as expected!

The preamble of "Napoleon's Code" presented in front of Ye Tian and everyone on the live broadcast end is not the 6 articles that people generally recognize, such as the effective time of the code and so on.

The prefaces of these two "Napoleonic Codes" contain more content, eloquent and eloquent, no less than ten thousand words.

Although he doesn't know French, Ye Tian has already got an extremely accurate answer just based on the Arabic numerals in front of that paragraph of text!

In fact, as early as when he entered this small underground secret room, he knew everything about the situation here, including the birth time and value of the two "Code Napoleon"!

Everything after that is just a performance, for others to see!

Needless to say, this is the original, never published, only legendary version of the Napoleonic Code, a truly priceless treasure!

Especially in the eyes of Western legal professionals, the status of this "Code of Napoleon" is probably no less than that of the "Bible"!

At this time, Antoine, just like looking at the original "Bible", stared at the "Code of Napoleon" in Ye Tian's hands with his eyes, and has fallen into a state of almost madness!

The situation of Martinez next to him is not much better, holding the other code with trembling hands, as if he has Perkins syndrome!

Seeing his performance, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Can this old guy's body still hold up? Not a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, right? The heart won't suddenly burst, right? Don't drop that "Code Napoleon", it will be a big loss!

"My God! There are 39 articles in the preamble of this code. There is no doubt that this is the original version of "Napoleon's Code". It is a real priceless treasure and a national treasure of France!"

Martinez muttered to himself, looking ecstatic.

At the same time, he was also gently stroking the slightly yellowed paper and the words left over two hundred years ago with his hands, his movements were extremely gentle, just like stroking the skin of his first love!

Antoine also stretched out his right index finger, and started stroking the paper and words of the code in Ye Tian's hand. No matter his movements or expressions, he was very similar to Martinez, and even more obsessed!

The people on the live broadcast end were all awakened,

Immediately afterwards, the volcano began to erupt violently.

"Wow! This legendary original "Napoleon's Code" actually exists, and it was hidden by Napoleon himself. It's simply unbelievable!"

"Today is really wonderful. Not only did I see Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", but I also saw the legendary original version of "Napoleon's Code"!

The only regret is that all these priceless treasures fell into the hands of that bastard Steven, how lucky that bastard is, and how unfair God is! Why wasn't it me who got these treasures? "

Just when people were exclaiming, in the presidential office of the Elysee Palace, the French president stood up again, walked quickly to the TV screen, and stared at the two "Napoleonic Codes".

If someone stood in front of him at this time, he would definitely be able to see that the French president's expression was extremely excited, his eyes were already red, and his eyes were full of envy, even jealousy, and greed!

"Continue to send more security forces to strictly guard against the Cité, Avenue Channones, and the Seine River. There must be no mistakes. If the police force is insufficient, send the National Guard over there!

Immediately contact that bastard Steven's lawyer and arrange a time as soon as possible, and I will have a face-to-face meeting with that greedy bastard Steven in that historic building!

These two original editions of the "Code Napoleon" are extremely precious. What Martinez said just now is absolutely correct. These are French national treasures, and no one is allowed to take them away! "

The French President quickly issued an order, and the tone was firm and unquestionable!

As soon as his words fell, several subordinates immediately responded in unison:

"Okay sir, we'll arrange and contact Steven's bastard's lawyer right away!"

At the same time, the person far away in the Oval Office of the White House in the United States also stared at the live broadcast and the two original versions of the "Code Napoleon" with eyes full of greed!

Martinez woke up, he immediately turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and said excitedly:

"Steven, this is the original version of the "Napoleonic Code". I am afraid that there are only these two copies in the world that have been completely preserved to this day. They are well-deserved French national treasures and are extremely precious!

Here I implore you, leave these two original editions of the Napoleonic Code in France, in Paris, where the Napoleonic Code was born, and where they should exist most!

I know that you are the top professional treasure hunter. This is your business. These two codes are your commodity. Since it is a business, you can discuss it. We can talk about how to trade these two codes! "

After saying this, Martinez stared at Ye Tian with full expectation, waiting for his answer, expecting to hear the most pleasant answer!

Antoine next to him, as well as everyone in front of the live broadcast, all stared at Ye Tian to see what answer he would give!

