Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1571 Battlefield in Manhattan

As soon as the escort convoy left the headquarters building of MG Chase Bank, seven or eight New York police cars waiting on the side of the road roared in and quickly occupied the front and rear positions of the escort convoy, separating other social vehicles.

This is not over yet, two more 'Bearcat' armored vehicles of the New York Special Police drove out from a side street, aggressively, and began to escort the escort convoy forward.

And above the escort convoy, in addition to the Airbus H155 medium-sized helicopter driven by George, there was another police helicopter with the words "NYPD" printed on it, hovering over the street.

"Steven, the Manhattan Police Department offered to help us escort the paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo to the Metropolitan Museum to avoid accidents!

These police vehicles and the Bearcat armored vehicle, as well as the police helicopter in the sky, were all supported by the Manhattan Police Department, and all officers were fully armed.

Besides, the police leader just told me that they have officers and police cars on every street and every intersection from here to the Met! "

Matisse's voice came from the earphones, briefly explaining the situation.

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly.

"Hahaha, no need to ask, the false alarm that just happened on Central Park West Avenue must have scared the New York police, so they are so cautious.

Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" will return to the Vatican in the near future. If something happens to them in New York, the New York police will definitely be sprayed to death!

Because of this, the police will take the initiative to come to escort us, and we can't refuse, but it's hard to be kind, but everyone must not relax their vigilance, I don't trust the police very much"

"Understood, Steven, I'll let the guys know"

Mattis responded, and immediately took action.

At the same time, in a car parked on the side of the road two to three hundred meters ahead of the escort convoy, there was a burst of angry curses suddenly.

"Fake! These idiot policemen, why did they appear at this time? Isn't this a good thing for me, damn it!"

The person sitting in the car who was cursing angrily was a black man in his thirties, with a fleshy face and a ferocious expression, and he didn't look like a good person.

at this time,

This guy was staring closely at the escort convoy in front of him, at the police cars and police helicopters that suddenly appeared, with endless greed flashing in his eyes, both angry and desperate!

In addition to him, there are two black buddies and a Hispanic man in this black SUV.

Without exception, each of them had a long gun at hand, either an automatic rifle or a shotgun, as well as a number of matching ammunition, the firepower was quite powerful!

In the trunk of this car, there is a complete set of gas cutting equipment, which is very well prepared.

A few meters behind, there was another van, with four or five guys sitting in it, each holding a loaded gun in their hands, ready to open the door and rush out at any time!

The black man in his thirties had just finished speaking, and a guy in the back seat of the SUV immediately asked:

"Boss, shall we still do it? Steven's bastard's escort convoy will arrive soon. The formation is too big, and it may be difficult to succeed."

"Move your hands! Steven's gang of ruthless bastards are already extremely difficult to deal with, plus these damn New York policemen, if we rob this society, we will definitely seek our own death!

Everyone stayed in the car obediently and let Steven's escort convoy pass by. We must not take any risky actions. There are plenty of opportunities, and we will definitely be able to grab those two priceless top artworks.

Isn't that bastard Steven going to Boston in a few days? After he takes people away, let's go directly to the Metropolitan Museum. I believe we will find a suitable opportunity to win those two oil paintings! "

The boss gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"That's right, Boss, it's definitely easier for us to rob the Metropolitan Museum than that ruthless bastard Steven!"

Another guy in the back seat echoed, his expression seemed a little more relaxed.

However, there is still such an opportunity for them, but it is just wishful thinking.

In a blink of an eye, the escort convoy in front had already arrived quickly, passed by the two cars parked on the side of the road, and drove straight towards the direction of the Metropolitan Museum.

When the Paramount Predator passed by, looking at the two cars outside the window, Ye Tian couldn't help showing a cruel smile on his face.

Ye Tian had already seen clearly what was going on in the two cars on the side of the road through perspective. He was also ready to fight, but he didn't tell anyone else.

Since you idiots are determined to seek death, then don't blame me for being cruel, and all go to hell!

