Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1564 How Much Money Did You Make?

Ye Tian looked at the reporter who asked the question, nodded slightly at the other party, then scanned the audience, and then said with a smile:

"Obviously, this is an issue that everyone is very concerned about. If you want to know how I deal with those top antique artworks, then I will tell you about it, so as not to spread rumors.

Let’s talk about the two original Napoleonic codes first. There is no doubt that among the entire Napoleon’s treasures, those two codes are of the highest value, and they can definitely be called priceless national treasures.

The rumors are indeed true. I reached an agreement with Mr. Bernard, the richest man in France, and sold one of the original Napoleonic Codes to Mr. Bernard at a sky-high price of 800 million euros.

Here, I can also give you a little information. It won't be long before people can see the original Napoleonic Code in the National Library of France and the Louvre.

The original Code Napoleon will be exhibited alternately at the Bibliothèque Nationale and the Louvre, and here I must compliment Mr Bernard, what a generous gentleman"

Although they have heard the news from various channels, people are still shocked when they hear Ye Tian say it in person.

"My God, this is actually true. The original Napoleonic Code was bought for 800 million euros. It's unbelievable"

"Faque 800 million euros, I heard it right, is this currency unit real? Shouldn't it be the Italian lira? That's reasonable."

After a commotion, a reporter immediately asked questions:

"So what about the other original Napoleonic Code, Steven, did you sell it, or did you bring it back to New York, can you tell us about it?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"I don't intend to collect the original Napoleonic Code, and the other one was also sold by me, and the price is also 800 million euros, which is the same as the one in Bernard's hand.

However, due to some special reasons, it is inconvenient for me to disclose the identity of the buyer for the time being. I believe that this secret will be made public in a short time, and everyone will know it by then."

"Another 800 million euros, this guy Steven really made a lot of money. He raked in 1.6 billion euros with just two original Napoleonic Codes."

"Who will the mysterious buyer be? It must be a super-rich man from a European or American country, or even the government of a certain country."

Just when people were amazed and guessed the identity of the mysterious buyer,

The one in the Oval Office of the White House has a smug smile on his face

But deep in his heart, there was a dull pain.

Steven, a greedy bastard, is so ruthless, he doesn't save any sympathy, that's 800 million euros, it hurts to think about it

"What about other top-notch antique artworks, Steven, and those historical documents that are closely related to Napoleon, how do you deal with them?"

A reporter in the second row on the left asked, the accent should be a reporter from the UK, with a London accent.

Ye Tian looked at this one, then smiled leisurely and said:

"Let's just follow the order of exploring Napoleon's treasures in the first place. This is more organized. The first is naturally the historical building, and the two cannons and a large number of guns in the corridor.

I sold all of the above items to Bernard. He intends to transform that special historical building into a private museum. I am happy to see this happen.

Let's talk about the masterpiece of the neoclassical master Jacques David. Napoleon entered Vienna, and the Louvre paid for the painting at a price of 150 million euros.

With the current market conditions, this price is a bit low, and I have suffered a lot. If that painting is sent to the auction, it is not impossible to fetch a sky-high price of 200 million euros

After some necessary maintenance, when that neoclassical masterpiece has adapted to the external environment, the Louvre will display it in the French Painting Gallery for everyone to visit and enjoy."

Speaking of this, Ye Tian deliberately made a pained expression, looking particularly unbearable.

Hearing his words, Martinez, who was far away in the Louvre in Paris, raised his eyebrows with anger, smoke was coming out of his nose, and he almost knocked off the desk in front of him

The price of 150 million euros is too low, you have suffered a lot, what the heck, it’s me who suffers, okay?

Many media reporters at the scene rolled their eyes and complained secretly.

You bastard would be willing to lose money

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As we all know, Napoleon's entry into Vienna was accompanied by the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, that is, the crown that symbolized the royal power of the Habsburg family.

The crown was purchased by a descendant of the Habsburg family. At the request of the other party, I cannot disclose the name of the other party, nor the transaction price of the Holy Roman Empire crown.

I can only tell you that the transaction price of that crown is astonishing, creating a new transaction record for similar antique works of art, and truly reflecting its great value.