Ye Tian didn't answer right away, he handed the "Code of Napoleon" in his hand to Antoine who was eager to see through it, and then turned his head to look at Martinez.

"Martinez, it's too early to talk about this, after the exploration and cleanup work is complete, let's sit down and talk about the transaction of these two "Code of Napoleon"!

You are right, treasure hunting is my business, if you can meet my conditions, I don't mind leaving these two "Code Napoleon" in France, in Paris!

If you can’t accept my conditions, then I’m very sorry, I can only find another buyer, I believe there must be many top collectors who are willing to collect these two "Code Napoleon"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and shook his head and said, showing his fangs again, without hiding it!

Hearing his words, everyone gasped.

There is no doubt that the French are going to be in bad luck! He will definitely be slashed by the bastard Steven, and all the French will tremble in fear!

There was a moment of silence in front of the live broadcast, and then there was an explosion of furious and crazy cursing, mainly from countless French people who were about to go mad!

The same goes for Martinez, who was in the underground chamber holding the "Code of Napoleon" in his hand, his eyes shot out with anger, and he wished he could eat the bastard in front of him alive!

But he could only suppress his anger, and said in as gentle a tone as possible:

"Steven, here I can tell you with absolute certainty that these two original versions of the "Napoleonic Code" will definitely be included in the list of restricted departures, and you will never leave France with them!"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and said calmly:

"It doesn't matter, I have thought of this kind of thing a long time ago, it is inevitable, but don't forget, this historical building belongs to me, and I can completely store two "Napoleonic Code" here!

Of course, it is very unsafe to store them here, and it will attract countless coveted eyes, but there are many famous bank insurance institutions in Paris that can also be used to preserve these two codes.

Let me emphasize that as long as the two original copies of the Napoleonic Code are not obtained from me through legal transactions, they will be illegal anywhere and will not see the light! "

Hearing this, Martinez was immediately dumbfounded, and everyone on the live broadcast was the same.

The re-enactment of these two original Napoleonic Codexes was so high-profile that everyone now knows that they belonged to Steven the bastard.

So as long as it is not a legal transaction, it is impossible for anyone or any country to obtain these two codes, and it is impossible to make them public, let alone open transactions, which will only cause huge troubles!

Of course, it will also attract bloody revenge from that bastard Steven. How many people can bear that kind of result?

Before everyone could respond, Ye Tian took the "Code of Napoleon" from Antoine again, opened it again, and said with a smile while flipping through it:

"It is well known that the Napoleonic Code is very rich in content, is still in use today, and is the foundation of all laws in France, and the laws of other bourgeois countries are derived from it!

In the past two hundred years, with the changes in French politics, economy, and national conditions, the "Napoleonic Code" has been revised more than a hundred times, and some outdated content has been changed.

However, the fundamental principle of this code has never changed, that is, the protection of the sanctity of private property. One-third of the articles in the code are emphasizing the inviolability of private ownership!

This is exactly the purpose of Napoleon organizing legal experts to compile and formulate this code. It is to protect the most fundamental achievement of the French Revolution and the foundation of all capitalist countries!

If I remember correctly, Article 537 of the Code clearly stipulates that "private individuals are free to dispose of their own property". The meaning of this passage is not difficult to understand, so I will not explain it.

Article 544 stipulates that "ownership is the right to use, benefit from and dispose of private goods absolutely and without restrictions", which guarantees absolute personal private ownership, which is also beyond doubt.

As we all know, these two original versions of the "Code Napoleon" are now my private property, and I have the absolute right to dispose of them. As long as it is within the legal scope, no one can interfere, including the French government!

France is the place where the "Code Napoleon" was born. All French people are proud of this capitalist country's first civil code, and all French laws are based on it!

In my opinion, the French government and the French people should abide by the "Napoleonic Code" and understand the fundamental principle of the sanctity of private property, otherwise it would be too hypocritical! "

While speaking impassionedly, Ye Tian also opened the "Code of Napoleon" in his hand, quickly flipped to the corresponding legal articles, and displayed those legal articles in front of everyone.

Hearing his words and looking at the laws written in black and white, everyone in front of the live broadcast was completely dumbfounded!

Especially the French, they were instantly petrified and fell into a state of near dementia!

Could this be called self-binding? How to play this?

Steven, the damn bastard, is too cunning! Impeccable!

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