influence of the environment, the blue velvet on the cover of the book is somewhat faded, and the paper under the cover is also somewhat yellowed, which can be seen from the edge!

Generally speaking, these two books are still quite well preserved. After all, they have been sleeping in the dark for more than two hundred years, so we can't ask too much!

After quickly glancing at the covers of the two books, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and gently opened the blue velvet cover of one of the books.

The title of this voluminous French book finally appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone in the underground secret room and live broadcast was stunned, including Ye Tian himself, but he was just performing!

People stared at the two books dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe their eyes, and wondered if they were dazzled!

Especially many historians, as well as some top antique art appraisal experts, everyone's eyes are wide open, and the eyeballs are about to fly out!

The scene was quiet for about two or three seconds before Ye Tian heard Martinez's distraught voice.

“My God! This is the Napoleonic Code! Seems to be the original 1804 edition, not released to the public, and if so, it’s priceless!”

Following Martinez's words, everyone on the live and live broadcast was awakened.

In the next moment, the exclamation was like a volcanic eruption, and it started to sound crazily everywhere.

"I'm going! It's actually the "Napoleonic Code", the earliest civil law code in capitalist countries, and it is also the legislative norms of all capitalist countries in the world"

"Martinez is right. This is the original version of the "Code Napoleon". It is very different from the subsequent versions. I have only heard of it before, but I have never seen it. Today is an eye-opener!

In comparison, this is much more refined than the first edition of the "Code Napoleon" displayed at the National Library of France, and it is also much thicker. Obviously, it has more content than that version! "

Just when people were screaming wildly, Ye Tian reached out and took out a copy of "Napoleon's Code" from the box, and held it in his hand to enjoy it.

Seeing his action, the hearts of Martinez and Antoine at the scene, as well as many French people on the live broadcast, were raised in their throats in an instant, and they were so nervous that they didn't even dare to breathe!

"Steven, you must be careful. If this is really the original version of the "Code Napoleon" that has not been released to the public, it is definitely a priceless treasure. It is a well-deserved French national treasure and cannot be lost!"

Antoine said excitedly, his voice was trembling with extreme caution.

His eyes were already red, and he was staring at the "Code of Napoleon" in Ye Tian's hands, his eyes were so hot that he didn't even blink his eyelids.

As a lawyer, he knew very well what the "Code of Napoleon" meant. It was the foundation of his existence, and he lived on the law!

What's more, this is the extremely rare original "Code Napoleon" in the legend, a truly priceless treasure!

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the nervous Antoine and Martinez, then smiled and said:

"Although rest assured, my hands are very steady and I have never dropped a single piece of antique art, and today is no exception, this "Napoleonic Code" is very safe in my hands.

Although I am not a law student, I know the "Napoleonic Code" very well, and I have heard of the original version of the "Napoleonic Code", and I know its preciousness!

What Napoleon was most proud of in his life was the "Code of Napoleon", not the identity of the French emperor, and his outstanding military talent, which shows how precious this code is! "

Hearing this, Martinez, Antoine, and many French people on the live broadcast could not help but let out a sigh of relief, and relaxed a little!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As far as I know, there are many differences between the original "Code Napoleon" and the version officially promulgated later, the biggest difference is in the preamble of the code.

The "Code Napoleon" is composed of a preamble and three texts. The preamble has only 6 articles, mainly about the effective time of the "Code" and general provisions on the application of the code.

When legal experts headed by Portalis drafted the "Code", there were 39 preambles, but when the "Napoleonic Code" was officially promulgated, only 6 of them remained.

The reason why the remaining 33 articles were deleted was that they reflected more "doctrinal opinions" and "philosophical beliefs" than legislation in the strict sense.

It is said that the preamble of the original "Code Napoleon" completely preserved 39 articles when it was drafted, but unfortunately, this version of the "Code Napoleon" was not promulgated and implemented!

On March 21, 1804, Napoleon signed a decree and officially promulgated it in the name of the "French Civil Code". It was not until 1807 that this civil code was renamed the "Napoleonic Code".

After the "French Civil Code" was officially promulgated and implemented, the original "Napoleonic Code", which was printed in a small number, was centrally destroyed by the French government, and very few of them have been handed down to the world.

In modern times, the original version of "Napoleon's Code" only exists in legends, and almost no one has seen it. It is unexpected that there are actually two hidden here.

Whether the two codes in front of us are the original "Code Napoleon" or not, you only need to open them and read the content of the preamble to get the most accurate answer.

Martinez, Antoine, let's open these two "Code Napoleon" together to see if they are the original versions and whether they can bring us a huge surprise! "

Faced with such an invitation, how could Martinez and Antoine refuse, and how could they be willing to refuse!

These two guys seemed to be dozens of years younger suddenly, and rushed to Ye Tian's side in a whizzing manner, their movements were so vigorous that they even frightened Ye Tian.

Immediately afterwards, Martinez carefully picked up the other "Code Napoleon" from the box as if he was holding a baby.

An Tuowan stared closely at the book in Ye Tian's hands, his eyes were so hot that he was almost drooling!

Ye Tian looked at the two guys, then smiled and said:

"Let's open these two "Code Napoleon" and read the preamble, and hope they will bring a big surprise!"

With that said, Ye Tian opened the code in his hand, and looked at the preamble of this most famous and earliest bourgeois civil code!

At the same time, Martinez also opened the codex in his hand with a slightly trembling right hand, and looked at the preamble!

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