The night has receded completely, and the morning glow has turned the whole sky red.

Obviously, this is another beautiful sunny day, just like Ye Tian and Betty's mood.

New York has already entered autumn, and the temperature is gradually cooling down, especially in the morning and evening, it is somewhat chilly.

After getting up early in the morning and washing up, Ye Tian and Betty strolled to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bedroom, snuggled up to each other, condescendingly, admiring the autumnal Central Park.

At this time, the maple leaves in Central Park have begun to turn red. Although the number is not large, it is just right. Looking down from a high position, it looks like a group of flames jumping in the forest.

The large expanses of grass in the park have long faded from their green color, and have been replaced with yellow dresses that symbolize the harvest, like pieces of yellow carpets, covering all the gaps between the forest and the lake.

People who get up early and do morning exercises in Central Park are no longer dressed in cool vests and shorts. They are all wearing long sportswear, stepping on fallen leaves, and sweating profusely on the boulevards

Unknowingly, Ye Tian and Betty's minds have been attracted to the past, intoxicated by this picturesque scenery, speechless for a long time

After a long time, Betty just turned her head, looked at Ye Tian and said softly:

"Everything in front of me is so beautiful, I really want to stay like this forever, under the morning light and twilight, enjoy the beauty of the four seasons with you, until the end of time"

Ye Tian lowered his head and kissed his girlfriend in his arms, then smiled and said:

"Of course it's beautiful. After we get up and wash up every day, we can sit here hugging each other, drinking coffee and enjoying the changing seasons in Central Park."

If there are two or three children around us, it will be perfect. I am very yearning for such a life, and it is intoxicating to think about it.”

“Indeed, I really yearn for that kind of life.”

Betty nodded slightly, her eyes full of intoxication.

Next, the two continued to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Central Park outside the window, talking and laughing in low voices, very comfortable.

"Honey, I'm afraid I have to return to Boston early. I heard that the Pope is going to preside over our wedding. Evelyn has completely fallen into a state of madness, and Matthew is in a similar state.

They are now in high spirits,

Very energetic, and seemed ready to take over our wedding and say it was going to be the biggest wedding ever in Boston.

Lots of people contacting them now, trying to get wedding invitations, so I have to go back and stop those two guys who are losing their minds, or God knows what they will do"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly.

"Hahaha, what does that matter? As long as Matthew and Evelyn are happy, even if we send our wedding invitations all over Massachusetts, everyone can come to our wedding."

"Don't tell me, Matthew and Evelyn may really be able to do such a thing, but the number of people who can enter the church to watch the ceremony is limited after all, because of the size of the Old South Church."

Betty said jokingly, but the light of happiness flashed in her eyes.

"You might as well go back and discuss the details of the wedding with Evelyn. You are both women, and Evelyn is someone who has experienced it, and her thoughts are more delicate, so she can definitely provide good advice.

And I've been quite busy these two days, and I don't have much time to accompany you. Today I have to send the paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo to the Metropolitan Museum for exhibition, and I have to arrange security matters.

Next, I will meet with Christopher of the Federal Reserve and sell the nacui gold salvaged from the English Channel to the Federal Reserve. Those guys are impatient

That batch of nacui gold is very sensitive, and it is best to dispose of it as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the more troublesome it will be. Unexpected changes may occur, and I don't want to see that happen.

In addition, there will be a celebration banquet to reward all company employees and security personnel, and then we will meet with people from auction houses such as Sotheby's and Christie's to discuss the autumn auction.

After these things are done, the jewelry and wedding dresses we ordered in Paris and London will also be shipped to New York. At that time, I will take these things to Boston with the designer.

On October 2nd, my family members will fly to Boston on a chartered plane, and then the Pope and his entourage will also arrive in Boston. At that time, our wedding will officially kick off"

Ye Tian talked about the arrangements for the next few days, his eyes full of anticipation.

Betty is the same, she can't wait for the wedding day to come soon, so that she can put on a white and beautiful wedding dress and officially enter the palace of marriage

They chatted for a long time in front of the master bedroom's floor-to-ceiling windows, until the sun rose into the sky and filled the entire Central Park with sunlight, Ye Tian and Betty left the window to change clothes

In a blink of an eye, it was already half past eight in the morning.

