At around ten o'clock in the morning, a large passenger plane bearing the Air China logo and words roared from the north, flew over Boston General Logan International Airport, and then landed on the airport runway.

This is the Air China plane chartered by Ye Tian. It is his family who flew to the United States on this passenger plane, and came to Boston to attend his and Betty's wedding.

The plane landed safely on the runway, and when it was slowly heading towards the designated apron, Ye Tian and Betty had received the news, they immediately came out of the VIP lounge, and walked quickly to the international arrivals exit.

Seeing them appear, many media reporters who had been waiting at the entrance of the VIP lounge for a long time rushed up like a tide, all of them were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood!

Fortunately, Matisse and the others who accompanied them were well prepared, they acted quickly, and stopped those media reporters a few meters away from Ye Tian and Betty, and they were not allowed to approach them!

However, this can't seal the mouths of those guys, can't stop those uncrowned kings from asking loudly,

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from The Boston Globe. Who are you picking up at the airport today? Is it an important wedding guest, or the Pope's special envoy? Can you tell everyone?"

"Hi Steven, I'm a Fox News reporter, will your wedding with Betty be broadcast live? If so, which network will the broadcast rights be sold to?"

Many media reporters asked loud questions one after another, chattering all over the place, making the scene very noisy.

Suddenly, Ye Tian stopped, turned around, and looked at these excited media reporters.

He glanced at these guys quickly, then said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Good morning, friends from the press, I am very glad to meet you here, and thank you very much for your attention. In order not to let you run for nothing, I will answer a few questions that you are concerned about.

The reason why I came to General Logan International Airport today is indeed to pick up the plane here, but what I want to pick up is not the wedding guests, nor the Pope’s special envoy, but my family in China.”

"Oh I got it!"

Several media reporters muttered in a low voice, somewhat disappointed.

But Ye Tian ignored them, talking loudly to himself.

"They are all ordinary people, not public figures, and they all have their own work and life. In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble and distress to them, I hope everyone can cooperate.

It is best not to point the camera lens at their faces and reveal their identity information, which will definitely bring them some trouble and distress, and their right to privacy should be respected.

If that friend from the media refuses to listen to the advice and insists on leaking my family’s identity and photos without permission, then I can tell you very clearly that I will reserve the right to pursue the matter.”

"Reserve the right to pursue? Don't be ridiculous, we are the uncrowned kings, and we are not subordinates of you bastard. Do we need to act according to your face?"

Some media reporters secretly complained that they didn't take Ye Tian's warning seriously.

However, what they heard next changed the expressions of each of them, and they were secretly terrified!

"I'm sure that you are absolutely unwilling to face the consequences of doing that. My team of lawyers will send you to the dock of the court, and will sue you for bankruptcy and divorce with endless lawsuits!

Once the lawsuit is opened,

Maybe you will win, but I believe that you can't afford it, your job will be lost, your wife will leave you, and soon you will be on the street.

Maybe before you get the compensation after winning the lawsuit, you have become a drug addict, or died in a dark corner, penniless, and the body was not found until the body stinks.

I hope you haven't done any shady things, you haven't been a thief, you haven't smoked marijuana or heroin, you haven't had an affair with a third party behind your wife or husband, you haven't evaded taxes, etc.

If you are perfect and invulnerable! Then I may have nothing to do with you, but if you are not, then congratulations, I will have you completely stripped and displayed naked in front of everyone.

This is not over yet, if you dare to expose the privacy of my family, then I will fight an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye! Expose the privacy of all your family members, and I'm sure no one will catch me!

There is an old saying in China, people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot. If you can cooperate, then in the future, I will cooperate with you and bring you more headlines."

When he said these words, Ye Tian always had a bright smile on his face, but in the eyes of others, that was the smile from hell, the sinister smile of death!

At the same time, his eyes kept sweeping across the faces of many media reporters at the scene, as if he wanted to firmly remember the faces of each of them.

Everyone at the scene was completely dumbfounded, and they all froze in place, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe what they just heard!

