Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1592 The Angel Who Falls from the Sky

After chatting with Matthew for a while, a middle-aged man next to him suddenly interrupted and asked curiously:

"Steven, are you really willing to give Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" to the Vatican? Just to let the Pope come to Boston to preside over your wedding with Betty?

Although I have only seen those two paintings on TV screens, and have never admired them up close, I have heard from several art critics that they are two priceless and top-notch works of art, extremely precious!

According to those art critics, the value of those two paintings should be close to a billion dollars, maybe even far more than a billion dollars. How can you be willing to give them away for nothing? The handwriting is too big! "

The one who spoke was a cousin of Matthew, that is, Betty's uncle. The two families were very close and often walked around!

"Wow! That's an exaggeration!"

As soon as this person's voice fell, there was an exclamation in the living room.

Everyone looked towards Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of curiosity, looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the person who spoke, then glanced at the other people in the living room, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Chuck, Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" are indeed two priceless top art works, and their overall value is likely to exceed one billion dollars!

As for whether I would like to give them to the Vatican in exchange for the Pope to come to Boston and officiate the wedding for Betty and me? Of course I would, because I love Betty and I want to give her the most perfect wedding! "

Hearing this, Matthew who was sitting next to him stretched out his hand, immediately patted Ye Tian's arm lightly, and said with admiration:

"Well done, Steven, Evelyn and I appreciate your decision very much, I believe that your wedding with Betty will be perfect, and you will get the best wishes!

At the same time, we also want to thank you for your generosity and generosity. It is because of your generosity that we have the opportunity to meet the Pope and accept his blessing, which is very important! "

"You're welcome, Matthew. As long as it's for Betty and makes her happy, I'm willing to do anything. It's nothing to give away two top-level works of art. It's not worth mentioning!"

Ye Tian took the opportunity to express his determination to the old man Ganzi, with a very high posture.

"Steven, you are so generous. If it were someone else, who would be willing to do it? Those are two top artworks worth a billion dollars. If it were me, I wouldn't even be willing to kill him!"

Chuck said with emotion, eyes full of envy and appreciation.

As soon as his words fell, another middle-aged man next to him immediately said jokingly:

"If it were you? Chuck, you really dare to think, even if the paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo are placed in front of you, do you know him? Do you have that artistic quality?"


There was laughter in the living room, and everyone laughed.

Chuck's old face was flushed red, and he gave the guy who exposed him and embarrassed him a few times, but there was nothing he could do!

All of you here are relatives and friends, so you can't turn your face because of one or two jokes!

After the laughter fell, Ye Tian went on to say:

"After the wedding, if you have time, I suggest you go to the Metropolitan Museum of New York,

Take a good look at Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ".

Although everyone has seen these two paintings on TV, please believe that it can never be compared with the feeling of facing these two top-level works of art. There is a world of difference between them!

I am very sure that when you stand in front of Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" and enjoy them quietly, your soul will be completely shocked.

This opportunity is very rare and must not be missed. Once the two outstanding paintings of Raphael and Michelangelo are brought back to the Vatican, whether they will be exhibited publicly is a matter of two opinions!

After the wedding, the Pope will not leave the United States immediately. He will also visit various parts of the United States for a few days. During this period, the exhibitions of the Metropolitan Museum will not stop, and there is plenty of time! "

"Steven, we don't want to miss this great opportunity, and we really want to go to the Metropolitan Museum of New York to appreciate those two top-notch works of art!

However, I am afraid that we will not have this chance. The Metropolitan Museum has made an appointment to visit, and the number of reservations has long been full. "

Chuck continued, with a bit of regret in his tone.

The rest of the people in the living room nodded, including Matthew. They obviously failed to make an appointment, and they could only miss this opportunity.

Ye Tian looked at everyone's expressions, then smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter if you don't make an appointment, as long as you want to visit the Metropolitan Museum of New York and appreciate these two top artworks, leave the rest to me. There are many ways!

I am very familiar with the curator of the Metropolitan Museum. This exhibition is also on loan. I can arrange time for everyone. You don’t need to line up outside or make an appointment. You can still visit the museum! "

"That's great. After the wedding, our family will go to New York immediately. We must not miss this golden opportunity!"

