Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1591 Crazy Women

Betty's parents' house was full of vehicles parked, some parked on the side of the road, some parked on the driveway, they were all ordinary household vehicles, some new and some old, but they were all washed very clean.

In addition to these family vehicles, there are also two black Chevrolet Saaban bulletproof SUVs parked on the side of the road, and a silver-gray GMC commercial vehicle, both of which have New York license plates.

The two Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs were the vehicles of several security personnel, who were responsible for protecting the safety of Betty and her family, and the GMC commercial vehicle was the vehicle of the wedding planning company.

There were also two police cars parked on the side of the road, with two Boston police officers sitting in each car, watching the situation on the street, as well as the pedestrians and vehicles passing by on the street.

With the arrival of Ye Tian and his heavy convoy, all the people in the villa came out, stood on the stairs, sidewalk or lawn, and looked towards the convoy one after another.

Looking up, Ye Tian immediately saw Betty surrounded by several young women, as well as Matthew and Evelyn, and some unfamiliar faces, who should be relatives of Betty's family.

In addition, Ye Tian also saw Taylor and Lisa. They stood behind Betty and protected her. The other four security personnel got off and stood next to the two bulletproof SUVs, maintaining a certain degree of vigilance.

Except for them, almost everyone in the other villas on this street opened the door and walked out as long as someone was at home, watching the heavy convoy approaching from a distance.

This heavy convoy made too much noise, especially the Airbus H155 medium-sized helicopter in the sky, the roar of the huge engine was deafening.

As long as you are not deaf, it is impossible to ignore this huge sound. As long as you are not a disabled person who cannot walk, you will go out of the house to see what is going on. Everyone has curiosity!

When people saw this heavy-duty convoy, they couldn't help being shocked!

Especially some relatives of Betty's family, seven aunts and eight aunts, were even more stunned at this moment, their eyes full of disbelief.

"Oh my god! This guy Steven is too exaggerated. Is it possible that he makes such a big scene every time he travels? This is too high-profile and too public. Today I can be regarded as an eye-opener!

A police car clears the way in front, a police car protects the rear, a few full-size bulletproof SUVs in the middle, and a helicopter escorts the sky! I've only seen this scene in Hollywood blockbusters! "

"Wow! Steven's Paramount Predator is so cool, I swear, it's the coolest, toughest car I've ever seen, I love this steel monster"

There was a burst of exclamation in front of the villa. Everyone was of different ages and expressed different emotions.

The older ones think that Ye Tian's appearance is too high-profile and ostentatious; the young people are just the opposite, they think it's cool and hearty in this way!

Listening to the discussions of these relatives and friends around her, Betty couldn't help feeling a fever on her face. Steven is so flamboyant, he never knows how to restrain himself!

At the same time, she also felt very proud and proud, especially the envious eyes of relatives and friends around her made her feel extremely comfortable physically and mentally, not to mention how happy she was!

While speaking, the convoy had already driven to the front of the villa, and stopped slowly close to the side of the road.

Under Matisse's command and dispatch, the Paramount Predator that Ye Tian was riding in just stopped at the position facing the entrance of the villa.

As soon as the convoy came to a stop, that boy Logan opened the car door first, got out of his BMW M5,

He walked quickly towards the Paramount Predator with an excited expression on his face!

Matisse and the others got out of the car immediately, and quickly dispersed, occupying their respective positions, and became vigilant.

Seeing their well-trained actions, those relatives and friends of Betty's family, as well as several Boston police officers on duty here, couldn't help but gasped!

Some of them even became inexplicably nervous!

At the same time that Logan walked to the car, Ye Tian also opened the rear door of the Paramount Predator. Holding a titanium alloy portable safe in his hand, he jumped out of the car and stood on the sidewalk by the side of the road!

After landing on the ground and standing firmly, he lightly bumped his fists and shoulders with Logan, who was approaching, and then walked towards the front of the villa together, towards Betty, Matthew and Evelyn!

