Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1559 Pick the fattest slaughter

The expressions of the Frenchmen on the opposite side were slightly embarrassed, and they complained secretly.

Don't want to spark a protest demonstration less crap

At this moment, those passionate protesters around Citi Island are all aimed at you bastard, do you need to trigger it again?

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In view of this, I specially thought of an alternative plan. It does not require the French government to pay and spend public funds. It can also preserve the original Napoleonic Code and will not trigger a wave of protests."


The eyes of several Frenchmen lit up like searchlights.

You heard me right, there is such a good thing

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, the French Minister of Culture immediately said impatiently:

"It would be great to keep the original Code Napoleon in France without spending public money, Steven, tell us about your alternatives, we are all ears"

Everyone in the reception room looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

The only exception was Anderson, who had a dazed expression on his face and laughed softly.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, and then said his alternative plan.

"In my opinion, it is entirely possible for a famous museum in France, or a combination of several famous museums, to acquire the original version of the Napoleonic Code and then exhibit it in turn.

This is a method, but it is relatively complicated and difficult to operate. The simplest method is to have a top French collector come forward and spend a lot of money to acquire the original Napoleonic Code.

Next, the French government can come forward to negotiate with the collector and publicly exhibit the original version of the Napoleonic Code at top cultural institutions, which is not much different from government acquisitions.

The top cultural and cultural institutions here can be the Louvre or the National Library of France. They have the most professional cultural and cultural personnel and top security systems, which can provide the most complete conditions.

Of course, the ownership of the original Code Napoleon is always in the hands of the top collector. If he is willing to donate the Code Napoleon to France, that would be great.

The top collectors I am talking about must be French nationals, so that the original version of the Napoleonic Code can be guaranteed to stay in France, and there is no need to worry about losing it.

Since he is French, he must have business in France. Next, as long as the French government takes care of the other party's business and gives the green light, many things will be logical."

Hearing this, the faces of the French President and several other French people showed excitement, and their eyes lit up

At the same time, everyone in the reception room gave Ye Tian a thumbs up secretly, admiring him

This guy, Steven, really racked his brains to make money. He actually came up with this kind of method. No wonder he made a fortune. It’s not for nothing.

"Where can I find such a top collector, Steven, do you have a suitable candidate? Will the other party agree with your approach?"

The French Minister of Culture asked excitedly, his eyes full of anticipation.

Ye Tian looked at the other party, and immediately gave an affirmative answer.

"You may have heard that Mr. Bernard, the famous top French collector, once bought several top-level works of art from me, and we can be regarded as friends.

After Napoleon's treasure reappeared in the world, Bernard learned the news immediately. He immediately ended his vacation in Mallorca, Spain, and returned to Paris by private plane.

He came for the two original Napoleonic codes, and of course, the outstanding works of Raphael and Michelangelo, as well as other top antique works of art, are also his goals

Bernard is the richest man in France. He is extremely powerful and a famous fashion giant. His business covers the whole of France. You must be very familiar with it, so I don’t need to introduce it here.

If he comes forward to acquire the original Napoleonic Code, and then you negotiate with him to borrow the Napoleonic Code, there should be no problem. This is a win-win situation.

The French government may want to give Bernard some sweetness and convenience, but with Bernard's status in France, it is more likely that you can achieve your goal without paying anything."

"It turned out to be Bernard. He is also our friend. Of course we are very familiar with him. Yes, he is the top collector in France. He is extremely powerful and has a lot of money.

Steven, you guys are really good at picking people. You picked the fattest sheep to slaughter. I don’t know how Bernard will feel after hearing your plan. I look forward to seeing his reaction."

Martinez joked, his expression relaxed a lot in an instant.


There was laughter again in the reception room, and everyone laughed out loud.

After the laughter fell, the French President immediately said:

"Where is Bernard now, do you need me to call him and ask him to come here and participate in this meeting?"

"Don't be so troublesome, Bernard has already arrived near the Isle of Citi, in a coffee shop at the north end of the Trading Bridge, resting while waiting for my news

Mr. President, you just need to make a phone call and ask the Paris police guarding the northern end of the Exchange Bridge to let Bernard into the island. He will arrive here in a short time."

Ye Tian said with a smile, looking confident.

"It seems that you are very well prepared, Steven, everyone and everything are within your calculations, I have to admire, well, I will call the Paris police chief"

The French President directly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up, but a bit of fear flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, the French President started calling his subordinates, and Ye Tian also took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Bernard.

After about ten minutes, Bernard's convoy slowly drove into Channones Avenue and headed straight for No. 15 house.

His sudden appearance once again caused a sensation and attracted countless attentions.

After the convoy stopped, Bernard and his lawyer got out of the car immediately, and then, under the guidance of Miller, entered this much-anticipated historical building and disappeared from people's sight.

Soon, the richest man in France and his lawyer appeared in the small reception room where Ye Tian and the others were.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down and started talking again

Ye Tian didn't hide it, and told Bernard his plan immediately, letting him choose whether to accept it or not

Without the slightest hesitation, Bernard immediately accepted the proposal.

He came here for the original Napoleonic Code and other top antique works of art, how could he refuse?

For him, as long as he successfully takes these priceless treasures, everything will be fine. As for where to display these treasures, it makes no difference, anyway, they are all his own

Of course, for Ye Tian's offer, he still has to argue for it, after all, no one's money comes from the wind.

After about half an hour, the door of the small reception room opened again.

Ye Tian and the others, as well as the French president and his party, as well as Bernard and his lawyer, came out talking and laughing, and everyone looked very happy

After returning to the living room to sit for a while and accepting a joint interview with the three media, Ye Tian took the French president and his party and Bernard to visit the secret room deep underground.

During the visit, the French president and his party and Bernard witnessed all the treasures in Napoleon's treasure with their own eyes, and were also shocked by this palace-like underground chamber

Bernard even proposed on the spot that he wanted to acquire this early Renaissance style building with special significance, and planned to transform it into a private museum.

For his request, Ye Tian naturally couldn't ask for it.

On the basis of the previous purchase price of this historical building, Ye Tian doubled it directly, and agreed to transfer this historical building to Bernard, making a small profit

Of course, the real estate transaction contract can only be signed after all the treasures of Napoleon have been cleaned up and all the priceless top antique works of art have been transported away.

By the time Ye Tian and the others left the underground secret room and returned to the upper living room, it was already more than an hour later.

Afterwards, the French president and his party left the historic building and returned to the Elysee Palace.

Ye Tian declined the French President's invitation to have dinner at the Elysee Palace, and stayed in this historic building, continuing to clean up those priceless treasures.

Bernard and his lawyer also stayed, they haven't had enough of their eye addiction yet, how could they be willing to leave

It was almost evening, but Cité and Avenue de Channones were still in a state of martial law, with one post at three steps and one post at five steps, and armed security personnel and Paris police could be seen everywhere.

The crowds of onlookers and protesters gathered at the various bridgeheads around Cité Island did not decrease at all, but instead increased, and the scene became more and more lively

Obviously, this night is not destined to be peaceful

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