Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1567 Sprinkle a handful of dog food

It took about an hour for the press conference to end.

Afterwards, these media reporters from all over the United States and the world were invited out of this VIP lounge, although these guys still have countless questions to ask!

Ye Tian and his group continued to stay here, having lunch and taking a rest, waiting for the customs clearance inspection of the antique artworks shipped back to New York.

Soon, nearly two hours passed, and it was already around 3:30 in the afternoon.

Finally, Matisse's voice came through the earphones.

"Steven, we have completed the customs clearance here and have not encountered any troubles. Now we are moving the boxes full of antique artworks to several escort vehicles!

After the handling is completed, you can leave JFK International Airport and return to Manhattan. You can rest for a while, and I will inform you when I will come out later! "

After hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately said through the wireless headset:

"Tell the guys, when moving those boxes, you must be more careful, don't bump them, it may cause irreparable damage, there is plenty of time, don't worry!"

"Understood, Steven, we must be careful"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

About twenty minutes later, Mathis' voice came again, telling Ye Tian and the others that they could leave the terminal and set off!

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others packed up their things and got up, pushing the luggage cart and leaving the VIP lounge.

As soon as they walked out of the lounge door, they saw a shocking scene, and they couldn't help but froze in place.

The entrance of this lounge has long been surrounded by people, there are two to three hundred people, and the scene is very lively!

Among them are the staff of JFK Airport, media reporters, pedestrians, and passengers passing by, etc., as well as airport security and New York police who maintain order!

Without exception, these guys were all very excited, their eyes were shining brightly, and they were staring at the door of the lounge. Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation!

Among these people,

Ye Tian even saw a few familiar faces, all stars who often appeared on TV and movies, and they were equally excited.

Seeing Ye Tian and his group come out, the scene suddenly became more lively.

"Steven, what you said in the interview with the reporter just now, that the Pope is about to visit the United States to hold the wedding ceremony for you and Betty, is it true or not?"

"Hello, Steven, when will the Pope arrive in the United States? Will his first stop be New York or Boston? Can you tell us more about the situation?

If the first stop is New York, then my buddy will definitely come to pick up the Pope, if the first stop is Boston, then I will ask for leave and go to Boston to pick up the plane! "

People were asking questions, everyone was excited, and some people's voices were even trembling!

The vast majority of Americans believe in Christianity. Although there are many denominations, including Protestants, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, etc., all denominations recognize and support the Pope!

Obviously, the excited people in front of them are all believers in Christianity. When they suddenly heard that the Pope is coming to the United States, can they not be excited?

Ye Tian glanced at the excited people at the scene, then gently took Betty's hand, and then said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, I'm Steven, I'm very glad to meet you here, what I said in the interview with friends from the press just now, every word is true.

That's right, His Holiness the Pope and his entourage will be in the United States soon, start a tour of the United States, officiate our wedding, and send best wishes to my fiancée and her family! "

Speaking of this, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and hugged Betty into his arms, and kissed her gently on the cheek, showing off his affection!

Betty stared at him, without anyone or anything in her eyes, her eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, and she sprinkled dog food all over the place!

"It's great! His Holiness the Pope is really coming to the United States. From today on, my buddies will live at the airport and won't go anywhere until I see His Holiness the Pope!"

"My God! The Pope himself presided over the wedding and sent his blessing. This is so romantic. I want a wedding like this too!"

There was a burst of cheers at the scene, and everyone was smiling and full of anticipation.

At the same time, everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian and Betty with envy.

The Pope will personally preside over their wedding and send a good blessing, which can make people crazy with envy!

Especially the many women present, regardless of age, beauty or ugliness, their eyes were red with jealousy, and they wished they could replace Betty and accept the good blessings from His Excellency the Pope!

After showing his affection in public, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the crowd, and said loudly with a smile:

"As I said before, it is inconvenient for me to disclose the specific itinerary of His Holiness the Pope's trip to the United States, as this information is currently kept confidential.

Please be patient, the government and religious circles will release the news publicly within a few days, and everyone will know about it by then.

That's it for now, we have things to do, we have to leave JFK, here I wish you all a great day, bye! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took Betty's hand and walked forward.

Under the escort of many security personnel led by Cole, they quickly passed through the excited crowd and walked straight to the gate of the departure hall.

At this time, the convoy that came to meet their group was already waiting at the entrance of the hall.

The first time he came outside the gate of the waiting hall, Ye Tian quickly checked all the vehicles in the convoy, just in case!

After confirming that there was no danger, he took Betty and boarded the Paramount Predator in the middle of the convoy, that long-lost armored combat vehicle!

Next, Jason and the others quickly loaded everyone's luggage into several other bulletproof SUVs, and then got into the car separately.


Accompanied by a loud engine roar, this heavy convoy slowly left the gate of the waiting hall and drove straight forward.

The convoy had just driven less than 50 meters away when several New York police cars followed and quickly distributed in front of and behind the convoy, separating this heavy convoy from other social vehicles!

After continuing to drive forward for a certain distance, the escort convoy protected by Matisse and many armed security personnel drove out from the slant again and joined Ye Tian's convoy.

This escort convoy consists of two container trucks, three armored escort vehicles, and five Chevrolet full-size bulletproof SUVs!

In addition, there are four GMC commercial vehicles, in which David and his lawyer team, as well as several employees of Intrepid Exploration Company who just flew back to New York from France.

As for the large number of top antique artworks transported back to New York from Paris, they were scattered in two container trucks and the three armored escort vehicles, very safe!

The front and back vehicles gathered together to form a huge convoy of more than 100 meters long end to end, and drove out of the airport in a mighty manner, heading straight for Manhattan Island.

When this huge escort convoy passed by, everyone was shocked and froze in place, staring dumbfounded at the scene in front of them!

They could even feel that the ground under their feet was trembling when the convoy passed by!

Soon, this huge escort convoy drove out of JFK International Airport, onto the airport expressway leading to Manhattan Island, and headed towards Manhattan quickly!

When the convoy drove out of the no-fly zone at Kennedy Airport, four medium-sized helicopters roared from different directions, appeared above the convoy, and began to move forward with the convoy.

At the same time, George's excited voice came from the earphones.

"Good afternoon, Steven, welcome back to New York, we have arrived, right above the escort convoy!"

"George, good afternoon. I'm glad to hear your voice. I saw your helicopter. I'll leave the air to you. Let's go back to Manhattan together!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and looked at the scenery outside the car window.

"Got it, Steven"

George responded loudly, with confidence in his voice.

As soon as his words fell, Matisse's voice came again.

"Steven, there is news from the eyeliner that Cole has placed on the streets along the way. So far, no surprises have been found, and the streets along the way seem to be calm.

The New York police have received information that they have dispatched patrol cars at almost every intersection from Kennedy Airport to Manhattan to prevent accidents.

Kenny and Byrne have also been connected to the New York Municipal Road Monitoring System, using numerous cameras distributed along the way to closely monitor the situation on each street and provide technical support! "

After hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately responded in a deep voice:

"It would be great if the weather is calm, but I still have to remind the guys, don't be negligent, only when you arrive in Manhattan safely and store those top antique artworks in the vault, you're done!"

While speaking, this huge convoy of escorts had already driven into Queens at a fast speed, crashing through the slightly dilapidated streets, attracting countless attentions!

The first time they saw this escort convoy, people knew whose convoy it was and what it was transporting!

This happened for no other reason than New Yorkers are all too familiar with the Paramount Marauder, everyone knows that steel monster!

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