"Mattis, call the NYPD and ask them to look at the black SUV and the van that are parked on the side of the road, they look suspicious.

The two guys sitting in the front seat of the black SUV, with blinking eyes and fleshy faces, don't look like nice people, and they are probably coming after us.

When informing the police, it’s best to remind them and tell them to be more careful. If those guys really come towards us, their firepower must be quite powerful and difficult to deal with.”

Ye Tian said with a sneer through the wireless headset that he was going to use the power of the New York police to kill the idiots in the two cars outside.

"Understood, Steven, I will notify the police immediately"

Mattis responded and immediately acted.

At the same time as the words fell, the heavy escort convoy had already sped past, leaving the two vehicles of unknown origin behind.

Seeing the escort convoy leaving, the guys in the two cars heaved a sigh of relief and prepared to drive away.

At this moment, there was a sudden sharp and piercing sound of emergency brakes on the street.

A 'Bearcat' armored car of the New York Special Police and four or five Taurus police cars suddenly stepped on the brakes and stopped in the middle of the street. Then they quickly turned around and surrounded the two cars on the side of the road!

The police helicopter in the sky no longer flew forward, but hovered in mid-air, right above the black SUV.

In an instant, the two vehicles of unknown origin were surrounded by New York police vehicles.

The guys sitting in these two cars were stunned for a moment, and then their faces changed suddenly, becoming extremely ugly, and everyone's eyes were full of fear.

At the same time that the police vehicles completed the encirclement, there was also a loud warning sound on the street. The sound was so loud that it resounded through the entire street.

"NYPD! People in the car in front listen, turn off the engine, stop the car, open the door and come out, put your head on your hands and lie on the ground for inspection, don't do anything unnecessary, or you will bear the consequences!"

Following the stern warning, everyone on the street turned their heads to look this way, all of them terrified, not knowing what happened.

When people saw many policemen with live ammunition getting out of their cars, hiding behind the police cars, and pointing their guns at the two cars parked on the side of the road, the street was completely in chaos!

At this time, Ye Tian's escort convoy had already gone away, disappearing into the rolling traffic ahead!

"Bang, bang!"

A huge impact suddenly sounded, resounding through the entire street.

The armed robbers who came back to their senses immediately slammed the accelerator to the end, and slammed into the New York police car blocking the way, trying to forcefully rush out of the police encirclement, and escaped!

After the first wave of crazy collisions, the front parts of the two Taurus police cars blocked in front of the black SUV were hit and collapsed, emitting black smoke directly.

However, the New York police officers who drove the two police cars pulled up the handbrake when they got out of the car, and the two police cars were parked at an angle, with the fronts of the cars touching each other, forming a figure-eight!

Although the impact force of the black SUV was very strong, it did not crash into the two police cars in the first place, creating a passageway to escape from the scene.

By the time the black SUV withdrew a little bit and was about to ram again, it was already too late!

"bang bang bang"

The deafening gunshots sounded suddenly, like a gust of wind and rain.

All the New York police officers at the scene pulled the trigger at the same time, and began to rain bullets crazily, without any hesitation at all.

Looking at the black SUV and the van, they were instantly hit by the rain of bullets, and the body was full of bullet holes!


The screams of excruciating pain sounded one after another, so shrill that it made one's hair stand on end.

However, the deafening gunfire did not stop, but became more violent and intensive.

The armed robbers trapped in the two cars took up their guns and launched a counterattack at the moment of life and death, screaming and shooting wildly outside.

In an instant, this bustling street in Lower Manhattan has turned into a bloody battlefield, hot bullets flying across the street, destroying everything!

The moment the gunshot came from the car window, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the back seat of the Paramount Marauder, showed a cold smile again on his face.

"Idiots, this is what you want, enjoy yourself!"

Amidst the gunfire, Matisse's voice came from the earphone again.

"Steven, you guessed right. A group of armed robbers were hidden in the two cars parked on the side of the road just now. They have already engaged in a fight with the New York police, and the fight is very lively."

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