After the passionate long kiss, Ye Tian and Betty sat down, chatting in low voices while drinking coffee.

On the other side, Martinez and Antoine have been surrounded by the crowd, and they are happily introducing the situation in the underground secret room, and their mouths are flying!

After chatting with Betty for a while, Anderson came over, came to Ye Tian's side and said in a low voice:

"Steven, from the beginning of the exploration operation, as the antique works of Napoleon's treasure appeared one after another, many famous museums and top collectors called to express their desire to buy.

Among them are the Metropolitan Museum of Art, MOMA, the National Gallery of Art, the Getty Museum, etc., all of which have expressed a strong interest in the top antiques in the Napoleon treasure.

In particular, the two original editions of the "Code Napoleon", as well as Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", they all expressed their willingness to buy them at all costs!

In addition, some top collectors, such as several old friends who have dealt with before, such as Leon and Peter from the United States, and Bernard from France, have also expressed their strong willingness to acquire.

Bernard, in particular, said on the phone that he was willing to pay any price to acquire the two original "Code Napoleon", the works of Raphael and Michelangelo, and several other top-level works of art.

Bernard is on vacation in Spain. When he called just now, his private plane was preparing to take off. He must have already arrived in Paris. It won't be long before he arrives here!

According to your instructions, I told everyone on the phone that everything will be discussed after the exploration operation is completed and the necessary procedures have been completed. Then you will contact them in person to negotiate related art transactions! "

After listening to the report, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile.

"That's right, we can only arrange it like this for the time being. If it is as expected, many of these top-level antique artworks found in Napoleon's treasure will be included in the list of restricted departures and are not allowed to leave France!

In particular, the two original "Code Napoleon", as well as Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", will be 100% included in the list of restricted artworks from leaving the country.

Those top collectors can say that they can fly to Paris to buy and store those top antique artworks in villas or castles in France without leaving the country with those treasures.

But a famous museum like the Met,

There is no way, unless they can get through all the links, making the French government nod and let them leave the country with relevant top-level antique works of art!

Of course, this does not include Bernard. He is French and lives in Paris. Naturally, he will not leave the country with those top-level antique works of art. It is no harm to meet this old friend! "

Next, Anderson reported some other situations, as well as the current situation inside and outside Citi Island.

While speaking, Perry, the US ambassador to France, and the cultural counselor of the embassy came over.

After standing in front of Ye Tian, ​​Perry immediately said excitedly:

"Congratulations again, Steven, you are extremely lucky to have discovered such a huge treasure and harvested so many top-level antique works of art, and it is enough to make you crazy with envy!"

Ye Tian was not polite at all, he nodded with a smile and said:

"My luck has always been good, and this time is no exception. It is indeed very lucky to find Napoleon's treasure hidden for more than two hundred years, as well as the priceless top antique artworks in the treasure!"

With that said, Ye Tian asked Perry and the others to sit down.

After sitting down and chatting for a while, Perry got to the point. The buddy lowered his voice and said:

"Steven, I just got a call from the Oval Office, Mr. President would like you to bring the original Code Napoleon back to America, to New York, if possible!

The significance of those two original editions of the "Code Napoleon" is too great. They are not only national treasures of France, they can be called national treasures in any capitalist country.

If you can't bring back both "Code Napoleon" to the United States, then at least one must be brought back. How to operate this matter, our embassy in France will do our best to assist!

It doesn’t matter if you use diplomatic privileges to take them out of France. Once the original version of the “Code Napoleon” arrives in the United States, the government will immediately come forward to buy it, and it will never treat you badly.

After the government comes forward to buy it, the original version of the "Code Napoleon" will be placed in the corresponding positions of the White House and the Federal Supreme Court for public display, so that everyone can see it with their own eyes!

In addition to the original "Code Napoleon", there are also dozens of boxes of documents related to Napoleon. They are also extremely precious and of great research value. I hope you can bring them back to New York!