Although it is inconvenient to disclose the transaction price of the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, the various taxes and fees that should be borne by our company will not be less than a penny. Our company has always been law-abiding."

Hearing this, in Austria far away in Europe, countless people have cursed wildly at the top of their voices, their anger reaching the extreme

"Fack Steven, you are a bastard, that crown belongs to our Austrian national treasure, not to the corrupt and damned Habsburg family"

"Go to hell, Steven, you greedy bastard, don't come to Austria in the future, or I will make you look good"

While cursing wildly, all Austrians are completely desperate.

Each of them understands that the crown of the Holy Roman Empire has nothing to do with Austria

At the same time, in Liechtenstein, Europe, in an ancient Baroque villa.

Several members of the Habsburg family were looking at the live broadcast with their eyes spitting fire, gnashing their teeth in hatred, but very helpless

If Ye Tian was here, he would definitely recognize that the two of them were members of the Habsburg family who went to Paris to negotiate with him, and they were robbed by him crazily.

Next, Ye Tian introduced the ownership of other antique works of art in Napoleon's treasure.

Such as Rubens, such as Dürer, such as Titian, such as Sarto, such as Tintoretto, and masterpieces of top art masters such as Rembrandt

Of course, there are also sculptures by top sculptors such as Donatello, Cellini, and ancient Greek Polykritos.

Some of these top antique works of art were acquired by top collectors flocking to them, and some were bought by major museums in France, becoming the treasures of top collectors and museums

Among them, the biggest buyer is Bernard, the richest man in France, followed by the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay, followed by other top collectors and museums.

Without exception, each of these top-level antique works of art that were successfully sold was sold at a very astonishing price, bringing Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company one after another huge fortunes

The rest of the top antique artworks that are not traded are divided into two parts.

The number of those included in the list of restricted artworks and those not included in the list of restricted artworks is exactly half and half

Those included in the list of artworks restricted from leaving the country are divided into two parts.

A small part was consigned to the major auction houses in Paris, such as Sotheby's and so on.

In the next period of time, these top antique works of art will appear in the auction market in Paris one after another. Shaking the Paris art market again and again

Most of the rest were loaned by the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay, and are currently stored in the vaults of these two top museums in France.

After a while, these top antique artworks have completely adapted to the external environment. The Louvre Museum and the Musée d'Orsay will successively hold special exhibitions on Napoleon's treasures to publicly display these top antique artworks

Of course, the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay cannot be borrowed in vain. They have to pay a lot of rental fees to the Bravery Exploration Company, and a part of the ticket price for the special exhibition is also allocated.

As for the safety of these top antique works of art, Ye Tian is not worried at all, let alone worry that the Louvre and the Musée d'Orsay will steal them, or refuse to return these treasures.

Whether it is the top antique artwork entrusted to major auction houses or temporarily lent to the Louvre Museum and the Orsay Museum, each piece has been insured and bears a huge amount of artwork insurance.

If there is any problem with any of these top-level antique artworks, several top-level art insurance companies will come forward to pay for it, so Ye Tian naturally doesn't have to worry about it.

What should really be worried is those top auction houses, as well as the Louvre and Orsay Museum

As for the half of the top-level antique artworks that were not included in the list of restricted departures, Ye Tian transported them back to New York and prepared to deal with them in the New York art market. The time period can be freely controlled

At this time, those top-level antique artworks are under the protection of Matisse and the others, and are being inspected by the customs at Kennedy Airport.

This is just a procedure. How could the U.S. government reject this batch of top antique artworks?

In addition to the huge influence and cultural and artistic value, those top antique works of art can also bring huge tax revenue, who is willing to refuse

Listening to Ye Tian's introduction, no matter the media reporters on the scene or the people on the live broadcast end, they were completely stunned, and they all stared at Ye Tian in dumbfounded.

"How much money this guy Stephen made is probably billions of dollars or even more, so much that people dare not even think about it, it's just crazy"

After being shocked, everyone secretly gave a thumbs up, admiring

The rumors are indeed true. Stephen is too thorough in his actions, and he is impeccable. No one can take advantage of him.

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