Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1557 Art Trading

"Okay, Steven, tell me about your other conditions, we are all ears!"

The French Minister of Culture suppressed his anger and said through gritted teeth.

Ye Tian's face was always filled with a bright smile, no matter how he looked at it, he deserved a beating.

"Let's skip the top antique artworks for now, and talk about the historical documents closely related to Napoleon. Everyone knows how important those documents are.

It is no exaggeration, for France, the importance of those historical documents is far higher than those of top antique works of art, because it is related to the truth of the partial history of France! "

Hearing this, all the French people in this small reception room nodded slightly in agreement, because this is the truth, undeniable!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Because of this, I plan to keep those documents and materials in France and the French people, so that those documents and materials will return the truth to history, instead of being secret or publicly auctioned"

"What? You plan to leave those extremely important documents in France? Did I hear you right? Steven"

The French President jumped up and asked excitedly, his eyes fixed on Ye Tian.

The same goes for the other French guys, they all stood up in an instant, staring at Ye Tian with rounded eyes, full of disbelief, as if they wondered if they were hallucinating!

Ye Tian nodded affirmatively, then said loudly with a smile:

"You heard me right, Mr. President, I do have this plan. The place where those documents should exist most is France and Paris. Only here are they most valuable!

Of course, this is conditional. You should have heard that I had an art transaction with the Guimet Museum before, exchanging Queen Mary’s jewelry for some Chinese antique art.

This time is the same, I plan to use these precious historical documents to trade with some famous museums and other cultural institutions in France in exchange for Chinese antiques in their collections! "

Hearing this, the French President and several others turned their heads to look at Martinez.

Martinez nodded slightly, affirming Ye Tian's words.

at the same time,

He also secretly complained in his heart.

It's over! This time, one or several famous French museums are going to be ransacked by Steven, the bastard, just like the unlucky Guimet Museum!

After the last art transaction, half the sky at the Guimet Asian Art Museum has collapsed, and it won't take a long time to recover!

After calming down a bit, Martinez said angrily:

"Tell me, Steven, you greedy guy, have you taken a fancy to those Chinese antiques again this time? Are you planning to rob that famous museum again?

Don't think about it, the Chinese antique art that you fancy is definitely top-notch! The museum you are eyeing will surely escape the tragic fate of being ransacked! "

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, Martinez. It seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of me. I have always done business without deceit, open and transparent, and there is no looting at all!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, teasing Martinez.


There was laughter again at the scene, and Anderson and the others all laughed.

A few French people on the opposite side smiled angrily, with rather helpless expressions.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"I am very interested in the top Chinese artwork collected by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the silk painting from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, "Forty Scenes of the Old Summer Palace", and I want to include it in my pocket.

In addition, I am also very interested in the ancient Buddhist scriptures, social documents, silk paintings and other cultural relics that are also collected in the National Library of France and from the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, China.

In addition to these, there are also some Chinese antique artworks collected in the Palace of Fontainebleau, as well as other museums and cultural institutions in France, which can also be included in the list of exchange items..."

The French guys on the opposite side were dumbfounded, their eyes widened.

They were all frightened by Ye Tian's astonishing appetite, and they all stared at him dumbfounded, with flames of anger flashing in their eyes, wishing they could blow him to pieces!

What Martinez said is correct, but it seems that any museum or cultural institution targeted by Steven, a bastard, will inevitably suffer a tragic fate of being ransacked.

The French Minister of Culture couldn't bear it any longer, and was about to explode.

At this moment, Ye Tian stretched out his hands, pressed down gently, and said lightly before the other party:

"Gentlemen, in fact, you don't need to rush to get angry, and you don't need to feel angry. You must know that the number of documents closely related to Napoleon in my hand can be as high as a dozen boxes.

Once those documents are made public, they will definitely rewrite the partial history of the French Revolution and restore the truth of history. This shows how important those documents are!

The antique cultural relics from China that I mentioned just now have been sealed up in the warehouses of various cultural and museum institutions for many years to collect ashes, and they have no chance to be displayed in front of the general public.

The Chinese Pavilion of the Palace of Fontainebleau has been closed for these years, and the days of opening are few and far between; most of the cultural relics of the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes collected by the French National Library have never been exhibited!

For other Chinese antique works of art, even if they have the opportunity to be exhibited publicly, how many audiences will come to appreciate them? In Western society, how many people know how to appreciate Chinese antiques?

To put it bluntly, China is the place where those antique works of art should exist most, and only the Chinese know how to appreciate their own civilization, not to mention that most of them are looted.

Comparing the two, I think it is not difficult to distinguish which is more important. For both of us, this is a win-win deal. Everyone gets what they want and everyone is happy. Why not do it?

If you consider the importance and research value, the value of the dozens of boxes of literature is obviously higher, and the impact it brings is also greater. In this transaction, I am the one who suffers! "

The French president and other Frenchmen were silent, and they began to think about Ye Tian's words.

These words sound reasonable, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it!

For the French, those Chinese antique works of art that have few chances to be exhibited publicly and not many people visit are naturally not as important as those dozens of boxes of documents!

But, for Steven, a cunning and greedy bastard, would he take advantage of people like himself for nothing? Cheap France for nothing? is it possible?

When has this bastard ever had a losing business? I have never heard of it! No need to ask, this bastard must have a backhand ready!

Sure enough, these Frenchmen really guessed it right.

Seeing the emotional expressions on the faces of the other party, Ye Tian immediately struck while the iron was hot, and continued with a smile:

"The reason why I am willing to take out those dozens of boxes of extremely important documents in exchange for Chinese antique artworks and cultural relics is another prerequisite!

As I said before, at least half of the top antique artworks found in Napoleon's treasure cannot be included in the list of artworks restricted from leaving the country!

There are too many top-level antique artworks. Based on the principle of maximizing profits, if they are all sold, it will take a long time, and the cycle may be as long as several years!

For me, Paris is not a permanent place of residence, and it is impossible for me to store those top-level antique art collections in a certain residence in Paris, which will attract countless art thieves!

New York doesn't have that kind of problem, not only do I live in New York, but my company is there, and dealing with these top-notch antiques is not a problem at all, nor is there any difficulty.

That's why I made this request. Only in this way can the transaction between us continue, otherwise I can only keep those documents and keep them secret."

It's too much, isn't this the threat of Chi Guoguo? It's unreasonable!

The Frenchmen on the opposite side were about to blow up again, and they were going to reprimand Ye Tian angrily.

This time Ye Tian didn't need to come forward, the French president suppressed his anger and waved his hands to both sides, signaling Martinez and the others to sit down, don't worry about getting angry!

Immediately afterwards, the French president stared at Ye Tian, ​​gritted his molars and said:

"Steven, let's skip the literature and Chinese antique art business for a moment, and talk about what you plan to do with the two original "Code Napoleon", I'd love to hear!"

Ye Tian gently led you to nod, then smiled and said:

"Okay, so let me tell you what I'm going to do with the two original Napoleonic Codes,..."

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