Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1560 Citi Island in the Night

The night fell and the lights came on.

Darkness has enveloped the earth, Paris, this ancient and romantic city, has shown its other side to the people, with flashing neon lights everywhere, colorful and beautiful

The Cité Island and the Avenue Channones on the island are still under martial law. Pedestrians and vehicles entering the island will be strictly checked by the Paris police.

If it is not a resident of Citi Island, it is basically impossible to enter this small island in the river that has attracted much attention and has a long history.

Especially on the Avenue of Channones, there are three steps and one post, and five steps and one sentry. The atmosphere is quite tense. There seem to be more armed security personnel and Paris police patrolling here than during the day.

In the middle of this street, at the gate of the No. 15 residence, there are still bright lights, guarding many staff members from all over the world and major news media

The cameras and video cameras in their hands are all facing the gate of No. 15 House, and they are always shooting. Everyone is very excited and full of expectations, and there is no trace of fatigue at all.

At both ends of Shannones Avenue, outside the cordon drawn by the police, there were also many news media workers waiting for the next explosive news.

In addition to the many media reporters and the cordons at both ends of the street, there were also some diplomats from European embassies and consulates in Paris, all looking at the old building in the middle of the street.

It was getting late, and most of the Parisians and tourists who came here to watch the excitement had already dispersed, leaving only a few people, driven by gossip, still sticking here.

The same is true for the bridgeheads leading to the West Island from the outside world.

The difference is that there are still many protesters at these bridgeheads. Many of them come from various universities in Paris. All of them are full of energy and have nowhere to vent, so they just come here to vent.

Of course, among the protesters and demonstrators, there are still many guys with ulterior motives.

There are guys who are ready to take the opportunity to make trouble, then smash, loot and burn, and make a small fortune in the chaos. These guys can be seen in almost every large-scale protest demonstration in Paris.

There are also some guys with other purposes, with greed in their eyes, including art thieves and secret agents from various European countries.

Fortunately, the top level of the Paris police is still clear-headed.

Block all these guys from the outside of Citi Island. If not, this small island may have become a mess long ago

In a blink of an eye, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and the night was getting darker.

Suddenly, circles of ripples appeared on the surface of the Seine River near Notre Dame de Paris, and quickly spread, breaking the calm of the river.

Immediately afterwards, the water surface broke, and under the cover of night, three guys in black diving suits came out of the water silently, like ghosts in the river

After surfacing, the three surreptitious guys quickly checked the surrounding situation, and then swam towards the embankment on the side of Notre Dame Cathedral.

During the operation, the three of them were very cautious, barely making any noise, not even a few splashes of water

However, how could these three guys expect that their every move has already fallen into the eyes of others, and there is no secret at all

Just a few meters ahead of them, on the river embankment, there is a row of elegantly shaped street lamps. On the top of one of the lampposts, there is a black beetle drone, which is monitoring the river.

Under the coverage of the 360-degree panoramic infrared camera, no matter what happens on this section of the Seine River, it cannot escape the surveillance of the beetle drone

In the living room, Ye Tian was looking at a few boxes of antique art that had just been brought up from the underground secret room.

At this moment, Miller's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, three more idiots popped out of the Seine, all in wetsuits, looking like they're going to sneak over from Notre Dame

These stupid guys don’t know how to change their tricks. This is already the third wave tonight. It’s really going on. I’m worried about their IQ.”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly.

"Hahaha, what a bunch of idiots, they think that there is a loophole on the Seine River, and they can sneak into the Avenue of Channones without anyone noticing, but they don't know, that side is already under our surveillance

Just like the previous two times, after all those idiots have landed ashore and walked a certain distance to the island, you will then notify the Paris police and let the police come out to deal with those idiots, which will save us from doing it.

Tell all the guys, everyone, work hard tonight, keep your eyes open and stare at the movement around you, the night is still long, this is by no means the last time, more exciting dramas are yet to come"

"Understood, Steven, leave the security matters to us, there will be absolutely no mistakes, no matter who comes or what kind of god, no one can break into this historic building"

Miller responded, his tone firm and resolute.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian looked at the box in front of him again, and compared it with the records on the registration form. He didn't take those three idiots who just emerged from the Seine River seriously at all.

As early as around eight o'clock in the evening, the cleaning of Napoleon's treasure was completely completed. All the things in the secret room deep underground have been registered, and nothing is missing.

Even the two seven-pound guns in the corridor and the Charleville 1777 firearms used for setting traps did not fall.

Afterwards, all those involved in the clean-up work withdrew from the underground chamber and returned to the ground.

