Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1565 The highest standard wedding

"The top-of-the-line antiques that we brought back to New York have now arrived at JFK and are being inspected by JFK customs agents.

Once the inspection is complete, we'll post the list of top vintage artwork online so everyone will know we've brought back those treasures!

Comparing it with the list of Napoleon's treasures announced earlier, everyone will know which top antique works of art have been included in the list of restricted departures and stayed in Paris! "

Ye Tian continued to introduce the situation, his voice was clear and confident, echoing in this VIP lounge.

As soon as his words fell, a reporter immediately asked:

"Steven, I'm a reporter from The Washington Post, you just mentioned a lot of top-notch antique works of art, but you left out two very important priceless treasures!

That is Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ". How do you deal with these two top works of art? Can you tell us something? "

Immediately after this reporter, another female reporter asked:

"Steven, I'm a reporter from The Boston Globe, and Michael is right, you didn't say a word about these two priceless paintings by Raphael and Michelangelo.

In the list of Napoleon's treasures you published in Paris before, you did not give a valuation for these two top works of art, but all other antique works of art have corresponding valuations.

You once said publicly in Paris that if the Pope is willing to come to the United States to preside over your wedding with Betty and send blessings to Betty, you don't mind gifting these two top-level works of art to the Vatican.

Is this a joke, or your real thoughts? If it is a real idea, has it been implemented? As far as I know, it won't be long before your wedding to Betty"

Hearing the question from this beautiful reporter, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian.

The same goes for countless viewers on the live broadcast, all watching him, everyone is looking forward to his answer, and everyone's eyes are full of envy.

Especially the large number of Americans on the live broadcast end were even more excited. Anyone who believes in Christianity is looking forward to hearing the news that the Pope is coming to the United States!

Betty also turned her head to look at Ye Tian, ​​her eyes were full of love, so thick it couldn't melt away!

Ye Tian stretched out his hand to hold Betty's right hand,

And squeezed it lightly, then scanned the audience, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Since everyone is so concerned about this issue and the ownership of the two top works of art, and a reporter friend asked this question, I will explain it to everyone, so as to avoid everyone's suspicion.

The words I said in Paris before are all true, they are my true thoughts, and they are extremely sincere. I want to give my fiancée the most perfect wedding and let her remember it forever!

The day after Napoleon’s treasure was revealed, the Vatican got in touch with me, talking about the two paintings by Raphael and Michelangelo, and talking about my idea.

That conversation was very pleasant, and I have kept in touch with the Vatican since then, and had two interviews with two envoys of the Pope and a cardinal."

Hearing this, the faces of many media reporters at the scene showed excitement, but they still suppressed the urge to ask questions and continued to listen to Ye Tian.

"For my idea of ​​inviting the Pope to preside over the wedding, the Vatican is very supportive. It is the responsibility and obligation of the priests to preside over the wedding and send blessings to the congregation, including the Pope!

My fiancée and her family are very devout believers. At the most important moment of life, they hope to get the best blessings and leave unforgettable memories!

After some negotiations, the Holy See of the Vatican very happily accepted my idea, that is to say, in a few days, the Pope will come to the United States to preside over our wedding.

We did not announce this news to the public before, but the US government authorities and relevant religious figures have received the notification from the Vatican and have started to make corresponding preparations.

At most one or two days later, the US government and the religious circles will announce the news and the specific itinerary of the Pope in the United States. Here, I would like to thank the Pope again!

Back this time, Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" also returned to New York. When our wedding is over, they will return to the Vatican! "

Saying that, Ye Tian turned his head to look at Betty, then stretched out his hand and gently embraced Betty, whose eyes were filled with tears, into his arms!

Before the words fell, the VIP lounge was completely blown up.

All the media reporters at the scene seemed to have springs installed under their buttocks, and jumped up from their seats, one by one scrambling to ask loudly:

"Steven, when is your wedding with Betty? In which church? Can we go to the wedding and report?"

"When will the Pope arrive in the United States? Will the wedding be held in Boston or New York? Besides presiding over the wedding, what other arrangements does the Pope have for his trip to the United States? Can you tell us about it? Steven"

All the media reporters went completely insane, their excited eyes shining brightly.

There is no doubt that this is another headline, and one that is enough to drive the vast majority of Americans crazy!

The same is true in front of the countless live broadcast terminals, everyone was stunned by the shock, and looked at Ye Tian with rounded eyes, full of inconceivable eyes!

"The Pope is coming to the United States to officiate the wedding for Steven and his fiancée, my God! Did I hear you right? This guy Steven is really generous, and he is really willing to do it!

There is no doubt that this is definitely the highest-standard wedding in the history of the United States. The Pope personally presides over the wedding and sends blessings. I have never heard of it before. It is so awesome! "

"Wow! His Excellency the Pope personally presided over the wedding and sent blessings. If I have this honor, even if I die immediately after the wedding, I would be willing!

Although I don't like the bastard Steven very much, no matter where his wedding is held, I will go to watch the ceremony. If I can meet the Pope, it will be perfect! "

When the entire United States was shocked by this news, Betty's parents, Matthew and Evelyn, had already burst into tears in a villa in Cambridge, Boston, and were shaking with excitement!

In many other places in the United States, on the Upper East Side of New York, on Wall Street, in Washington, in Los Angeles, and in Boston, many celebrities are cheering and saying categorically:

"No matter what method you use, at all costs, you must get the wedding invitation letter from that guy Steven. I want to show up at the church where they hold their wedding on the wedding day!"

Among them, the craziest ones are the ladies of the upper class.

They have even begun to imagine what jewelry and clothing they should wear to attend a wedding and meet the Pope!

As for the employees of the Fearless Exploration Company, as well as the friends of Ye Tian and Betty, they have already cheered!

Each of them was very sure that they would definitely appear at that grand wedding, witness Steven and Betty read their wedding vows, and see His Excellency the Pope in person!

Ye Tian didn't answer the media reporters' barrage of questions, he just hugged Betty lightly, and looked at these crazy media reporters with a smile on his face.

After about a minute or two, the emotions of these media reporters calmed down a little, and the scene became a little quieter.

"Regarding the specific itinerary of the Pope in the United States, I am sorry that I cannot disclose it. This needs to be kept strictly confidential. I think everyone can understand that the government and religious circles will announce it to the public later!

As for the location where Betty and I will hold our wedding, many people must have already known it, and there is no need to keep it a secret. Our wedding will be held in Boston, because Betty is a Bostonian! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, and then gently kissed Betty on the cheek.

As soon as his voice fell, the whole city of Boston, and even the entire state of Massachusetts, was completely drowned out by the excited cheers of the people!

Immediately afterwards, the phone at Betty's parents' house began to ring crazily, as did Matthew's and Evelyn's mobile phones, and Logan's mobile phone, one after another, without interruption!

The Boston city government has also shown unprecedented efficiency in handling affairs and acted quickly to prepare for the arrival of the Pope and his entourage!

At this moment, it was the first time for Bostonians to feel that Steven was not that annoying, and there were still some merits, at least this matter was done very well!

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