Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1594 Touching family affection

"Honey, they are here, they are Chenxi and Dongzi"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and raised his right hand a few times in the air.

"That's right, it's those two guys, Chenxi is even more beautiful"

Betty nodded slightly and said, also waving to the two little guys.

At the same time, Chen Xi and Dong Zi also saw them, and they jumped three feet high happily, dancing and shouting.

"Brother, sister-in-law, here we come"

Before the voice fell, the two little guys had already pushed their respective suitcases and ran towards Ye Tian and Betty excitedly.

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly to the two little guys, but his eyes never left, he kept staring at the open door, his eyes full of expectation.

Following Chenxi and Dongzi, Anderson and his little uncle appeared, both of them were pushing a suitcase in their hands, chatting while walking.

As soon as he returned to New York from Paris, Anderson was sent to Beijing by Ye Tian. He took two company employees and went to Beijing to pick up his family.

He is a practicing lawyer in the United States, and he will handle many matters when going abroad, which will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, saving a lot of trouble and time!

Especially after arriving at Boston Airport, with him present to accompany his family through the customs, those aunts and other staff at Boston Airport with bad service attitudes would not dare to do anything wrong.

Similarly, Anderson and the little uncle also saw Ye Tian and Betty, raised their hands and waved to Ye Tian and the others.

Immediately afterwards, uncle, aunt, aunt, sister-in-law, Linlin, and two little kids from uncle's family and aunt's family, many family members appeared one after another and walked out from the gate.

Just like the few who came out before, they saw Ye Tian and Betty as soon as they came out, and waved and greeted them one after another. Everyone had bright smiles on their faces, and they were extremely excited!

Especially Linlin and those two little kids, just like Chenxi and Dongzi, when they saw Ye Tian and Betty, they called their brother and sister-in-law and ran over here pushing the suitcase.

The ones who appeared behind my sister-in-law and the others were the real heavyweights.

Father, mother, second uncle and second aunt were divided into two groups, serving grandparents and grandparents. The two old ancestors walked out of the gate. Several parents were talking and laughing, looking very good!

“Honey, your grandparents are here and their bodies look awesome”

Betty chuckled and said in a low voice, and waved at her grandparents, as well as her parents.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and took a step forward, leaning against the guardrail, waving to his grandparents and parents.

Those old people also saw them, smiled and nodded towards this side, and then walked towards this side together.

At this time, the two little guys, Dongzi and Chenxi, had already rushed forward. They almost didn't stop the car, and directly hit the railing in front of Ye Tian and Betty.

"Brother, the broken country of the United States is too far away. After flying for more than ten hours, your brother and I are going crazy on the plane. Just this time, buddy, flying is enough!

Another point is that the scenery along the way is really not good. After entering the United States and lowering the altitude of the plane, my buddies realized that the United States is a big rural area! "

As soon as he stabilized his figure, this guy Dongzi started to talk nonsense.

There is still a sense of unreserved energy.

At the same time, this kid didn't forget to belittle the United States, with a disdainful expression on his face!

As for the little girl Chen Xi, she was already hugging Betty across the guardrail, so there was no need to mention the intimacy, and she ignored Ye Tian's existence at all.

"Hahaha, if you compare it with Beijing and Shanghai, don't tell me, the vast majority of cities in the United States are rural, and at most they are at the level of third- and fourth-tier cities in China!

I will show you around this big American countryside later, and then you will know how happy your life is in Beijing. I am in dire straits here!

Well, I won’t be poor with you, boy. I haven’t seen you for more than half a year, and you have grown up a lot, and you are a little stronger than before, and you are a bit manly.”

Ye Tian coughed teasingly with Dongzi, and lightly thumped the boy's chest, his eyes full of admiration.

While talking, Linlin and the two little kids also rushed forward, saying hello to Ye Tian and Betty respectively, all of them were extremely excited.

Like that girl Chenxi, Linlin greeted Ye Tian, ​​and then hugged Betty through the guardrail, as affectionate as sisters!

As for the two little kids from the uncle's family and the aunt's family, they jumped up and down in front of Ye Tian, ​​scrambling to say hello to him, their two little faces flushed with excitement.