Chuck said excitedly, and the rest of the people also nodded excitedly.

As soon as the words fell, Logan, who was standing on the edge of the living room, suddenly pointed at the TV screen and said loudly:

"Look, the Pope's special plane is here!"

Following his words, everyone in the living room stopped talking and looked at the TV screen in front of them. Except for Ye Tian, ​​everyone's excited eyes lit up!

really! A large passenger plane with smooth lines flew over from a distance, and it flew over Washington Dulles International Airport in a blink of an eye, and its height became lower and lower, and it landed straight to the far end of the straight runway.

And at the near end of the runway, on a tarmac not far from the terminal hall.

The President of the United States and his entourage, as well as many American religious leaders and people from all walks of life, who came to greet the Pope, had already lined up and looked at the large passenger plane that was slowly landing!

Many media reporters who were allowed to enter the tarmac for interviews and filming, set up their guns and short cannons one after another, and took pictures of the large passenger plane frantically!

It can be clearly seen from the TV screen that everyone on the tarmac is excited and their eyes are shining.

Some of the more devout Christian believers were still chanting words, praying in low voices, and crossed themselves on their chests!

Of course, there are still many Secret Service agents on high alert on the tarmac. These guys occupy their positions and stand scattered around the US president and his entourage, watching the scene vigilantly.

In addition to the Secret Service agents in suits and leather shoes, there were also many Washington police officers and a large number of airport security personnel at the scene. The security of the entire tarmac was very tight, and it could be called watertight!

On the periphery of the crowd, a little farther away, there were many vehicles parked.

Among them is the car of the President of the United States, an extended Cadillac luxury car specially customized for the President of the United States, Army One!

This is a super bulletproof car that can be attacked by rockets, and it can also resist the attack of biological and chemical weapons. The protection ability is extremely good!

In addition, there are many full-size bulletproof SUVs, commercial vehicles, and a large number of police cars with flashing lights, dozens of them in total, and the scene is quite spectacular!

Looking at the airport hall at this time, it was already completely boiling.

Almost everyone in the airport hall looked at the large silver-gray passenger plane from a distance through the glass curtain wall. Many people even kept waving their hands and shouting excitedly!

Although each of them knew very well that it was impossible for the pope to see him or hear his voice, but it seemed that only in this way could he express their inner excitement!

Many media reporters in the waiting hall raised their cameras and video cameras, and kept shooting at the large passenger plane, recording this important moment.

At the same time, the excited voice of the live host of CBS TV kept spreading to everyone's ears, broadcasting the latest situation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a quarter past two. The passenger plane that is flying towards Washington Dulles International Airport and is about to land is the plane of His Majesty the Pope..."

Before the on-site host's voice fell, the rear wheels of the large passenger plane had landed on the runway, bringing up a puff of smoke.

At this moment, Matthew suddenly said quickly:

"Logan, go upstairs and ask your mother, Betty, and others to come down. The Pope has arrived in Washington, let them not miss this important moment!"

"Okay, I'll call them now"

Logan nodded in response, and immediately rushed up the stairs in three steps at a time, to call Betty and the others.

Soon, there were bursts of footsteps on the stairs, very dense!

In addition to the sound of footsteps, there was also a chattering sound, every voice was excited, and they were all women's voices!

Hearing these voices, everyone in the living room turned their heads in unison and looked towards the stairs, including Ye Tian.

The first to go downstairs and appear in front of everyone was Evelyn, the hostess of the house, and Chuck's wife, followed by two other middle-aged women!

Then came Betty's two sisters, about twenty years old, very lively.

The next moment, Betty, who was wearing a white wedding dress and top jewelry, carefully walked down the stairs with her skirt in one hand.

At this time, Betty seemed to be radiating light and dazzling, like an angel who suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in front of everyone's eyes, extremely beautiful!

Ye Tian was stunned the moment he saw Betty, and the other people in the living room were all stunned in place!

"Wow! Betty is so beautiful!"

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