After breakfast, Ye Tian and Betty sat on the sofa in the living room, drinking coffee while discussing the wedding in a few days, both of them were very excited

On the other side of the hall, there were two huge suitcases, which Betty had just unpacked and was about to take to Boston.

The two suitcases contained some items for the wedding, as well as gifts for Matthew, Evelyn, and Logan, all purchased from Paris and London houses.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian's cell phone rang, and it was Mathis calling.

When the phone was connected, Matisse's voice came over immediately.

"Good morning, Steven, the guys have arrived downstairs, and George and the others have also set off in a helicopter and flew to Rockefeller Center, ready to provide us with air cover.

There are many media reporters in front of the apartment building, as well as the New York police who maintain order. Our motorcade is parked at the door of the apartment building. The guys have set up a cordon, and there is no danger.”

Ye Tian raised his hand and looked at his watch, then smiled and said:

"Good morning, Mattis, come on up, guys, since we're here, let's start now, there's a lot to do today, no time to waste"

"Okay, Steven"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

A few minutes later, Mattis came upstairs with seven or eight security personnel, each fully armed and on high alert.

At this time, Ye Tian was also armed.

Under the well-tailored suit on his body, there are several pistols hidden, two 9s and two czs, and a light Kevlar body armor under the white shirt.

At the ankle of his right foot, there is an extremely sharp German combat knife, which is covered by the trousers and can be pulled out with the hand, slashing or stabbing with the knife. It is very concealed and deadly

In the black backpack in his hand, there is also a G36C short assault rifle and a large amount of matching ammunition.

This morning, they will personally escort Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation to the Metropolitan Museum for public exhibition.

Those are two top-level works of art that are priceless. The combined value of the two paintings is very close to or even more than one billion US dollars. It will definitely attract countless attention

More importantly, at yesterday's press conference, Ye Tian publicly announced that he would send those two top artworks to the Metropolitan Museum today, and almost everyone knew the news.

Under such circumstances, they must of course be fully armed and ready for everything.

If it is not complete, there will be an idiot who does not know how to live and die. He is thinking about those two top-level works of art, and he is going to risk his life to exchange his life for wealth and honor.

After Mathis and the others entered the door, they greeted each other a few times, and Ye Tian explained some precautions, then everyone left the apartment, pushed their suitcases into the elevator

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and Betty walked out of the apartment door, Mathis and several other security personnel surrounded them, maintaining a high level of vigilance

Apart from Matisse and the others, the rest of the security personnel outside the apartment building also maintained a high level of vigilance. They pulled out two lines of defense to keep all irrelevant people outside.

In addition, the Paramount Predator parked at the entrance of the apartment building was connected end to end with several other bulletproof SUVs, using its tall and sturdy body to block the view from across the road.

The only place where you can see the situation at the door is on the right side of the sidewalk on the same side of the apartment building, where many media reporters, idlers, and New York police officers who maintain order gather.

However, these people are under surveillance.

Cole led a few armed security personnel, staring at these guys, looking like they were ready to attack at any time, which made people shudder

As soon as Ye Tian and the others appeared, the area at the door of the apartment building immediately boiled.

The many media reporters who had been waiting here for a long time suddenly seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, all of them were shouting and scrambling to start asking questions loudly.

"Steven, I'm a reporter for the New York Times, when will you send Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamenting Christ to the Met and when will the exhibition start?"

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from the Boston Herald. The wedding between you and Betty was held in the church in Boston. Can you tell us something about the Pope's arrival in Boston?"

Ye Tian didn't respond to the questions from these media reporters, he just nodded lightly at these guys, and signaled for a while, as a greeting

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the situation at the door of the apartment building, and secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the guys and vehicles gathered near the door

He didn't even let go of the woods in Central Park across the road, and he also took a quick look through it.

Except for his armed security personnel and the New York police who maintained order at the scene, he did not find other guys with guns, and the scene was relatively safe.

In a few cars a little farther across the road, there are a few guys with ulterior motives looking at this side with eyes full of hatred.

Judging from the documents they carried with them, they should come from the embassies and consulates of several European countries in New York. They are some diplomats or even some secret agents.

However, these guys also did not carry weapons and ammunition. There are too many media reporters gathered here, and there are also many New York police officers. They are obviously afraid of being caught.

After confirming that there was no danger at the scene, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

Next, he and Betty pushed the suitcase and walked towards the Cadillac Escalade President No. 1 bulletproof SUV parked a little later.

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