Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1556 Outrageous Conditions

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"While we are talking here, the cleaning of Napoleon's treasure in the underground chamber is in full swing, and it is coming to an end, and it won't be long before it ends!

When the cleaning work is over, I will give a valuation to every piece of top antique art found in Napoleon's treasure based on the current market conditions of antique art, and then make the valuation public.

After the valuation is completed and the necessary procedures are completed, I will start to deal with these top antique artworks. To put it bluntly, I will push them to the antique art market in batches.

I am a professional treasure hunter, not a collector. This is my business. There is nothing wrong with bringing these top-level antique works of art to the market. I believe everyone can understand!

At that time, top collectors and famous museums from all over the world will surely flock to acquire these rare treasures. French collectors and museums are very welcome to participate!

Due to the large quantity and high quality of this batch of top antique artworks, it may be difficult for the Paris art auction market to digest them all. I am facing collectors and museums all over the world.

In terms of art taxation, France is much higher than the United States. The United States has no art value-added tax and customs tax, which makes some collectors and museums deliberately avoid Paris.

So, here I would like to ask gentlemen, don't put those top antiques on the list of restricted art, so that I can take some of them back to New York"

Before the words fell, the French on the opposite side had already exploded!

The French Minister of Culture and Martinez were even more exaggerated. As if they were electrocuted, they pushed their chairs away and jumped up, staring at their blood-red eyes and roaring:

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, Steven, you are purely dreaming, there is no possibility of realizing it at all"

"Steven, you bastard is so greedy! Don't say anything else, just Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", you must never leave France!"

While the two were roaring, the French president also stared at Ye Tian with fiery eyes, wishing he could jump over from the table, tear him up and feed him to the dogs to relieve his hatred!

Even Anderson and the others looked at Ye Tian in surprise.

You want to take away the priceless top antique artworks in Napoleon's treasure,

How can it be such a good thing to make a fortune without paying taxes to the French government!

This condition is too outrageous, how could the French agree?

If they really dare to agree to this request, once the news is leaked, they will be completely drowned by the spit of the French people!

Ye Tian raised his hands and pressed down gently, and said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Don't be impatient, Mr. Minister, Martinez, since we are negotiating a deal, then I can ask for the price, and you can also pay back the money, there is no reason to be so anxious!

Here I want to declare that Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" cannot appear in any auction in Paris or New York!

As I said before, if the Pope is willing to go to the United States to officiate my wedding with Betty and send best wishes to Betty and her family, I don't mind sending those two oil paintings to the Vatican!

According to my judgment, it is unlikely that the Vatican and the Pope himself will reject this win-win deal. If they do, it will not be too late for us to discuss the transaction of these two top-level works of art! "


Everyone at the scene gasped in unison, everyone was overwhelmed by Ye Tian's big hand.

Although this was the second time I heard Ye Tian mention this matter, everyone was still shocked by it. It was Raphael and Michelangelo, how could he be willing?

Immediately afterwards, the French President suddenly interjected:

"Steven, let's not talk about the masterpieces of Raphael and Michelangelo. As far as I know, many European countries have publicly issued statements claiming the top antique works of art in Napoleon's treasure.

In your live broadcast, you have pointed out one by one, which country belonged to those top antique artworks more than two hundred years ago, and why did they appear here? How do you plan to deal with those European countries? "

Ye Tian looked at the other party, then said with a sneer:

"Claim the top antique artworks in Napoleon's treasure? Those European countries are obviously overthinking. As early as more than 200 years ago, many European countries have given up the ownership of these top antique artworks.

After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, they, as the victors, had the opportunity to recover all the top antique works of art looted by Napoleon and his army, but they gave up this right very generously.

They only recovered a pitiful 5,000 antique works of art, but gave up most of the top antique works of art, allowing those top antique works of art to stay in France and become the wealth of France.

Of course, this is thanks to the French government at the time. Those guys must be eloquent eloquent people. I don’t know what kind of magic they used to fool all the victorious countries! "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and Anderson and the others all laughed, all of them were overjoyed!

The Frenchmen on the opposite side rolled their eyes angrily, showing a bit of a smile, even a little smug!

is not that right! As a defeated country, France actually limped all the victorious countries at that time, leaving behind most of the top artworks looted by Napoleon. It has to be said that it is a miracle!

It is precisely because of this that the Louvre has become the number one museum in the world, and other famous museums and cultural institutions in France have also benefited a lot from it!

Even the city of Paris has gained huge benefits, and has become a city that countless antique art lovers yearn for, and has become a famous city of art!

After the laughter fell, the French Minister of Culture on the opposite side immediately continued:

"Steven, we can admit your ownership of Napoleon's treasure, but I also tell you very clearly that most of the top antique works of art in the treasure will be included in the list of restricted departures.

These antique works of art were found in Paris, and once they were sold at auction or otherwise, they had to pay taxes to the French tax authorities, there was no room for negotiation!

In addition, these top-level antique works of art are very important, and many of them are priceless national treasures. We hope that the major museums in France will be eligible for priority acquisitions! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian fell silent immediately.

After pretending to ponder for a while, he smiled and said:

"The major museums and top collectors in France are eligible for priority purchase. There is no problem with this, and I am happy to see it succeed, but all transactions must be based on market value and be open and transparent!

Regarding the taxation of art transactions, I can promise you here that the relevant taxes and fees that should be borne and paid by our company will not be less than a penny, and will be paid as soon as possible!

Our company has always been a model of compliance with laws and regulations, and has never had any tax issues. What I consider is to reduce the tax burden for those museums and collectors! "

"Are you a model of law-abiding? Just you, a greedy bastard who has no taboos, will obey the law? Don't talk nonsense, who will believe it? No ghost will believe it!"

The Frenchmen on the opposite side all rolled their eyes, and each of them complained secretly!

Of course, this is their mental activity, and they have not resorted to it.

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice continued to come out.

"Obviously, it is impossible to exclude all the top antique art found in Napoleon's treasure from the list of restricted departures, and you will certainly not agree.

So how about we take a step back? Can half of these top-level antique artworks not be included in the list of artworks restricted from leaving the country? Let me take them back to New York.

After half of the top-level antique artworks are sold in the New York market, the part of taxes that I should pay, such as art value-added tax and customs duties, etc., will also not be less."

Before the words fell, the French Minister of Culture on the opposite side had already given the answer firmly.

"Impossible, Steven, it is impossible for us to accept this plan, as long as the top-level antique works of art meet the requirements, they will definitely be included in the list of works of art restricted from leaving the country, without exception!

Moreover, these antique artworks must be traded in France and relevant fees must be paid. Even after the transaction, these priceless top antique artworks are not allowed to leave France without permission! "

Ye Tian looked at the French Minister of Culture with a flushed face, and said with a leisurely smile:

"Don't rush to refuse, Mr. Minister, listen to my other conditions first, and after listening, it's not too late for you to make a decision!"

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