Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1582 Large Donation

When the Paramount Predator stopped by the side of the road, Ye Tian reached out and opened the car door, and David and he got out of the car one after another, standing on the ground.

Several security personnel who escorted them, as well as David's assistant lawyer, got out of several other bulletproof SUVs and came to them quickly.

At the same time, two staff members of the Manhattan Police Union also walked down the steps and greeted them quickly, their faces full of joy!

A big donation is coming soon and they are of course very happy! Same goes for anyone else.

When he got closer, the white man in his fifties stretched out his right hand to Ye Tian and greeted him!

"Good morning, Mr. Steven, welcome to the Manhattan Police Union, this is Williams, and this is my colleague Hayward, we both serve in the Police Union, nice to meet you"

Ye Tian shook hands with these two respectively, and said with a smile:

"Good morning, Mr. Williams, Mr. Hayward, this is Steven, and this is my personal lawyer, David. Nice to meet you too"

Immediately afterwards, David shook hands with the two and introduced himself.

After a few polite words, the two were ready to take Ye Tian and the others into the police union building.

At this moment, several media reporters who had been waiting beside him for a long time immediately saw the stitches and started to ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, why did you come to the Manhattan Police Union? Can you tell everyone? I think everyone is very curious!"

"Steven, is there another major event happening? But New York seems to be very peaceful today, have you heard of any major event?"

Hearing the question from the media reporters, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, and turned to look at the media reporters.

Today he came here to create hype, naturally the higher the profile the better, how could he miss the opportunity in front of him.

He glanced at the many media reporters at the scene, and then said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Good morning, friends from the press, it's a pleasure to meet you here, the weather is great today, and the autumn air is crisp, I hope everyone is in the same mood and have a wonderful day.

The reason why we came to the Manhattan Police Union Building today is,

There is indeed a big thing to do, and a good thing, for the benefit of all the police officers who work on the island of Manhattan.

As for the specific content, I'm sorry I can't tell you for the time being, but you don't have to worry, I believe you will learn the details in a short time."

After speaking, Ye Tian followed Williams and the others into the police union building, ignoring the many media reporters who asked questions.

Seeing this situation, what can many media reporters do?

They could only suppress their curiosity, lined up to pass the security check one by one, waited to enter the police union building, and waited for the press conference to be held.

As Steven and the others entered the building, the New York police and staff coming and going in the building couldn't help but look at them, and some who didn't understand the situation were surprised and puzzled.

"Hey! Why did the bastard Steven come to the union building? And it was Williams and the others who came forward to greet him. Did something big happen?"

"I heard that there will be a press conference later, and the reporters outside came to attend the press conference. The reason why Steven appeared here may have something to do with the press conference."

In the midst of people's discussions, Williams and Hayward led Ye Tian and the others into the elevator and disappeared from everyone's sight.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

In a conference room where the police union often holds press conferences, many media reporters gathered here, each with curiosity, waiting for the mystery to be revealed.

When the needle pointed to ten o'clock, the side door of the meeting room suddenly opened, and a group of people walked in from the outside and walked straight to the front of the meeting room.

Among these people are several leaders of the Manhattan Police Union, all wearing police uniforms, meticulous, and the media reporters who often come here to interview all know it!

But many media reporters are not paying attention to them, but to someone else.

Without exception, all the media reporters at the scene turned their attention to the two guys in suits and leather shoes with smiles on their faces.

Those two guys are none other than Ye Tian and David.

In two or three steps, the group of people who had just entered the conference room had already walked to the front of the conference room, each stood in their respective positions, and chatted in low voices.

Immediately afterwards, the spokesperson of the police union stepped forward and began to host the press conference.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning, welcome to the Manhattan Police Union Building, I am..."

After some self-introduction, the spokesperson of the police union didn't talk nonsense, and immediately went straight to the topic.

"The reason why we invited many friends from the media to come to the Manhattan police union building and participate in this press conference today is that there is an important matter to be announced.