Not long after returning to the ground, the group of professional cultural and cultural personnel from the Louvre left the building and went back to the Louvre, or went back to their respective homes and went to their mothers.

No need to ask, as soon as these people go out, they will immediately be surrounded by countless media reporters, asking for details about Napoleon's treasure.

Those professionals in the field of antique art collection who are eager to see through will naturally not be idle, and will definitely ask these Louvre cultural and museum staff for the situation as soon as possible.

This is exactly the case. As soon as the group of professional cultural and cultural personnel of the Louvre walked out of the gate, they were immediately surrounded by three layers of media reporters waiting at the door.

Immediately afterwards, more details about this historic building, about the underground secret room, and about Napoleon's treasure spread quickly, and spread like wind all over the world

For this situation, Ye Tian had expected it, and had no intention of stopping it.

He did not ask those who left the Louvre Museum to keep secret and not to disclose the relevant information of Napoleon's treasure, there is no need for that

As for the temporary agreements signed by the cultural and museum personnel before starting the cleaning work, the moment they walked out of this historic building, it has expired and has no binding force

The birth of Napoleon's treasure is well known, it has caused a huge sensation, and it has also attracted countless attentions. It doesn't matter how big the sensation is.

For Ye Tian, ​​the bigger the sensational effect, the better, and the more people who pay attention to Napoleon's treasure, the better, which will make some people feel scruples

Although the Louvre cultural and cultural team left, Martinez and two other top experts in antique art appraisal from the Louvre stayed

They claimed to witness with their own eyes the whole process of Napoleon's treasures being brought to light, and saw those priceless treasures being moved out of the underground chamber and brought to the ground one by one.

This is their main purpose. As top professionals, they are not willing to miss this kind of god-given opportunity, but they also have the intention of supervising, lest Ye Tian play some tricks

In addition, Perry led a group of the US embassy in France to leave this historic building and returned to the embassy, ​​successfully ending the task of standing and cheering

However, the embassy's cultural counselor and two embassy security personnel stayed to assist Ye Tian in dealing with possible diplomatic issues, and also supervised the French police

Following Perry and the others, Bernard left with his lawyer and returned to his home in Paris.

Bernard just flew back to Paris from Mallorca, Spain. He was exhausted all the way, and due to his age, he was somewhat exhausted. He needed to go back and take a good rest.

As for the others, the staff of the three news media, as well as the two senior officials from the Paris Police Department, etc., also left this historic building one after another.

But they didn't go far. As soon as the three NBC media outlets left the building, they immediately set up cameras on the opposite side of the street and continued to follow up and report on the spot.

Those two high-level Paris police officers, as the police officers who know Napoleon's treasure and the interior of this historic building best, can't be idle

Some people leave this historic building, and some people come here.

Not long after the cleanup was completed, at Ye Tian's request, Raytheon sent another ten armed security personnel with a large amount of high-tech equipment to Xidi Island to strengthen the security forces here.

As these security personnel arrived and joined the security team commanded by Mattis, this historic building, which has attracted much attention, was immediately guarded like an iron wall without any loopholes.

Next, under the protection of Taylor and Lisa, Betty also left here, flew back to Regina Hotel by helicopter, and went back to rest

When all the people who should go are gone, the ones left behind are basically our own people

After dinner and a short rest, everyone moved again and began to move the priceless treasures in Napoleon's treasure

Everyone used various tools to move those treasures out of the underground secret room and moved them to this historical building on the ground, so that they could appear in the sun again

Everything went very smoothly, and it didn't take long for the living room where Ye Tian was located, as well as several rooms next to it, to be filled with all kinds of boxes tightly wrapped in airtight bags.

After disappearing for more than 200 years, these priceless top antique artworks and extremely important historical documents have finally come to the ground again

Of course, there were also some episodes when moving these priceless treasures in Napoleon's treasure.

It is those uninvited guests who appear one after another with a coveted heart. They use various methods to try to sneak into Channones Avenue and this historical building. The purpose goes without saying

These three idiots who dived from the Seine are already the third wave tonight.

After Ye Tian instructed Miller, he shifted his gaze to the boxes in front of him, and began to check the treasures contained in those boxes.

Although he held the registration form in his hand, he trusted his eyes even more.

Under the perspective, it is clear at a glance what is contained in those boxes and whether it matches the content recorded on the registration form

I also checked two or three boxes, and there was a sudden change outside.

"Bang bang bang"

A piercing gunshot sounded suddenly, deafening, and completely tore up the peaceful night.

The moment he heard the gunshot, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the atrium garden, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Needless to say, the Paris police and those three idiots are on fire.

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