Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1566: The Art Transaction That Excited the Chinese People

"Steven, I'm a reporter from n. Since the Pope has agreed to your request to come to the United States to preside over your wedding with Betty, you will also present these two top-level works of art to the Vatican.

Does this mean that Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamenting Christ will not be publicly exhibited in the United States, and Americans will not be able to appreciate these two top works of art"

A male reporter from n asked loudly, with a bit of regret in his tone.

Ye Tian looked at the media reporter, then shook his head lightly, and said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Since I have brought these two top-level works of art back to New York, I will display them in front of all New Yorkers, so that everyone can appreciate and appreciate the artistic charm of the three masters of Renaissance art.

If not, wouldn't it be a pity, before returning to New York, I had already reached an agreement with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and these two top artworks will be publicly exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art tomorrow.

It is an opportunity not to be missed to see and admire these two outstanding paintings at the Metropolitan Museum, as they will leave New York and return to the Vatican after my wedding is over"

"It's great, Steven, we will definitely visit when we have time, that is Raphael and Michelangelo, and they have disappeared for more than two hundred years, of course they should not be missed"

Many media reporters at the scene couldn't help cheering, all of them were extremely excited.

Next, several media reporters asked some questions about these two top artworks and the Pope's trip to the United States.

Those who could answer, Ye Tian answered them one by one, but he didn't reveal a word about those that could not be answered and related to confidentiality.

After ten minutes, everyone's attention shifted.

Another media reporter sitting in the back row raised his hand and asked loudly:

"Steven, can you tell me about the documents that are closely related to Napoleon? What did you do with the documents? Did you leave them in Paris or did you bring them back to New York?

According to some experts in the field of history, those documents are extremely important, they will rewrite the partial history of the French Revolution period, and their value is not even lower than the original Napoleonic Code "

Following the reporter's question, many historians on the live broadcast immediately opened their eyes wide, staring at Ye Tian closely, waiting for him to give an answer

Ye Tian looked at the reporter,

He nodded to the other party, then smiled and said:

"You are right. Those documents closely related to Napoleon are indeed extremely important and extremely precious. They are the most valuable materials for studying the history of the French Revolution.

But instead of bringing those historical documents back to New York, I left them in France, in Paris, where they should be.

On the day when Napoleon's treasure was discovered, the French President and Minister of Culture, as well as some French experts and scholars, proposed to acquire those documents one after another, and their willingness was very strong.

Seeing this situation, I couldn't refuse it, and considering that it was the first-hand material for studying the history of the French Revolution, I nodded and agreed, and made a deal with them."

Hearing this, the French President and Martinez, who were far away across the ocean, rolled their eyes angrily, and some related people hated it even more.

It sounds so good, it seems like you are so kind, you bastard, when you ransacked us like crazy, but I didn't see you, you bastard, being merciful, and the knife was so ruthless

Although Ye Tian didn't see the reaction of these old French friends, he completely guessed it.

Of course, he didn't care at all, and continued to talk freely.

"I used those documents closely related to Napoleon to exchange some Chinese antique artworks and important Chinese cultural relics collected in major museums and other cultural institutions in France.

Among them are the Forty Views of Yuanmingyuan collected in the National Library of France, looted from the Old Summer Palace by the French army in 1860, and from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. It is one of the most important works of art in the Old Summer Palace.

In addition, there are also some important cultural relics from the scripture cave of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, which are also collected in the National Library of France, including various Buddhist scriptures, social documents, silk paintings, magical instruments and other cultural relics.

Also from the Old Summer Palace, some important antique artworks that have been collected in the Chinese Pavilion of Fontainebleau Palace for more than a hundred years are also included, as well as other important Chinese antique artworks

Many of the targets involved in this art transaction are antique cultural relics or documents that have never been circulated in the market. It is difficult to estimate the value, but to be honest, I am definitely the one who suffers

After the transaction was completed, I brought the Chinese antique art exchanged back to New York, and I am also undergoing airport customs inspection at the moment, just like the antique art in Napoleon's treasure

Some people may know that I have a personal exhibition hall in the Forbidden City of China. These antique works of art will be shipped to Beijing soon, and all of them will be displayed in my personal exhibition hall for people to appreciate and visit.

When the time is right, I will also build a private museum to display my collection, which includes both antique artworks that will be discovered in the future, and treasures that have been exchanged."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the eyes of many people in the industry, experts and scholars far away in China were suddenly brightened, and they shone like a searchlight.

What's more, they immediately cheered with excitement, dancing and dancing, like children

Not to mention anything else, just the return of the Forty Scenes of the Old Summer Palace that everyone has been thinking about for a long time, the return of this national treasure-level artwork is worthy of everyone's celebration

Many French people on the other side of the Atlantic reacted in a different way

They may be so embarrassed, Ye Tian just mentioned a lot of antiques and artworks from Yuanmingyuan, those things were looted by the French army, of course they have no confidence

However, they are more angry, and even want to yell loudly.

You're the loser in the deal, what the fuck?

Steven, you greedy bastard, you're ashamed to say with a shy face, we're the ones being ransacked, okay?

After this art transaction, the top Chinese antiques collected by several museums and cultural institutions in Paris were all looted by you bastard.

After introducing the processing methods of those historical documents, the things about Napoleon's treasure are basically revealed to the world.

In this way, even if someone wants to make an idea of ​​those top-level antique works of art, there is not much room and it is difficult to start.

Later, when Ye Tian publishes the list of antique artworks brought back to New York on the Internet, everyone will know that these antique artworks are his private property

At that time, as long as it is not obtained through legal means, it will be illegal for anyone to hold those top-level antique works of art, and they will not be able to see the light, let alone be auctioned.

Next, many media reporters shifted their targets and began to ask about the treasures of the two shipwrecks on the bottom of the English Channel, and how to deal with the salvaged gold and silver treasures

Compared with Napoleon's treasure, the value of those two shipwreck treasures is obviously very different.

But that is for Ye Tian, ​​for others, those two shipwreck treasures are definitely a huge amount of wealth enough to make people crazy

Gold, the ancient Egyptian cat god Bastet gold mask, gold crown, large Spanish antique gold coins, and those dazzling jewelry diamonds and so on.

Every treasure is valuable, extremely eye-catching, and there are many wonderful stories hidden behind it

Same as before, for the questions from these media reporters, Ye Tian answered those who could answer them, and did not disclose a single word of those who could not.

Just taking this opportunity, he also made public how the batch of gold was handled, completely cutting off the unrealistic fantasies of some people and countries

He said bluntly that all those gold will be sold to the Federal Reserve based on the market price and become the Fed's reserve gold.

When Ye Tian said this solution in public with a smile on his face, countless live broadcasts immediately boiled over, and there were extremely angry and crazy curses.

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