Dauntless Quest owner Steven, on behalf of himself and the company, will donate $15 million to the Manhattan Police Union.

The purpose of Mr. Steven's donation is to condolences to those police officers who were killed or injured in various operations in maintaining social order in Manhattan Island, as well as their families.

In addition, Mr. Steven will also donate a batch of the most advanced rehabilitation equipment to the police union to help the injured policemen and let them get rid of the pain as soon as possible.

For Mr. Steven's charitable act, here, on behalf of the Manhattan Police Union and all Manhattan police officers, I would like to express my 120,000 thanks,..."

Before the words were finished, several high-level officers of the Manhattan Police Union had already taken the lead in applauding, and kept nodding to Ye Tian, ​​with eyes full of excitement and gratitude!

Fifteen million dollars, plus a batch of top-notch rehabilitation equipment, this is the largest donation the police union has received this year!

No! It should be said that it is the largest donation received in recent years. Can they not be happy?

The rest of the Manhattan police who were in this meeting room and were responsible for maintaining order on the scene also gave Ye Tian their applause and thanks!

Although the huge amount of donations and rehabilitation equipment was specified to be for the injured and injured police colleagues and their families, as a policeman, who can guarantee that he will not be injured in future operations?

Especially in the United States, in places like Manhattan, as long as you go out to patrol the streets or go out to handle cases, you may encounter gunmen at any time, and the possibility of being injured is very high!

It is safe to say that this huge donation and top-of-the-line rehabilitation equipment is closely related to every Manhattan police officer, and it is a guarantee for everyone!

For the first time in history, many Manhattan policemen at the scene looked at Ye Tian with kindness and gratitude in their eyes, and they no longer felt how hateful he was!

Before they knew it, these Manhattan policemen had already had a somewhat favorable impression of Ye Tian, ​​and the balance was gradually tilting!

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see the most.

Looking at the many media reporters at the scene, they were stunned for a moment, and then they were blown up.

Did I hear you right? Steven, this guy actually donated to the New York police, and the price was 15 million US dollars, plus a batch of advanced rehabilitation equipment. Isn't this too generous?

Doesn't the sun come out from the west? This guy must have other plans, it must be like this, otherwise, with his extremely greedy behavior, he would never throw money like this!

Thinking of this, many media reporters immediately began to ask questions loudly, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Steven, can you tell us about your original intention of donating money and rehabilitation equipment to the police union? And it's such a big donation, we really want to know the reason!"

"That's right, Steven, can you tell everyone? Why did you choose to donate to the Manhattan Police Union instead of other charitable organizations? Is there any reason for it?"

Ye Tian didn't immediately answer these questions from the media reporters, but looked at several leaders of the Manhattan Police Union, and nodded slightly to them.

After all, this is their home stadium, and it's also a press conference held by the police union, so it's not good to overwhelm the host!

"Mr. Steven, it's still up to you to answer the questions of these media friends. Not only these media friends, we also want to hear why you did this!"

A white policeman in his fifties or sixties said that he was a deputy chief of the Manhattan Police Department and the boss of the Manhattan Police Union.

"Okay then, respect is worse than obedience, let me tell you why"

As he said that, Ye Tian took two steps forward, and in front of many media reporters, he threw out a high-sounding rhetoric.

"As you all know, I live on the island of Manhattan, my Discovery company is in Midtown Manhattan, and because of my profession, and the nature of my company, there's always been a lot of coveted eyes.

A lot of things have happened around me in the past period, and I have caused a lot of trouble for the Manhattan police, although this is their job, I still feel a little bit sorry.

In order to promote police-civilian relations and police-civilian cooperation, so that the police can provide better services for everyone, and make the social order in Manhattan better, I think I should do something,..."

This is a speech that Ye Tian had prepared long ago, and it sounds quite touching. As for whether anyone believes it, what does it matter?

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