Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1583 The most profitable business

It was close to noon, Ye Tian and the others had just left the Manhattan police union building and drove straight to the Plaza Hotel on Fifty-ninth Street.

When they left, through the hands of many media reporters and the police's internal communication system, the news of Ye Tian's donation to the Manhattan Police Union had spread throughout New York and reached the ears of almost every policeman.

Not surprisingly, his actions immediately drew warm applause and praise.

Especially the large number of New York police officers have greatly improved their perception of him. It can be said that there has been a 180-degree change in an instant!

And this is exactly the result Ye Tian wants to see, and it is also the purpose of his donation.

Unlike in the morning, when we left the police union building, every policeman we met upstairs and downstairs greeted Ye Tian and the others with a friendly and enthusiastic expression.

When they came outside the police union building, the Manhattan police officers who were on duty outside were all the same. They all greeted Ye Tian and the others. The hostility that existed before has completely disappeared!

When the convoy left the police union building and headed to the Plaza Hotel, almost every policeman and every police car they encountered along the way was waving or honking to Ye Tian and his convoy.

Seeing the waving policemen outside the car window and the police cars honking their horns, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the car, not only jokingly expressed emotion.

"The role of money is really huge. Only 15 million US dollars, plus a batch of advanced rehabilitation equipment, can be exchanged for the goodwill of all New York police officers. This business is really worth it!"

Hearing this, David sitting next to him immediately said:

"Steven, to you, 10 to 20 million dollars is nothing at all, that is, the money for a top-notch work of art, even less, and you can easily earn it.

But for those New York policemen outside, it is an unimaginably huge wealth. Your donation will definitely help many policemen. Can they not be grateful for it?

The NYPD is on your side ever since you handed the police union guys a $15 million check in front of a lot of media.

From then on, as long as you are not blatantly breaking the law, the police will definitely not trouble you, and they may even report some useful news to you! "

"Of course that would be great, I'm looking forward to that situation,

And I don't mind donating money and materials to the police again, to build a good relationship with them"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, with an unusually relaxed expression.

While talking, their convoy had arrived at the gate of the Plaza Hotel and stopped end to end.

At this time, Matisse and the others had received Alice and Vera Wang from Paris, Henry and his assistant from London, returned to Manhattan smoothly, and checked into the Plaza Hotel.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of the Plaza Hotel. After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian and David opened the car door and got out, standing at the entrance of the hotel.

They had just landed and were about to enter the hotel when two New York police officers who were on duty not far away suddenly walked over here.

Seeing the actions of the two New York police officers, several security personnel immediately raised their vigilance, and they were ready to step forward to stop the other party and ask the other party's intentions.

However, Ye Tian waved his hand lightly, signaling to his security personnel not to be nervous, and to let the two New York policemen come over.

In fact, he had already secretly turned on the clairvoyance, and he saw the two New York policemen clearly in an instant.

From their relaxed muscles, body posture, and expressions, it can be seen that the two New York policemen have no malicious intentions, they just want to come and say something, and there is no doubt about their identities!

In two or three steps, the two young New York policemen came up to him, stretched out their right hands to Ye Tian, ​​and greeted him.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, we just heard that you donated a huge sum of money and a batch of advanced rehabilitation equipment to the police union. We would like to express our gratitude here, thank you for your generosity"

Ye Tian shook hands with the two policemen one by one, smiled and said:

"Good afternoon guys, nice to meet you, I did donate a sum of money and rehabilitation equipment to the Manhattan Police Union, hoping to help police officers in need and their families.

This donation sounds like a lot, but compared to the hard work and efforts of countless New York police officers for the tranquility of the city and the prosperity of Manhattan, it is not worth mentioning.

I live and live in Manhattan, my Discovery company is here, all the company employees work and live here, this is what I should do, no thanks! "

Another high-sounding rhetoric, which sounds quite touching!

David next to him secretly gave a thumbs up, admiring him and feeling a little funny.

Steven's acting skills are really superb, a proper actor! Definitely worth an Oscar statuette!

Looking at the two young New York policemen, they looked at Ye Tian with eyes full of gratitude, and they had already attracted him as a confidant.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian shook hands with the two New York policemen to say goodbye, and then turned around and walked into the gate of the Plaza Hotel with David.

About ten minutes later, they had reached the target floor and walked out of the elevator.

Mattis had already received the news and was waiting in the elevator with a security guard. As soon as the elevator opened, everyone saw each other.

When Ye Tian and the others got out of the elevator and walked into the elevator room, Mathis immediately took a step forward and began to introduce the situation.

"Steven, the pick-up process went very smoothly, and it was the same on the way back to Manhattan. I didn't encounter any trouble. Alice and the others have already checked into the suite you reserved.

Alice and the others brought New York wedding dresses, custom suits, and those jewellery, which are still in the hands of each of them, and you can check and receive them yourself later.

With their consent, I have placed two clerks outside each of their suites to guard them, and to leave New York for Boston between now and tomorrow"

After listening to the notification, Ye Tian immediately nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, it would be great if you didn't encounter any trouble, and your arrangements are also very thoughtful, now is an extraordinary period, so you can't be too careful.

Now that they have brought those custom wedding dresses and jewellery, it's up to me to inspect them and hope everything is as expected"

While speaking, the group of them had already arrived at the door of the suite where Henry and his assistant lived.

Afterwards, Ye Tian knocked on the door and walked into the suite with David, while Mathis and other security personnel stayed outside, continuing to be on guard.

Before entering the suite, Ye Tian had already secretly turned on the perspective, quickly seeing through the entire suite, including Henry and his assistant in the suite.

These two are from London, England, and those guys from MI5 may find something wrong, so we have to be careful!

There is no one else in the suite, and there is no doubt about the identities of Henry and his assistants, and they are not carrying weapons, so you can enter with confidence!

After entering the suite, Ye Tian saw several huge suitcases in the living room at a glance, and also saw his old friend Henry walking towards the door.

"Good afternoon, Henry, long time no see, welcome to New York, hope you enjoy this city"

Ye Tian greeted this old friend with a smile on his face, and extended his right hand to him.

Henry shook hands with him, smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, Steven, it's been a long time. Thank you for your help in booking the hotel room. It's very nice and the scenery is great. You can see the world-famous Central Park when you look up.

From this point of view, the city of New York is not bad, and the scenery is beautiful, but I don’t know how other places are. To be honest, my impression of the United States is not very good.”

Like almost all British people, this old man Henry doesn't look down on the United States from the bottom of his heart, so it's more polite to say that!


Hearing Henry's words, Ye Tian immediately burst out laughing.

David rolled his eyes angrily, but he also knew that in several old capitalist countries with deep cultural heritage in Europe, people generally look down on the United States and Americans!

I can't compare to you in politics, economy and military, so why can't I despise you in cultural history?

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