Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1561 Lively Night

Under the shroud of night, the Gothic-style Notre Dame de Paris looks somewhat gloomy, just like the one described by the great French writer Victor Hugo in the same name.

The priests, staff, and security personnel in Notre Dame de Paris were all taken aback by the sharp gunshots that rang out one after another, looking nervously at the night sky outside the high wall.

Residents near Notre Dame de Paris were the same, all frightened enough by the crazy sirens and deafening gunshots from the street.

They didn't know who the police were fighting with, but each of them knew that it had something to do with that goddamned bastard Steven, and the Napoleon treasure!

While terrified and guarding the door of their house, these Paris residents living on the Isle of Cité were also gnashing their teeth and cursing in a low voice, and the object of the cursing was naturally Ye Tian!

At this time, if someone could hear these cursing sounds, apart from anger and fear, they would definitely be able to hear endless envy from their voices!

As soon as the gunshots rang out, the entire Citi Island was in complete chaos!

Ordinary citizens and tourists gathered at both ends of Shannones Avenue screamed in unison, then lowered their heads and began to run away in a hurry, each looking for a place to hide!

Those diplomats from European embassies in France looked nervous and raised their alert.

As for the large number of media reporters who feared that the world would not be chaotic, one by one, they rushed towards the place where the gunshots came from, carrying cameras and video cameras.

Each of them is like an athlete participating in the 100-meter final, with fast speed and strides, for fear of missing another explosive news!

The onlookers, protesters, and many media reporters gathered at the various bridgeheads around Cité Island could only watch, speculate, and discuss with each other from a distance.

"I'm going! The gunshots are so fierce, I don't know who are the two sides in the exchange of fire? Listening to the crazy sirens, one side should be the Paris police, the other side is Steven's bastards, or someone else?

It would be great if the Paris police were fighting with Steven and those bastards. It would be better to kill all those damn American bastards, so that all the treasures in Napoleon's treasure can be left behind! "

"Dude, you think too much, just because the idiots of the Paris police are no match for Steven's bastards, even if you add the famous GIGN special police.

With the weaponry and military literacy of Steven's bastards, there shouldn't be any problem in annihilating the Paris police on the Isle of Cité. The other side of the exchange of fire is likely to be someone else.

Besides, from the analysis of the situation in the afternoon, that bastard Steven probably reached some kind of agreement or deal with the government, and the Paris police should not deal with them! "

Just as people were talking, the battle at Notre Dame de Paris was drawing to a close, and the gunfire quickly became thinner.

On a quiet alley outside the west wall of Notre Dame de Paris, two guys in black night suits were lying on the ground. The two were almost beaten into sieves, with bullet holes all over their bodies, bleeding profusely, and the whole area was stained red ground!

With the light of the street lamps and the lights projected from the police cars on both sides of the trail, one could vaguely see that these two guys were still twitching slightly, with blood bubbles constantly bubbling from their mouths and noses!

They seemed to have a breath, but everyone who saw this scene knew very well that these two idiots were already dead, even if God came, he could not save them!

Not far from these two idiots, next to the high wall of Notre Dame de Paris, there is a big tree with a diameter of about one meter. Its lush branches and canopy cast a shadow on the path!

In that shadow, between that big tree and the wall, there seemed to be a guy hidden, shivering in the dark, dying!

"You have been surrounded, there is nowhere to escape, throw away the gun in your hand, walk out slowly with your head in your hands, then lie on the ground, don't make any unnecessary moves, or you will bear the consequences!"

Several Paris policemen hiding behind the car roared loudly, and the guns in the hands of all the policemen at the scene were pointing at the shadow ahead!

In the living room, Martinez looked at the atrium garden, then walked to Ye Tian, ​​and asked worriedly:

"Steven, do you know who is exchanging fire with the Paris police? What are they doing?"

Ye Tian turned to look at Martinez, then said with a sneer:

"Whoever they are, they're just a group of idiots looking for their own death. I don't know where they came from, but I'm sure those idiots definitely came for Napoleon's treasure!"

