Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1552 The President Arrives

A few minutes later, accompanied by Mattis, several armed security personnel, and Antoine, several guys in suits and ties walked into the living room.

Without exception, these guys are all special agents from the French Presidential Guard, and everyone looks extremely capable and powerful!

After these guys entered the living room, they first greeted Ye Tian and the US ambassador to France Perry, and then began to verify the identities of other people in the living room.

As they started working, everyone in the living room and everyone on the live broadcast end learned that the French president was about to come to this historic building and was going to have an interview with that guy, Steven.

Why the French president came, people have already understood in an instant!

Do you still need to ask? The French President must have come for the two original editions of the "Code Napoleon" and those historical documents about Napoleon!

Those are veritable national treasures of France. As the President of France, how could he just watch those priceless treasures being looted and taken away by that bastard Steven!

If the French president really ignores those treasures, then he may not be able to sit on the presidency for a few days, and the angry French people will definitely spray him to pieces!

Of course, those priceless top antique works of art, such as Raphael's "Madonna", Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", etc., are also the goals of the French president!

These are the spoils looted from various European countries led by Napoleon. They were snatched by the ancestors of the French who threw their heads and blood. Is it easy to come?

That is the wealth that belongs to France and all the French people. Why should Steven, that bastard, be looted by that bastard for nothing? Just because the historic building belonged to him?

Indeed, private property is sacred and inviolable, but who can be willing?

As soon as the news spread that the French President was going to visit Channones Avenue in person and meet Ye Tian face to face, it immediately caused a huge sensation and attracted countless attentions!

At the same time, people began to speculate about the outcome of this meeting and whether the French president could achieve his goal and win the priceless treasures in Napoleon's treasure!

The French people still have a little confidence in their president, and one by one they are expecting the best.

Many people who know Ye Tian have the opposite attitude, they are not optimistic!

So what if it was the President of France,

Who has that bastard Steven been subdued to and when has he suffered? I have never heard of it, and this time will definitely be no exception!

If the French want to win the two original editions of the "Code Napoleon", as well as those documents related to Napoleon, as well as those priceless top antique works of art, it is bound to be difficult to reach the sky!

If they finally achieve their goal and leave behind those priceless treasures, then don't even think about it, the French must have paid a huge price and got slaughtered by that bastard Steven!

Just when people were speculating, the convoy of the French president had already left the Elysee Palace, and under the escort of the presidential guard and the Paris police, it was heading straight for the Cité!

And on the highway from Charles de Gaulle International Airport to downtown Paris, there is also a convoy speeding towards the Ile de la Cité in the center of Paris!

Sitting in a car in the middle of the convoy was Bernard, the richest man in France, the top collector in France, and who had dealt with Ye Tian many times!

He had just returned from his vacation to Paris from Spain.

Bernard's purpose is the same as that of the French President. He also came for the two original "Code Napoleon", as well as those documents and top-level antique works of art, and he was full of confidence and was bound to win!

It took about ten minutes for the Secret Service personnel of the Presidential Guard to complete the inspection.

The inside of this building is naturally very safe, so who can escape Ye Tian's eyes, pass through the defense line that Matisse and the others set up, and sneak into this much-anticipated historical building? None!

Immediately afterwards, led and escorted by seven or eight heavy-duty police motorcycles and several Paris police cars, the huge presidential convoy quickly passed the Notre-Dame Bridge on the Seine River and drove straight into the Cité.

When the presidential motorcade passed the northern end of the Notre Dame Bridge, the large crowd of protesters who gathered here shouted frantically as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"Mr. President, the treasure of Napoleon belongs to France and the French people! Go get back the original version of the "Code Napoleon" and get back those priceless top antique works of art!"

"It's up to you now, Mr. President, and I hope I was right when I voted for you!"

Looking at the passionate protesters outside the car window, countless people joining in the fun, and the gathered and excited media reporters, the French President's face can't help but become more dignified!

Can this trip really achieve the expected purpose? It may not be possible to keep the original "Code Napoleon" and those precious documents, as well as those top antique works of art in France and in Paris!

Who doesn't know! That bastard Steven is greedy to the extreme, never loses money, and is extremely cunning. No one can catch him, let alone take advantage of him!

If you want to keep Napoleon's treasures and those priceless treasures, it seems that you have to pay a huge price, otherwise there is no possibility!

What's even more hateful is that that bastard Steven not only attracted global attention to this treasure hunt, but also used the live broadcast to elevate the French government and people into a moral kidnapping!

In this case, even if you want to play tricks outside the market, there is no room for it.

The news media all over the world are staring at this place and the final ownership of Napoleon's treasure. Those guys who are afraid of chaos in the world are not idiots!

Besides the news media, watch out for the idiots in the opposition.

Those idiots are probably holding a magnifying glass at this time, examining their every move, just waiting for themselves to make mistakes, and then they can attack and bite wildly!

Thinking of this, the French president has a splitting headache.

He even regretted it a bit, why did he come to Citi Island at this juncture to meet that bastard Steven?

While speaking, the presidential motorcade has arrived at the west end of Shannones Avenue!

At this time, the security level of Channones Avenue is much higher than before. There are three steps for one post and five steps for one sentry. The street is full of security personnel and Paris police, and everyone is on high alert!

No. 15, Shannones Avenue, which is the entrance of the historical building where Napoleon's treasure is located, was full of armed security personnel, half of them were Ye Tian's subordinates, and half of them were Secret Service personnel of the Presidential Guard!

A little further outside are the security personnel of the American embassy in France, the security personnel of Ye Tian, ​​and the two tactical teams of the French national gendarmerie special service GIGN.

As for the Paris police, they can only stay at the outermost places, block off the two ends of the street, and maintain order at both ends of the street. They are not qualified to approach the gate of No. 15 house at all!

Just as the presidential motorcade was slowly driving into Channones Avenue, Ye Tian also received the news. He quickly glanced at the people in the living room, and then said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Perry, let's go to greet the distinguished Mr. President, the French President's motorcade has entered this street and will soon arrive at the gate of this building!

Antoine, please come with me. In a formal occasion, I should need an interpreter. There is no one more suitable than you, a French lawyer.

Friends from the media, the visit of the French president is not a trivial matter, and you probably don’t want to miss this opportunity. Please go out with me to meet Mr. President!

Anderson, you just stay in this living room, accompany everyone here, and help look at this portable alloy safe by the way, so that I can rest assured! "

In just a few words, Ye Tian arranged everything, in perfect order and without leakage!

These arrangements of his have their own intentions, and they are by no means aimless!

Needless to say, Perry is the US ambassador to France. Out of diplomatic etiquette, he must go out to meet the French president. As for Antoine and those media reporters, there is no shortage of on-site supervision!

In this way, even if the French president is upset and even hates Ye Tian very much, he still has to do some superficial things, and he will never dare to make any fools in front of the public!

"Okay, Steven"

Perry and the others responded in unison, and everyone's eyes flashed a hint of admiration, and they were also somewhat afraid!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took Betty by the hand and stepped out, under the guard of Taylor and Lisa, walked towards the door of the living room!

Immediately behind them, Perry and Antoine followed, and Martinez, who came uninvited!

In the end, there were reporters from the three news media, their eyes lit up and they were extremely excited!

There is no doubt that what follows will be a wonderful show of needlepoint against wheat, absolutely not to be missed!

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