On the street, many people stopped, or slammed on the brakes, and parked their cars on the side of the road. They all looked dumbfounded at the escort convoy coming from the direction of the airport.

It wasn't until this heavy convoy drove past their eyes and gradually went away that people woke up!

Immediately afterwards, these streets were completely boiling, and people started talking about it.

"I'm going! That ruthless bastard Steven is back, don't even think about it, this is the escort convoy of that bastard Steven, and only that bastard can be so high-profile!

The two container trucks and the three armored escort vehicles in the convoy must be full of top-level antique works of art, all treasures looted from Europe by that bastard Steven!

According to legend, each of those top-notch antique works of art is priceless. If we can get one, we can at least become multi-millionaires. From then on, we can eat and wait to die! "

"Hurry up and stop, those top antique works of art will never belong to us, not only us, but anyone else should not think about those treasures!

Didn't you see the formation that Steven's bastards put up? Unless an organized army is dispatched, anyone else who rushes up will be completely crushed by Steven's bastards! "

Amidst the people's heated discussions and countless envious eyes, the escort convoy drove through the streets and headed straight for the island of Manhattan.

It's been a smooth ride without any trouble.

About half an hour later, the heavy convoy passed the Manhattan Bridge over the East River, entered the island of Manhattan, and sped down town.

In fact, this escort was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

Cole's eyeliner on many streets along the way, as well as Kenny and Byrne, found several groups of guys with bad intentions one after another.

Those guys were scattered on some streets in Queens and Brooklyn, in groups of three or four, riding in different vehicles, staring at the escort convoy one by one, ready to move!

However, when they saw those sturdy and unusual bulletproof SUVs and armored escort vehicles, a large number of heavily armed security personnel, and several helicopters whizzing and circling in the air.

Thinking of Ye Tian's ruthless, vengeful behavior, and the many unlucky people who died in his hands one after another,

They can only die down!

They desperately found that if they rushed up to rob the escort convoy, there would only be one result, that is, they would be completely crushed and sent to hell by Steven and those bastards, and they would not get a hair!

Under such circumstances, only idiots who seek their own death will charge upwards.

Coincidentally, these groups of people with ulterior motives all chose to quiet down, not even daring to show their heads!

Seeing that these guys were shrinking their heads one after another, Ye Tian didn't bother to talk to them. He just asked his security personnel to be more vigilant, and then quickly passed through these streets.

After the escort convoy entered Manhattan Island, due to terrain and other factors, the risk of being attacked and robbed quickly decreased, and everyone was a little relieved.

Like the Queens and Brooklyn districts that passed through before, the arrival of this heavy escort convoy also caused a huge sensation in Manhattan!

But all the streets that the escort convoy passed by were like a boil, becoming very lively, and everyone's attention was attracted by this heavy convoy.

When paying attention to this escort convoy, people's eyes were full of envy, and some guys even had red eyes with jealousy.

About fifteen minutes after entering Manhattan, the convoy arrived at the location of the first reserved vault, the office building of Sotheby's Auction House!

As early as in Paris, Ye Tian informed David and his company employees that they had reserved many top-level vaults in Manhattan to store the top-level antique artworks shipped back to New York.

The private vault in the underground vault of Sotheby's Auction House is the first one. There are seven or eight other private vaults of the same level, which are distributed in different areas of Mid-Lower Manhattan. Ye Tian will patronize them one by one later!

Eggs can't be put in one basket, Ye Tian is well aware of this truth, that's why he rented a lot of vaults instead of storing all the top antique artworks in one place!

When the convoy was escorted to the office building of Sotheby’s Auction House, many old friends from Sotheby’s New York were waiting at the door, all smiling.

These guys were very enthusiastic. As soon as Ye Tian got out of the car, he was surrounded by these guys like stars, and all kinds of compliments swarmed in like a tide!

Why do they behave this way? Ye Tian's heart is like a mirror, and there are no more than two reasons.

