Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1590 Quiet Street

After the meeting, Ye Tian personally sent the Bishop of Kent and the other middle-aged priest out of the presidential suite and to the elevator on this floor.

Walking into the elevator room, he saw four tall and tough-looking security personnel at a glance. The four of them were standing apart, forming horns with each other, and their positions were very organized!

Judging from the ill-fitting and slightly baggy suits on their bodies, each of them has hidden weapons under their suits!

As for the bags in their hands and the backpacks behind their backs, what they contained was definitely not documents or laptops, but powerful automatic weapons!

The result of the secret perspective also supports Ye Tian's judgment, which is extremely accurate!

Don't even think about it, these guys are definitely from the famous Swiss Guard, four members of the Swiss Guard!

The Swiss Guard is the most important security force in the Vatican. A mercenary organization established by Pope Julius II in 1506 has been responsible for protecting the Holy See and the Pope in the Vatican for the past five hundred years.

Historically, the Swiss Guard has made great sacrifices to protect the Vatican and successive popes, and has also won the reputation of "absolute loyalty"!

In fact, the Swiss Guard is the armed military force of the Vatican.

Since the establishment of the Swiss Guard, no matter where the pope visits any country or place, he must be a member of the Swiss Guard in charge of personal protection, and this trip to the United States is no exception!

While Ye Tian was looking at these members of the Swiss Guard, the other party was also looking at him, Matisse and the others, with a hint of fear in their eyes and a certain degree of vigilance.

After confirming the other party's identity, Ye Tian smiled and nodded slightly at these guys. It was regarded as a greeting, and the other party responded!

Then, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Bishop Kent and the others.

"Bishop of Kent, the meeting just now was very pleasant. I will seriously consider your request and make a decision as soon as possible. You should go back to the hotel and rest. I still have things to deal with here, so I won't send you away!"

Ye Tian was courteous again, and shook hands with the Bishop of Kent and the other priest one by one to say goodbye.

"Okay, Steven, we look forward to your final decision. I hope we can work together. That is undoubtedly the best result. Let's stop here today and see you later!"

Bishop Kent said with a smile, and then led several subordinates into the elevator.

After the elevator door closed, Ye Tian and the others turned around and walked towards the presidential suite.

At the same time, Alice and Wang Weiwei, who had just arrived from New York, had already checked in to the hotel and moved into the suites reserved for them.

Next, it's time for lunch before heading to the city of Cambridge across the Charles River!

Soon, more than an hour has passed.

After lunch and a short rest, Ye Tian and the others pushed a few huge suitcases, left the presidential suite again, and walked to the elevator room under the escort of a group of security personnel.

When they came to the underground garage of the hotel, Alice and her assistant, Wang Weiwei and her assistant were already sitting in a GMC commercial vehicle, laughing and chatting while waiting for Ye Tian and the others.

As for Henry and his assistant, they are men's clothing tailors, so naturally they don't need to go to Cambridge City, they will be resting in their own suite.

Coming to the side of the convoy, Ye Tian first walked to the side of the GMC commercial vehicle,

Say hello to Alice and Wang Weiwei.

"Alice, Vera, please run with me to Betty's parents' house in Cambridge, and let Betty try on the wedding dress and jewelry"

"You're welcome, Steven, getting married is an extremely wonderful thing, of course it must be perfect and leave the best memory in life.

Since Betty decided to wear the wedding dress designed and made by me at the wedding, I have the responsibility and obligation to show her the most beautiful side"

Wang Weiwei smiled lightly and nodded, her words were full of confidence.

As soon as her voice fell, Alice continued:

"Me too, Steven, this wedding between you and Betty is too grand, it deserves a lot of attention, and for us, this is also a great opportunity to showcase, don't miss it!

But isn't your formation a bit too big? This is Boston, not the place of the Fourth World War. Do we need so many bulletproof SUVs? And those heavily armed security personnel"

As she said that, Alice pointed to the bulletproof SUVs in the convoy, as well as the fully armed Matisse and the others, their eyes were full of incredible!

Ye Tian turned his head and looked around, then smiled and said:

"You should understand, Alice, the nature of my work is very special. If I want to explore and obtain treasures, I will definitely offend many enemies, and many of them hate me for not dying!

