Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1570 Create Chaos

Walking in front of the Escalade, Ye Tian gave Betty a few words, and then sent her to this sturdy full-size bulletproof SUV, and the two suitcases were also loaded into this car.

Then, he lowered his voice and said to Taylor and the others standing by the car:

"Taylor, Lisa, this time you go to Boston, you must protect Betty and Betty's family, and you will be in charge of the security personnel who will bring you to Boston!

If you encounter any trouble on the way to Boston or after you go to Boston, please let me know as soon as possible, and remember, safety first!

You just need to protect Betty, and I will handle other things. No matter who dares to threaten Betty's life, I will send them to hell! "

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, we will protect Betty and her family, and no one will hurt them"

Taylor nodded in response, his tone firm and confident.

Lisa next to her also nodded, and the other security personnel who were going to escort Betty to Boston all nodded at Ye Tian, ​​everyone was full of confidence!

"Okay, let's go, remember to keep in touch at all times"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and lightly patted the door of the bulletproof SUV President No. 1.

Afterwards, Taylor and the others got into the car one after another, closed the door, and Ye Tian stepped aside.

Immediately afterwards, the huge full-size bulletproof SUV slammed out and drove straight along 110th Street to Seventh Avenue not far ahead.

Head north on 7th Avenue and you'll be off the island of Manhattan in no time and onto the highway to Boston!

At the same time that the President No. 1 drove out, three Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs also started, followed closely behind the Escalade, and drove forward together.

Inside the three Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs, there were nine heavily armed security personnel, both men and women, who had only one mission, which was to protect Betty's safety.

As for the staff of the wedding planning company, as well as the company employees who assisted in handling various affairs before and after the wedding, they went to Boston as early as 20 days ago, and all the preparations have almost been carried out!

Seeing this scene in front of me,

Many media reporters and onlookers gathered near the apartment building were very surprised.

"The beauty who left just now seems to be Steven's girlfriend, and she is carrying a lot of luggage. Judging by her posture, she is going back to Boston!"

"Don't ask, Betty is going back to Boston to prepare for the wedding. It will be a wedding hosted by the Pope himself. It must be extremely grand!"

Amid the people's discussions, the convoy that Betty was in quickly drove to the intersection ahead, then turned right onto Seventh Avenue, and disappeared from people's sight!

After watching the bulletproof SUVs leave, Ye Tian walked towards the Paramount Predator and boarded the steel monster, ignoring the loud questions from many media reporters.

Mattis and other armed security personnel got into the car immediately, and the heavy convoy started immediately and drove straight along 110th Street to Central Park West Avenue.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others leave, the many media reporters who were originally waiting at the door of the apartment building rushed to their respective vehicles, and then drove after them.

Some smart guys among them didn't chase after Ye Tian's convoy, but turned around and went to the Metropolitan Museum, planning to wait there!

Steven that guy once said that today Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" will be sent to the Metropolitan Museum for public exhibition!

If you go to the Metropolitan Museum and wait for a rabbit, you will definitely wait for Steven, the two top-level works of art that can be called priceless treasures.

That being the case, why bother to eat ashes after those guys!

In addition to many media reporters, several New York police cars followed closely behind, following suit, not daring to relax for a moment, lest Ye Tian and the others cause trouble again!

Those vehicles with civilian license plates and diplomats from various European countries in them were also far behind, appearing very cautious.

However, how do these Europeans know that their every move has already fallen into the eyes of others.

Before the convoy reached Central Park West Avenue, Kenny's voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, Mattis, in addition to the vehicles of the media reporters and a few New York police cars, there are several tails behind you. You are driving behind, obviously with bad intentions!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately showed a sneer.

Immediately afterwards, he said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Understood, Kenny, continue to monitor those unknown guys, see what tricks those guys will play, take pictures of their vehicle numbers, and send them to Mattis.

Mattis, tell the guys to be vigilant, wait for the convoy to drive up Central Park West, if those guys are still behind, then call the police and let the police deal with it! "

"Okay, Steven"

Mattis and Kenny responded in unison, and each took action.

While speaking, this heavy-duty convoy has turned left onto Central Park West Avenue, heading from north to south, quickly heading for Lower Manhattan, attracting countless attention and envious eyes along the way.

as expected!

The few vehicles with civilian license plates were still following behind, not far or close, with a bit of perseverance.

Seeing this situation, how could Matisse be polite.

He immediately notified the New York police of the characteristics and license plates of those cars, and asked the police to come forward to encircle and suppress them.

I'm really afraid of something!

After receiving the news, the New York police immediately became tense, everyone was annoyed, and their nerves tensed up instantly, lest there would be another fire and incident on the streets of Manhattan.

The cars that followed Ye Tian and the others had to stop within a hundred meters of Central Park West Avenue!

They just drove to an intersection, and when they were about to pass through the intersection, a few police cars rushed over from the side street and behind, forcing them to a stop in an instant, and completely surrounded them!

In the next second, a group of New York police officers rushed out of those police cars, as if they were facing an enemy, they pulled out their pistols or used long guns, pointed at the guys in those cars, and shouted loudly, telling them to get out of the cars. come out!

Those guys sitting in the car were immediately dumbfounded. Everyone's face was full of fear, fearing that they would be wronged if they entrusted their lives here!

This is fucking America, damn New York!

As long as you feel threatened, the New York police don't care whether you are a diplomat or whether you enjoy diplomatic immunity. They may open fire at any time and beat people into a sieve!

Central Park West Avenue was in complete chaos. The sound of emergency braking of cars and the screams of people were resounding on the street. People running and hiding in panic can be seen everywhere!

Looking at Ye Tian's convoy, they had already gone away at this time, and they didn't pay attention to these things that happened behind the convoy.

After about twenty minutes, the heavy convoy that Ye Tian was riding in came to the MG Chase Bank headquarters building again and stopped on the side of the road!

At the same time, Walker also came here in an armored escort vehicle and joined Ye Tian and the others.

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge of the underground vault at the headquarters of MG Chase Bank came out and brought Ye Tian and the heavy convoy into the underground garage!

About twenty minutes later, this heavy convoy drove out of the underground garage and came to the street again.

At this time, Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ", these two top artworks by the three masters of Renaissance art, have been loaded into the armored escort vehicle!

In addition to these two paintings, there are several other top-level antique works of art that will also be on public display in the Metropolitan Museum for people to visit and appreciate!

After the convoy came to the street again, Ye Tian immediately issued an order.

"Guys, let's go to the Metropolitan Museum"

As soon as the words fell, the heavy convoy drove out immediately, heading straight for the Metropolitan Museum a few blocks away.

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