Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1562 The whole New York is waiting for you

"New York, stay safe!"

Ye Tian walked down the gangway of the Bombardier Global Express 8000, quickly glanced at the situation around the tarmac, and then expressed his emotion with high spirits!

Behind him, Betty also walked out of the cabin door and stood on the gangway with a bright smile on her face.

It was already the end of September, a sunny and sunny day, ten days had passed since Napoleon's treasure was revealed and shocked the whole world.

After dealing with a series of follow-up matters and completing several important art transactions in private, Ye Tian and the others were finally able to leave Paris, return triumphantly, and return to the Big Apple City!

Following Ye Tian's Bombardier Global Express 8000 back to New York, there is also a C5 Galaxy heavy transport aircraft with the US Air Force logo printed on it, and it is parked on another runway not far away at this moment!

Walking down the gangway, Matisse's voice came from the earphone as soon as he stood on the runway dedicated to private jets.

"Steven, Cole has arrived at Kennedy International Airport with a large number of armed security personnel and a convoy, and the escort convoy is currently parked in the parking lot in front of the terminal building.

The two medium-sized helicopters of our company and the two helicopters from Raytheon have also arrived near the airport, ready to take off at any time for air cover!

Next, as long as we successfully pass the airport customs inspection, we can leave the airport with those top antique artworks and return directly to Manhattan!

For the sake of safety, Cole set up a lot of eyeliners on the way from JFK International Airport to Wall Street in Manhattan, watching the situation on the streets along the way.

Kenny and the others are also well prepared. As soon as the escort convoy leaves the airport, they will immediately connect to the New York municipal road monitoring system to provide us with technical support.

In addition, the lawyer team led by David has also arrived here, ready to assist us in customs clearance. It is estimated that we will be able to leave the airport in a short time! "

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the huge black monster parked tens of meters away, the C5 Galaxy heavy transport plane!

Many armed security personnel headed by Mattis, several company employees, and Anderson's assistant lawyer are all on that heavy transport plane!

What's more, a large number of top antique artworks from Napoleon's treasure,

On that C5 transport plane, under the escort of Mattis and the others, they flew safely to New York.

When Ye Tian turned his head to look over there, he had already got off the plane, and Mattis and the others who were guarding beside the C5 transport plane, as well as other company employees, also looked over there.

Although they were tens of meters apart and couldn't see each other's expressions clearly, it could be seen from the waving arms of those guys that each of them was very excited.

Can't you be excited to finally be home with a rewarding experience?

"Matisse, you guys are going to unload the goods. During the unloading process, you must be careful. Almost every item in those boxes is a top-level antique work of art, and it must not be damaged at all!

Next, you will take those top antique artworks through the customs. When accepting customs inspection, you must remember that you must never let any box or any piece of antique artwork escape your sight.

David's legal team will assist you, and you have to be more careful yourself. We have overcome so many difficulties and obstacles, and we are about to get home. If something goes wrong at this time, it would be too wronged!

Although we have returned to New York, it is not yet time to completely relax. This treasure hunt will only be considered complete if the top antique artworks in Napoleon's treasure are stored in the major vaults in New York.

There is a press conference in the waiting hall, and there are many media reporters waiting for me, so I will not act with you. After dealing with those media reporters, we will meet again and leave the airport together! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, and quickly made arrangements.

"Understood, Steven, leave the customs clearance of these top antique artworks to us, we will definitely get it done, see you later!"

Mattis responded decisively, waving his arms this way again.

As soon as the words fell, seven or eight cars suddenly drove up from the terminal building.

They drove straight to the C5 heavy transport plane, including airport police cars, customs vehicles, two GMC commercial vehicles, and a bulletproof SUV!

At the same time as the convoy appeared, David's voice came from the earphones.

"Welcome back to New York, Steven, we are here, and we saw your private jet, and the C5 heavy transport plane"

Needless to say, the lawyer team led by David is in the two GMC commercial vehicles, and the armed security personnel under Ye Tian are in the Chevrolet bulletproof SUV behind it!

Ye Tian looked at the convoy heading towards the C5 heavy-duty transport aircraft, then smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, David, I saw the car you were riding in. You first go to assist Matisse and the others, and stare at the top antique artworks to pass the customs. I have to go to the terminal to deal with the media reporters!"

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us here, there won't be any problems, we will keep a close eye on all the top antique artworks you brought back, and no one will get their hands on them!

Let me give you a vaccination first, the scene at the terminal building is very exaggerated, almost all the reporters from the major news media in New York, should be said, all the United States are here, enough for you to drink a pot! "

David's voice came again, full of confidence and excitement.

After chatting for a few more words, the two ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian glanced at the people around him, then smiled and said:

"Guys, let's go, go to the terminal to clear customs, and meet those media reporters from the United States and all over the world!"

After speaking, he took Betty to the shuttle bus not far away.

Anderson and the others immediately followed, each pushing a luggage cart, which was so full of boxes that it almost couldn't fit it!

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

After successfully clearing the customs, Ye Tian and the others pushed the luggage trolley, talking and laughing, and walked out from the VIP passage dedicated to private jet passengers.

As soon as they came out, they saw Jason waiting at the exit of the passage, and a few security personnel led by Cole. A few burly men standing there were very eye-catching!

In addition to Jason and the others, there were many media reporters waiting at the exit of the passage.

These guys were so excited, they all raised their cameras or video cameras, pointed at the exit of the VIP passage, and waited for Ye Tian and the others to come out!

As early as when Ye Tian and the others left Paris and took off from Charles de Gaulle International Airport in a private jet, the news had spread quickly and reached the ears of almost every New York media person.

After receiving the news, with a little calculation, you can calculate when Ye Tian's private jet will arrive in New York!

Coupled with the fanfare of Jason and the others, it would be difficult for many media reporters in New York not to know the news. That's why there are so many media reporters here!

At this time, seeing Ye Tian and the others coming out of the VIP channel, these media reporters immediately started to ask questions loudly as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Steven, good afternoon. I'm a reporter from CBS. Can you tell us what you brought back this time? What are the top antiques?"

"Good afternoon, Steven, according to reliable news, you sold an original version of the "Code Napoleon" to Bernard, the richest man in France, for an astonishing price of 800 million euros!

What about the other original Napoleonic Code? Did you bring it back to New York? What are you going to do with that priceless treasure if you bring it back to New York? "

Ye Tian didn't answer the loud questions from these media reporters, he just smiled and nodded to these guys, showing a very friendly manner!

At the same time, their footsteps did not stop, and they walked straight towards Jason and Cole.

Following the loud questions from these media reporters, everyone near the exit of the VIP channel was attracted to look at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of envy, even jealousy!

"It's Steven. He finally returned to New York, and he brought back a lot of priceless treasures. According to my friends in France, the French almost hate this bastard!"

"My God! 800 million euros, did I hear you right? How is it possible that an original version of the "Code Napoleon" can sell for 800 million euros? It's just unbelievable!

What's more, this guy Steven has two original "Code Napoleon", as well as Raphael and Michelangelo, what a huge wealth! "

Just as people were talking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked out of the VIP channel and came in front of Jason and Cole.

"Steven, Betty, welcome back to New York, the whole New York is waiting for you!"

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