For the sake of safety, and for my wedding with Betty to be held normally, I must strengthen security to prevent any accidents from happening, and there is no harm in being careful."

Hearing this, both Alice and Wang Vera smiled helplessly.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian turned around and walked towards the Paramount Predator, and boarded the huge vehicle.

Then, the heavy convoy started with a bang and headed for the street outside.

When the convoy drove onto Boylston Street, the Airbus H155 helicopter driven by George whizzed over the convoy, and accompanied the convoy, heading straight for Cambridge on the other side of the Charles River!

Seeing the Airbus H155 medium-sized helicopter whizzing and circling in the sky, Alice and Wang Weiwei, who were sitting in the GMC business car, couldn't help sticking out their tongues, secretly shocked!

In a blink of an eye, the convoy passed the Harvard Bridge on the Charles River and entered the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is already under the jurisdiction of Cambridge.

The moment the convoy passed the Harvard Bridge, the relevant high-level officials of the Cambridge City Government and the police station immediately became nervous, and each of them raised their hearts to their throats.

They are afraid that the old things will repeat themselves, and the quiet Cambridge will be shot again, and it will become a battlefield for that bastard Steven to fight with other idiots, that would be too bad luck!


A bleak siren sounded, and several Cambridge police cars followed, quickly dispersed around the convoy, and joined the ranks of escort, or surveillance!

Hearing the siren sound from outside, Ye Tian just looked outside, then smiled lightly, and didn't take it seriously.

Under the watchful eyes of people on the street, the convoy soon drove to the library of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where everything remained the same!

Suddenly, a BMW sports car drove out from a road next to the library, and quickly flashed double flashes, trying to join the ranks of the convoy.

The sudden appearance of this BMW M5 made many security personnel in the convoy tense up instantly, ready to respond at any time!

The Boston police officers driving the convoy were even more nervous. Some guys even had cold sweat on their foreheads, lest the BMW M5 come from bad people.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie and reached the ears of everyone in the team.

"Guys, take it easy, don't be nervous, it's none other than Logan, some of you may not know him, he's Betty's younger brother, he goes to MIT!

Matisse, immediately notify the Boston policemen following the convoy, don't make any misunderstandings, and then notify the guys to adjust their position and let Logan kid join the convoy"

"Okay, Steven, I'll call the police right away"

Mattis' voice came over the intercom, and he sprang into action.

Soon, Logan's BMW M5 joined the convoy and followed everyone along. The Boston police officers in the surrounding police cars breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

About ten minutes later, the convoy drove into Belmont Street where Betty's parents' house was located.

As soon as the convoy entered this street, Ye Tian noticed the difference.

This street is obviously quieter than the other streets I passed by before. There are hardly any pedestrians on the street, and there are not many vehicles passing by. The atmosphere is quite dignified!

At the intersection of Belmont Street, there were two police cars parked on the left and one on the right, with two Boston police officers sitting in each police car, keeping an eye on the passing vehicles and pedestrians!

Obviously, this is the police officer sent by the Boston police to protect Betty and Matthew.

But the main purpose of the Boston police is probably to prevent some idiots from committing suicide, running here to die, and turning this street into a battlefield full of bullets!

Although I haven't seen the situation at the intersection at the other end of the street for the time being, it is entirely conceivable that there must be two police cars and four police officers stationed at the other intersection on Belmont Street!

In addition to the Boston police, there was also a black full-size SUV parked on the side of the road, with two armed security personnel sitting in it, from Raytheon Security Company, now employed by Ye Tian!

At the intersection at the other end of the street, there is also such a black full-size SUV, and there are also two heavily armed security personnel inside the car, watching all the pedestrians and vehicles passing by on the street.

They, two other SUVs, and four other armed security personnel took turns guarding these two intersections 24 hours a day, protecting the Matthew family in the middle of the street!

When Ye Tian and his convoy passed the intersection, the two guys in the black SUV at the intersection immediately rolled down the windows and waved towards the convoy!

In a blink of an eye, the convoy had already driven to the middle of the street and arrived at the door of Betty's parents' house. Here was another scene!

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