It can be clearly seen that the eyes of everyone at the scene are full of fear, including not only many media reporters, but also many tourists around!

"Steven, the damned bastard, is simply a stinky hooligan who has no taboos. This method is too cruel and scary. It's unheard of!"

Everyone was secretly complaining crazily, everyone was gnashing their teeth in hatred, and really wanted to rush up and beat Ye Tian up, and let out a good breath of anger!

While complaining secretly, everyone at the scene felt a cold sweat running down their backs, terrified!

"Who doesn't have any privacy and shameful things! Who can stand up to endless lawsuits? And the opponent is still a super rich man, and bankruptcy is inevitable!

What's even more frightening is that this super rich man is still a stinky hooligan who is famous for being cruel and vengeful. He said that if he can completely strip himself, he will definitely be able to do it! "

Thinking of this, some people's legs even started to tremble.

Obviously, these guys have secrets that are not known, or scandals that cannot be seen at all.

Regarding the reactions of many media reporters and onlookers at the scene, Ye Tian didn't seem to have seen it, and he didn't care at all!

After a short pause, he continued:

"Because of special circumstances, His Excellency the Pope and Mr. President will attend this wedding between me and Betty, and His Excellency the Pope will personally preside over the wedding and send blessings to my fiancée!

For the first time ever in the United States, it's bound to attract a lot of attention, and given the circumstances, my wedding with Betty will be televised live and the broadcast rights have already been sold.

The one who won the live broadcast rights is NBC TV station. We have cooperated with each other many times, and the cooperation is quite pleasant. It is better to be familiar with it, so I chose them.

Don’t be disappointed if the media didn’t get the live broadcast rights. Although you can’t enter the church where the wedding is held, you can stay outside the church to shoot, and you can still take a lot of important pictures.

Well, that's all I have to say. It's time for me to meet my family members who came from afar. I hope everyone will remember what I said just now. Don't take it as a joke, because it is not a joke at all!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's great to see you here, the weather is very nice today, I hope you are in the same mood, enjoy this beautiful day, goodbye! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took Betty's hand, turned around and walked towards the international arrival exit, ignoring those dumbfounded media reporters!

Matisse and the others immediately followed and distributed around Ye Tian and Betty to protect them. Everyone was on high alert, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

It wasn't until Ye Tian and the others walked five or six meters away that many media reporters and onlookers at the scene woke up.

Seeing Ye Tian's back gradually going away, many media reporters couldn't help shivering, and a trace of fear flashed in everyone's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the scene was completely boiling, and many people cursed fiercely.

"Fack! How dare he? How dare this bastard, Steven, dare to threaten in public and in front of everyone? What does freedom of the press mean to him? It's too rampant! "

"Don't dare? Is there something that a bastard like Steven dare not do? In his eyes, freedom of the press is probably not even a fart, just like the law, it is not a fart in the eyes of this bastard!

I'm sure that as long as someone dares to reveal the privacy of Steven's family, they will go bankrupt and never run away. Steven, a bastard, never keeps his word, which time did he break his promise?

If his family's life is threatened by leaking his privacy, then the guy who leaked his family's privacy is very likely to die, and he did it! "

Although some media reporters were still talking hard, they all sang high-pitched press freedom, condemning Ye Tian and what he said just now with righteous indignation!

However, almost all media reporters and onlookers at the scene had already made up their minds.

Absolutely don't provoke that damn bastard Steven, that's a complete lunatic, who the hell can provoke him, unless he's bored of life!

On the other side, Ye Tian and Betty had already arrived at the international arrival exit, chatting in low voices while looking inside, waiting for their family members to appear.

At this time, there are not many people waiting to pick up the plane at this exit, and Ye Tian and the others are the largest group of people!

There is no other reason for this situation, because the Air China flight that just flew in from Beijing was chartered by Ye Tian's family.

The passengers on that large passenger plane were all Ye Tian's family members.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

The automatic door in front suddenly slid open to both sides, and two nimble figures walked out first, appearing in the field of vision of Ye Tian and Betty.

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