Everyone in the small reception room was staring at Ye Tian, ​​expecting him to say how to deal with the two original "Code Napoleon".

Ye Tian always had a smile on his face, sitting on a chair, watching the French president opposite him, and talking eloquently.

"The original "Code Napoleon" consists of two volumes, and the two codes are exactly the same, from the blue velvet cover, to the preamble, to the signature of the four-member drafting committee at the end, and Napoleon's autograph.

Neither is there any difference in their state of preservation, but they are both very good, that is to say, both original Napoleonic Codexes are of exactly the same value both in content and in appearance.

There is no doubt that these two original "Code Napoleon" are well-deserved national treasures of France, so don't think about it, they must be included in the list of restricted works of art, and I cannot bring them back to New York"

Before the words fell, the French President immediately interjected and said:

"That's right, Steven, these two original editions of the "Code Napoleon" are national treasures and one of the most important achievements of the French Revolution. You must not leave France, this is non-negotiable!"

When he said this, his tone was decisive.

The rest of the French also nodded, and everyone's expression was very firm.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, continued to smile and said:

"I have thought about this a long time ago, but these two original versions of the "Code Napoleon" are my private property, and I have the freedom to dispose of them as long as they do not violate French laws!

After the reappearance of these two original versions of the Napoleonic Code, it immediately caused a huge sensation and attracted the attention of countless people, including the one in the Oval Office of the White House.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Perry, the US ambassador to France, received a call. The White House intends to acquire the first version of the "Code Napoleon" that just appeared. Regarding this, Mr. Ambassador can explain! "

With that said, Ye Tian nodded to Perry, signaling that it was time for him to perform.

Perry understood immediately, took over the conversation immediately, and expressed the intention of the person in the Oval Office of the White House.

Hearing this, the French president and several others were almost impatient. They stared at Ye Tian and the American ambassador to France, Perry, and wished they could rush over and beat them up!


The person in the Oval Office of the White House was also secretly scolded by these Frenchmen. It is estimated that eighteen generations of ancestors have been scolded all over the place!

After finally waiting for Perry to finish speaking, the French Minister of Culture immediately said with a pale face:

"Don't even think about it, Steven, those two original versions of the "Code Napoleon" must not leave France, let the person in the White House die quickly, there is no possibility!"

Hearing this, Perry's expression also changed, and he was about to speak out, but Ye Tian took the lead.

"As I said just now, I will not violate French laws, as long as the two original versions of the "Napoleonic Code" are included in the list of restricted departures, then I will not leave France with them.

Considering the current situation, and in order to take care of the feelings of the French people, I will definitely keep at least one original version of the "Napoleonic Code" in France and in Paris!

Even if I agree to the purchase request of the President of the United States, I will complete this art transaction in Paris, sell one of the original "Napoleonic Codes" and hand it over to the US Embassy in France.

As for what the American embassy in France will do, whether it will leave France with that original code, use diplomatic privileges or otherwise, it is not something I can decide.

The other original "Code Napoleon" left, I will definitely sell it to the French government or a famous museum, or a top French collector, and let it stay in France.

Politics is an art of dealing, Mr. President, you are an outstanding politician, you know the President of the United States very well, and you are also considered a good friend. You can definitely have a good talk with him.

There is an old saying in China, "If you lose the east corner, you gain the mulberry elm", you may lose an original version of "Napoleon's Code", and you may gain something in other aspects!

I believe that it will not be difficult for you to reach a consensus and achieve a result that is very satisfactory to both parties. Before that, I will set aside a certain amount of time and will not rush to deal with the two original codes! "

The reception room fell silent again, and the Frenchmen on the opposite side fell into deep thought again.

After a while, the French President said in a deep voice:

"Steven, I'll call the White House later and talk to the guy in the Oval Office, and you're right, we should be able to reach an agreement and get a happy ending.

Let's talk about another thing, what price do we need to pay to win the original "Code Napoleon"? With your style, the price must be very high, right? "

Ye Tian nodded with a smile on his face, and was about to be slaughtered in pain.

"Naturally, Mr. President, this is the original version of the "Code Napoleon", the most important achievement of the French Revolution, a well-deserved French national treasure, and there are only these two copies left in the world!

It would be apt to say that they are invaluable treasures, and that they must be acquired at a great price, whether by the French government or by the man in the Oval Office of the White House.

Since the two original Napoleonic Codexes will not be auctioned, there will be no open bidding, so I will not give a minimum estimate like other antique works in the Napoleonic treasure.

In view of the great symbolic significance and research value of these two original editions of the "Code Napoleon", combined with the current market conditions in the art market, I value each of the codes at 800 million euros! "

As soon as the voice fell, the reception room immediately boiled.


The French President and several other Frenchmen pushed their chairs away violently, and stood up as if they were shocked by electricity. They all stared angrily at Ye Tian, ​​and their eyeballs almost flew out!

Perry, Anderson and the others were also frightened by this valuation, and they all turned their heads to look at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes full of disbelief, just like looking at a lunatic!

"Each "Code of Napoleon" is 800 million euros, which is crazy, Steven, you are so greedy, why don't you grab it?"

"Absurd, this is simply ridiculous! No matter how precious the original "Code Napoleon" is, it cannot be worth 800 million euros. This is Chi Guoguo's robbery!"

Several Frenchmen roared directly, their noses almost smoking with anger, wishing they could rush over and tear Ye Tian alive to relieve their hatred!

That is to say, the French president can still maintain a little demeanor without yelling, after all, he is used to strong winds and waves.

But he also clenched his fists tightly, his eyes spewing fire, and he was on the verge of erupting.

Ye Tian glanced at the few Frenchmen on the opposite side, then smiled and said:

"Is the valuation of 800 million euros absurd? I don't think so. I found the painting of Michelangelo's peak period, Lamentation of Christ, which I valued at 500 million U.S. dollars!

Based on the current market conditions of the art market, it can be said that this is a fairly conservative valuation. If it is sent to an auction for public bidding, it is possible to fetch a sky-high price of 800 million US dollars!

In comparison, the importance of the original "Code Napoleon" is undoubtedly much higher than that of Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", and it is even more scarce. There are only two copies left in the world!

Especially for France and the French people, the original "Code Napoleon" is extremely important. The pride of all French people in this code is inseparable from every Frenchman!

The French can do without Lamentation of Christ, they still have other works by Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Raphael, and other outstanding works of top art masters.

But the French cannot do without the "Code Napoleon". This code has been implemented in France for more than 200 years, and has already penetrated into all aspects of French life, and it is pervasive! "

Hearing Ye Tian's slightly provocative analysis, the anger of the Frenchmen somewhat subsided a little.

Being French, they certainly understand the importance of the Napoleonic Code.

As Ye Tian said, the content of this code has already penetrated into all aspects of French society and the life of every Frenchman, and is closely related to everyone.

After pondering for a while, the French President said with a sinking face:

"Steven, even if your analysis is reasonable and the valuation is accurate, it is impossible for us to acquire these two original editions of the "Code of Napoleon" at a price of 800 million euros each."

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"Of course I know that spending such a huge sum of money to acquire the "Code of Napoleon" cannot be passed by the parliament alone, and even if it is passed by luck, it is likely to trigger large-scale protests and demonstrations!

As we all know, the French have always liked parades and protests. They believe that 'politics is on the streets', and Saturday is a beautiful day for the French to take to the streets for protests and demonstrations.

During the time I came to France, I have deeply realized this point! If possible, I don't want to trigger a protest demonstration against me because of these two "Code Napoleon"! "


Anderson and Perry all laughed, each of them was overjoyed.

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