The first reason, of course, is the top antique artworks that I brought back to New York. As a top auction house, how could it be possible to ignore these priceless treasures?

Secondly, it is because of the Pope who is about to arrive in the United States.

These guys from the Sotheby's auction house are basically Christian believers, and each of them wants to take the opportunity of Ye Tian's wedding to meet the Pope himself with his own eyes, as a lifelong wish!

If you can get the blessing of the Pope, or have a chat with the Pope, it will be perfect!

Not only them, but even their family members wanted to take this rare opportunity to meet the Pope in person.

In this case, when they saw Ye Tian, ​​could they not be very attentive?

After chatting with these old friends, Ye Tian took David and the others, joking and chatting with these old friends, and walked into the Sotheby's office building together!

At the same time, under the escort of many armed security personnel, an armored escort vehicle in the escort convoy also slowly drove into the underground garage of the Sotheby's building!

When Ye Tian and the others came out of Sotheby's, it was already an hour later. The armored escort vehicle that drove into the underground garage before was completely empty!

The top-level antique works of art that were once loaded in the armored escort vehicle were stored in the two private vaults leased by Ye Tian, ​​which is very safe!

Next, the heavy-duty escort convoy started again and headed for the headquarters of a multinational bank not far away, where there is also a top-notch underground vault!

When the convoy left the office building of Sotheby's auction house, under the protection of Taylor and Lisa, Betty left the convoy by car and returned to her home on 110th Street at the north end of Central Park.

It has been more than a month since I left New York, and the house still needs to be tidied up.

Ye Tian, ​​on the other hand, led the convoy to continue to shuttle through the streets of Manhattan, storing the top antique artworks brought back from Paris in different vaults.

It was not until 11:30 in the middle of the night that they finished storing the last batch of antique artworks and came out of the underground vault at the headquarters of MG Chase Bank.

After driving out of the underground garage in the Paramount Predator and onto the street, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly to everyone:

"Guys, you have worked hard! Now you can go home, meet your family or girlfriends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the beauty of love, take a hot bath, and sleep well!

If you live far away or feel unsafe at night, then find a five-star hotel in Manhattan to stay, and it will not be too late to go home after dawn tomorrow. All expenses are covered by the company, and safety is the most important thing!

Tomorrow everyone has a good day off, don't come to the company, put everything aside temporarily, spend time with your family or boyfriend and girlfriend, and show the harvest of your trip to France.

After everyone has rested, you can bring your family to the celebration banquet. I can reveal a little news in advance. At this celebration banquet, each of you will receive a huge surprise."

Before the words were finished, excited cheers came from the intercom.

"Great! Steven, this is the best news I've heard. I'm looking forward to this grand celebration dinner and the huge surprise!"

"Steven, you are absolutely the most generous boss in all of New York, we love you!"


There was another burst of laughter, everyone was laughing heartily and heartily, without the slightest sense of fatigue!

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian continued to say:

"There is one more thing to tell everyone, as long as you are the employees of the fearless exploration company, whether it is security personnel or civilian personnel, as well as your family members, you will have the opportunity to meet the Pope.

If you go to Boston to attend my wedding with Betty, you can see the Pope at the wedding site, and those who stay in New York don’t have to worry, I will try my best to create opportunities for you to see the Pope himself.

However, I would like to remind everyone that it is best to keep this matter secret for the time being. If it is leaked out, it will definitely cause quite a stir, and it may even cause bad things. "

Unsurprisingly, cheers erupted from every car in the escort convoy, deafening, and startled the New York policemen in a few police cars not far away!

A few minutes later, the escort convoy that had completed the task drove out of the street where the headquarters of MG Chase Bank is located. The vehicles in the convoy immediately dispersed and drove in different directions.

Under the escort of the five Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs that Matisse and the others were driving, Ye Tian's Paramount Predator sped across the street and drove quickly to his and Betty's home at the north end of Central Park!

At this time, the night has become darker, and the noisy New York has finally quieted down!

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