Of course, it would be great if you could bring back Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation, among other top-notch antiques! "

"Hey! That guy in the Oval Office is quite ambitious!"

Ye Tian exclaimed in a low voice with an exaggerated expression, and then joked:

"It is simply impossible to leave Paris openly with the two first editions of the Napoleonic Code, and the documents that pertain to Napoleon's glorious career and rewrite the history of the French Revolutionary period!

Those are undisputed French national treasures. How could the French government allow me to bring those treasures back to the United States? If they really dare to do that, just wait to be completely overwhelmed by the spittle of the French people!

Don't even think about it, the two original editions of the "Code Napoleon" and those extremely important documents will be included in the list of antique artworks that are restricted from leaving the country. Maybe it has become a fact now!

Once they are included in the list of restrictions on leaving the country, I will never openly violate the law, take them away forcibly or secretly, and take advantage of the diplomatic privileges of the embassy personnel in France to take them away, and there is no possibility.

If I do that, the diplomatic personnel of the embassy are protected by diplomatic immunity, and nothing will happen, but I will get into huge trouble. Even if I can leave France this time, I will never even think about setting foot in Europe in the future! "

Hearing these words, Perry immediately ran out of words, and for a while, he didn't know what to say!

At the same time, fear flashed across his eyes.

Sure enough, it was exactly as it was in the legend. Steven, the bastard, was really too cunning. He was as smart as a monkey when he was covered in hair. No one could take advantage of him, and the guy in the Oval Office was no exception!

Ye Tian looked at Perry and the cultural counselor of the embassy, ​​and then continued:

"This matter is not inflexible. The French president will come here later and have an interview with me. No need to ask, he is here for the original version of the "Napoleonic Code" and those documents!"

"Ah! The President of France will come here later? Did I hear you right?"

Perry exclaimed in a low voice, the news was obviously a bit unexpected.

When receiving a call from the French President's Office, Anderson did not announce the news for safety and confidentiality. He only informed Ye Tian and Mattis, and the others did not know about it!

Ye Tian nodded slightly and gave an affirmative answer.

"Yes, Perry, you heard me right, the French President will be here soon, accompanied by the French Minister of Culture and other entourage, which is why I returned to the living room early.

At that time, you can participate in the talks and make a request as the American ambassador to France to ask the French government to agree to let me leave France with the original "Napoleonic Code" and those documents.

Of course, the President of France will definitely not agree to this request, but we can at least let me take one of the original "Code Napoleon" and return to New York!

This goal is still possible. If all goes well, when I return to New York with the "Code Napoleon", I don't mind selling it to the US government as long as the price is reasonable! "

After the words fell, Perry and the cultural counselor of the embassy Qiqi rolled their eyes and complained secretly.

"The person in the Oval Office of the White House still wants to use this guy, Steven, to get the original version of the "Code Napoleon" and those extremely precious documents, obviously thinking too much!

In such a blink of an eye, this bastard once again hit us with his idea, let us come forward to mediate with the French government and strive for the best interests for him!

Even if we persuade the French president, whether the White House can finally get what he wants depends on whether the asking price can satisfy the bastard in front of him. We are a group of fools! "

Thinking of this, Perry and the Cultural Counselor couldn't help feeling angry, but there was nothing they could do. Ye Tian was sitting in front of them, and the initiative was in his hands!

At this moment, Mathis suddenly walked into the living room and walked quickly to Ye Tian's side.

"Steven, the French President's advance staff have arrived, all of them are plainclothes presidential guard security personnel, and they have asked to enter this building for a security check!"

"It's okay, just let them check, it's the French president who came, security checks are essential, you take a few guys and Antoine, and accompany those guys in the presidential guard to check together!

In addition to the basement under the living room and the underground secret room deep underground, other places can be inspected. Be careful, and don't forget to wear a miniature camera! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, and quickly made arrangements.

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, we will be more careful!"

Matisse nodded, then turned and left the living room.

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