"Brother, I miss you, I saw you on TV yesterday"

My aunt's son said loudly, looking up at Ye Tian with admiration.

Before the words fell, the uncle's youngest daughter rushed to say:

"Brother, I also have a wedding dress, it's so beautiful, it's in my suitcase"

Saying that, the little girl immediately stretched out her small hand like a green onion, and pointed to her small suitcase, as if pointing at a treasure, with a proud expression on her face!

Ye Tian stretched out his hands, touched the heads of these two little guys lightly, and said with a smile:

"Brother misses you too. The two little babies, especially our little Swallow, is the most beautiful girl in the world. When my brother gets married in two days, you will wear a wedding dress and be the flower girl for Sister Betty, okay?"

"Okay bro, I've practiced at home several times"

Little Yanzi nodded vigorously and said, she was so beautiful that her nose was almost soaked with snot.

In the blink of an eye, Anderson and his little uncle had come close.

Anderson just nodded to Ye Tian with a smile on his face, and didn't say much, but Ye Tian was very clear about the meaning in his eyes.

The trip went smoothly without any accidents.

He said hello to his little uncle, and after a few words of greeting, Ye Tian pointed to the exit of the guardrail not far away, and asked his little uncle to come out with a group of little guys!

As soon as the little uncle walked away with these chattering little guys, sister-in-law, uncle, auntie and other brigades came close!

Then, of course, there was another round of greetings and pleasantries.

Ye Tian and Betty outside the guardrail, sister-in-law and the rest of the family inside the guardrail, everyone was very happy, and everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

When greeting my aunt, Ye Tian specifically asked about another matter.

"Auntie, you have come to Boston now, who is managing my personal exhibition hall in the Forbidden City? Is it still open these days?"

Hearing this, my aunt immediately gave Ye Tian a supercilious look.

"Yes! I figured it out, you boy has completely become a capitalist now, ruthless, you know how to exploit us working people, don't forget, I am your aunt!"

After speaking, my aunt stretched out her hand and lightly thumped Ye Tian's shoulder, not willing to use any force at all.

"How dare I! Let alone a capitalist, even if I become the president of the United States, it will not change the fact that you are my aunt. If you let me go east, I will never dare to go west, and if you ask me to chase dogs, I will never kill chickens! "

Ye Tian said jokingly, with an exaggerated expression.


Many family members at the scene laughed, and even Betty was infected and laughed.

After the laughter subsided, my aunt went on to say:

"It's almost the same, I'll just listen to it seriously! Don't worry, your personal exhibition hall in the Forbidden City has been temporarily closed, and it will not open until I return to Beijing.

All the antiques and works of art in the exhibition hall have been put into the safe, and several security systems have been turned on, and there are security personnel from the Forbidden City outside, so everything is safe! "

While they were talking, grandparents and parents had already walked up to them.

Ye Tian immediately stopped talking, looked at his grandparents, and greeted them respectfully:

"Grandpa, grandma, welcome to Boston, USA. Grandson, I will pick you up. Your complexion looks really good"

Saying that, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand through the guardrail, and gently supported grandma's arm.

"Your grandma and I are in good health, we ate well and slept soundly, we were free from illness and disaster, but this long-distance flight was too exhausting, just this one time, I will never come again!

Although it's hard work, your grandma and I are very happy. We finally waited until your kid got married, no matter how hard it was, it was worth it, but didn't your kid make this scene too big? "

Grandpa said with a smile, and nodded slightly at Betty.

Betty immediately greeted the two old ancestors, and was very affectionate.

At the same time, Ye Tian also greeted his parents, second uncle and second aunt.

After greeting several parents one by one and helping Betty translate, Ye Tian finally answered Grandpa's question.

"You're right, grandpa, the wedding scene is indeed a bit big, and now it has attracted the attention of the whole United States, but this is all in accordance with the trend, and I have special intentions"

Next, Ye Tian briefly explained a few words, so that everyone would not have any doubts.

After the explanation, grandparents, parents, and the others walked towards the exit of the guardrail. Ye Tian and Betty followed outside the guardrail and also walked there.

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