Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1563 Looted the whole of Europe

After greeting Jason and the others, under the protection of many security personnel, Ye Tian and the others pushed their luggage and walked towards a VIP lounge not far away.

The many media reporters who were waiting at the exit of the VIP channel, eager to see through their eyes, immediately followed up with their cameras and video cameras, each of them was walking fast, excited!

What happened at the exit of the VIP channel quickly caused a commotion in the hall.

Everyone nearby turned their heads to look at this side. When they saw Ye Tian and Betty, they immediately understood why the exit of the VIP channel was so lively and why the media reporters were so excited.

Without exception, the eyes of people looking at Ye Tian are full of envy, even jealousy, wishing they could replace it!

On the other side, under the protection of Matisse and the others, and under the supervision of David and his lawyer team, the top antique artworks shipped from France have also begun to clear the customs!

Due to the large number of top-level antique artworks and the high value of each piece, the customs clearance inspection must take a long time, at least three or four hours!

During this time, Ye Tian happened to hold a press conference to publicly explain the situation of those top antique artworks to the news media, which is also a kind of self-protection!

Of course, the reason why he did this was also to take the opportunity to speculate, so as to prepare for the next series of major antique art transactions!

The location Jason chose to hold the press conference was a VIP lounge in the departure hall. The area was large enough and the security was pretty good!

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already arrived at the door of this VIP lounge, and walked straight in.

At this time, the VIP lounge was crowded with people and it was very lively. Standing at the door and looking around, the lounge was full of reporters from major news media, discussing in full swing!

The moment the lounge door opened, everyone turned their heads to look this way.

When they saw Ye Tian coming in, these guys immediately stood up from their seats, their eyes lit up, as if they saw a huge treasure!

"Steven, good afternoon, welcome back to New York, can I answer a few questions?"

A female reporter near the door spoke out first, looking impatient.

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at this one,

Then he smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, lady. It's a pleasure to meet you here. Don't worry. After we sit down, I will answer questions from you and other journalist friends. There is plenty of time!"

Hearing this, the beautiful reporter could only nod slightly, and did not continue to ask questions.

The same goes for other media reporters in the lounge, they could only resist the urge to ask questions, and watched Ye Tian and his group!

Ye Tian and the others continued to move forward, passed among many media reporters, and soon came to the innermost sofas in this VIP lounge, and each sat down!

After sitting down, Ye Tian chatted with Jason in a low voice to understand the situation.

At the same time, a company employee quickly turned on the camera that had been set up, and began to broadcast the press conference live on the Internet, so as not to mislead the public by random editing and out of context!

Seeing this scene, all the media reporters in the lounge couldn't help but frowned, each of them was very depressed, and what's more, they had already cursed secretly!

This trick again, Steven, a cunning bastard, defends us like a thief, so why are you so cautious?

Ye Tian didn't care what these media reporters thought or whether they were in a happy mood. He only cared about whether he could achieve his goal smoothly!

After getting a general understanding of the situation in New York, Ye Tian and Jason ended the topic and looked at the many media reporters present.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, long time no see, glad to see you here, the weather in New York is very nice today, I hope you are in the same mood.

Why do you come here? I know very well. I won’t say too many polite words here. Do you have any questions? You can ask questions now, and I will try my best to answer them! "

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile on his face, announcing the start of the press conference simply and neatly.

As soon as the words fell, seven or eight media reporters immediately stood up from their seats as if they were electrocuted, and they were ready to ask questions.

However, Ye Tian raised his hands and pressed down gently.

"Let's sit down and ask questions, it's a little more relaxed, there's no need to make it so formal"

Hearing this, the few media reporters had no choice but to nod and sat down one after another.

Just as they were sitting down, a reporter in the front row was the first to ask a question.

"Steven, I'm a reporter from Fox TV. There is a lot of mourning in the major news media in Europe, saying that you have looted France, the UK, and the whole of Europe!

As far as I know, many European countries have issued public statements, claiming the top antique works of art in Napoleon's treasure. How do you respond to the claims of these countries? "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and many people laughed, many of whom had a taste of gloating.

And those media reporters from Europe, their faces are not so good-looking.

Some people on the Internet have noticed the press conference that just started. In front of some computers, there was also laughter, and every voice was full of envy!

Ye Tian looked at the reporter who asked the question, then smiled and said:

"It is undeniable that I have gained a lot in the Saint-Ouen flea market in Paris, in the Notting Hill antique market in London, and other places, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that I have looted the whole of Europe!

As for Napoleon’s treasure hidden deep underground at No. 15, Avenue Channones, let alone looting, I am just a discoverer. If we talk about looting, it can only be said that Napoleon looted all European countries.

Regarding the ownership of the top antique works of art in Napoleon's treasure, I have talked to several important figures in France on a private occasion before, and I said it very clearly.

Now that this reporter friend mentioned again that many European countries have publicly issued statements claiming those top antique artworks from Napoleon's treasure, so I will take this opportunity to reiterate!

As early as more than 200 years ago, after Napoleon's defeat in the war, many European countries as victorious countries had a lot of opportunities to recover all the antique works of art looted by Napoleon and his army.

However, they gave up this opportunity. Under the lobbying of the French, those European countries reached an agreement with the French government at that time, giving up the ownership of most of the looted antique works of art

According to historical records, they only took back about 5,000 pieces of antique artworks, and recognized the French government's ownership of the rest of the antique artworks.

Until today, when I discovered Napoleon’s treasure, those European countries have the nerve to jump out and claim those top-level antique works of art. Here I can only advise them, stop daydreaming!

More than 200 years ago, the moment they reached an agreement with the French government at that time, they lost their qualifications to claim those top-level antique works of art forever. Today, they want to go back on their word. How can there be such a good thing!

Let’s talk about the French government. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, in order to solve the financial crisis, the French government auctioned off No. 15, Avenue Channones, and they lost the ownership of Napoleon’s treasure,..."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, most of the media reporters at the scene nodded in agreement, expressing their agreement.

Although the reporters from various European countries had different opinions, they couldn't find any reason to refute for a while, so they could only sit in their seats depressed.

At this time, in European countries, some people who saw the press conference on the Internet were already cursing at the top of their throats!

These guys are not only cursing Ye Tian, ​​but also cursing the rulers of their respective countries more than 200 years ago. Everyone is very angry, but very helpless!

Who made the former rulers of their country a bunch of idiots, could it be possible that they could still dig graves and flog corpses? Even then, it's of no use!

As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, a media reporter immediately asked:

"Steven, this is the Los Angeles Times reporter, Thompson, can you tell me what you did with the top-notch antiques in Napoleon's treasure?

For example, the earliest discovery of "Napoleon's Entry into Vienna", the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, Raphael's "Madonna", Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" and so on.

According to reliable news, you sold an original version of the "Code Napoleon" to Bernard, the richest man in France, for an astonishing price of 800 million euros. Is this news true? "

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​and so did all the audience on the live broadcast. This is one of the issues that everyone is most concerned about.

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