At the same time, the door of the black GMC commercial vehicle parked behind the Paramount Predator was also opened by Mattis.

Immediately afterwards, Vera Wang and Alice got out of the car one after another and appeared in front of everyone!

At the moment when they appeared, there was a sudden burst of excited screams in front of the villa, which resounded through the entire street and shocked everyone!

"Oh my god! Am I right? That's the Queen of wedding dresses, Vera Wang. I've seen photos of her in fashion magazines, and the high-end wedding dresses she designed. They are simply beautiful!

Absolutely right, that is Vera. I dream of owning a high-end wedding dress designed by her. Only wearing a wedding dress designed by Vera is a perfect wedding! "

"Alice is also here. She is the chief jewelry designer of Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels, a famous figure in the fashion industry. Every piece of jewelry she designs is beautiful and fascinating!"

Needless to say, it could only be a woman who screamed like this, and it was the unmarried young women around Betty.

As for those married women, although they were also very excited, they could only look enviously at those young girls who were bouncing around, screaming and rushing towards Vera Wang and Alice!

In addition to envy, there was also a bit of regret in their eyes, did they marry too early?

Bright smiles bloomed on the faces of Wang Weiwei and Alice almost at the same time. They took their assistants and walked towards their believers!

They have seen this kind of scene too much, they have long been used to it, and they know how to deal with it!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian walked to the front of the villa!

He first hugged Betty, whispered a few love words, and then came to Matthew and Evelyn and greeted them with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Matthew, Evelyn, long time no see, nice to meet you, you look really good,..."


Ten minutes later, Ye Tian was already in the living room of this villa, drinking coffee while chatting with Matthew and a few others!

Those who sat on the sofa in the living room were all grown men. Logan and his brothers could only sit on one side of the living room or in the dining room!

The women who just appeared at the villa's entrance, regardless of their age, are now upstairs in Betty's room, admiring her custom-made high-end wedding dresses and top jewelry!

Of course, this also includes Wang Weiwei and Alice, as well as their assistants.

What is the state of these women at this time, just from the crazy screams coming from upstairs, you can know how excited and high they are now!

As for Matisse and the others, they all stayed outside, distributed around the villa, and were responsible for security tasks.

While Ye Tian was chatting with Matthew and the others, the big-screen TV in the living room was always on, playing a live broadcast of CBS.

What was displayed on the TV screen was the picture of Washington Dulles International Airport, where there were a lot of people and it was very lively!

The Pope and his entourage, who flew from Rome, Italy, will arrive in Washington soon. All major TV stations in the United States are gathered at Dulles International Airport, and they are broadcasting live!

And people all over the United States are paying attention to this live broadcast at this time. Everyone wants to witness the moment when the Pope arrives in the United States and sees the Pope stepping off the plane with their own eyes, and Matthew and the others are no exception!

The Pope's special plane has not yet flown over Washington, and everyone is relatively relaxed, chatting with each other.

"Steven, when will your family arrive in Boston tomorrow? Evelyn and I will meet you at the airport tomorrow, just in time to meet your family!"

Matthew turned his head to look at Ye Tian, ​​and asked in a low voice, his eyes full of expectation.

"They will arrive at Boston Airport at about ten o'clock tomorrow morning. I chartered a large passenger plane in Beijing and flew directly to Boston from Beijing International Airport!

Thank you for your kindness, but you and Evelyn don't have to go to pick up the airport. The airport environment is too messy and there are many media reporters. Betty and I just go to pick it up.

You can stay at the hotel and when we get back from the airport, you and Evelyn can meet up with my family and we can have lunch and talk! "

Ye Tian smiled and said, talking about his arrangement.

Hearing this, Matthew pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"That's fine, too many media reporters pay attention to you, no matter where you go, there will be a group of media reporters chasing you, especially now, you are the focus of everyone's attention!

However, Evelyn and I don't want to get too much attention from the media, it will affect our lives and disrupt our usual order of life, we'd better wait in the hotel."

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