Before the words were finished, there was another sudden burst of gunshots outside.

Among the gunshots, there seemed to be an incomparably stern wailing sound, full of pain and despair, and there seemed to be a trace of blood in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the gunshots disappeared from everyone's ears, leaving only the piercing sound of sirens, which kept coming with the wind and floating in the night sky!

Ye Tian looked at the atrium garden, then smiled and said:

"The battle is over! Those idiots either got caught without a fight, or were sieved by the police's random guns. They went to hell to report. Let's continue to work and ignore those idiots who are looking for their own death!"

With that said, Ye Tian looked at the box in front of him again, and continued to compare it with the registration form in his hand, as if nothing had happened!

Seeing his calm appearance, Martinez and the others, as well as the cultural counselor of the US embassy in France, could not help but feel palpitations, secretly terrified!

The rumors are true, this guy Steven is a ruthless bastard who treats human life like nothing, who can afford it!

A few minutes later, Matisse's voice came through the earphones.

"Steven, those three idiots who dived from the Seine River have been taken down by the Paris police. Two people were killed and one was seriously injured. The injured one is not far from death.

I managed to get the photos of the three idiots from the police, and then asked Kenny and the others to investigate. Through portrait comparison, the identities of the three idiots have been confirmed.

Those three idiots are all from the UK, and they are well-known art thieves. They just arrived in Paris this evening, and they appeared here at night. Their actions are not unpleasant! "

Hearing this notification, a sneer appeared on Ye Tian's face again.

"Obviously, those idiots came here for the top antique art in Napoleon's treasure, and wanted to rob his buddies in the dark and make a fortune!

It is also not rude to come and go, tell the Paris police their identity information, and it is best to confirm their residence. The French police and the British police must be very interested! "

"Got it, Steven, I know what to do!"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

Soon, the sound of sirens outside subsided, and the night returned to tranquility.

When the time came to around 2:30 midnight, all the top antique artworks and historical documents in Napoleon's treasure were moved out of the underground secret room and moved to the historical building above.

After moving these priceless treasures, everyone had a small celebration in the living room, everyone was very excited and smiling!

At this time, the employees of these companies who participated in the cleaning and moving work were already exhausted!

Their last sliver of strength was all used in celebration.

As soon as the celebration was over, they picked up the sleeping bags that had been prepared and went to find places to rest. They didn't even have the strength to wash up!

The same was true for Anderson, Martinez, several French lawyers, and the cultural counselor of the American embassy. Everyone could not resist the attack of exhaustion, and fell asleep on the sofa!

Only Ye Tian was still full of energy, without a trace of fatigue. As the night darkened, he became more energetic and excited!

He continued to check the boxes brought out from the underground secret room, and checked the contents of each box according to the registration form.

At the same time, he is also valuing and classifying every treasure in Napoleon's treasure, and deciding whether to leave it in France for processing or bring it back to New York!

After the valuation is complete, he will publish a list of all the items in Napoleon's treasure on the Internet, and give an accurate valuation of each item, causing a sensation in the whole world again!

Before I knew it, it was already past four o'clock in the morning.

There were gunshots and harsh sirens outside again, tearing up the peaceful night sky of Citi Island once again!

A few more guys sneaked onto the Citi Island, trying to make a fortune in the dark, and then get rich overnight, eat and die!

However, the whereabouts of these idiots also did not escape Matisse's eyes!

Just like the previous waves of idiots, after receiving the news, the Paris police on high alert on the island responded quickly and outflanked these idiots in several ways!

What happened next was just a repeat of the previous encirclement and suppression operations.

The location of the exchange of fire this time was near the ancient prison in Paris at the west end of the Cité, a little far from the Avenue of Channones. The gunshots were not too loud, and they did not wake up the sleeping Anderson and the others!

The gunshots and sirens soon fell silent, and the historic island was quiet again.

From then on, until the sky turned white, it was very peaceful here!

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