Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1596 Air Force 1 is here

In the midst of being busy, the day passed quickly.

It was already around 6 pm the next day, and Ye Tian and Betty arrived at Boston General Logan International Airport again, still here to pick up the plane!

Along with Matthew and Evelyn, Logan and David, and Jason and Sophie, each of them in formal attire and looking excited!

However, this time, everyone is not waiting to be picked up at the international arrival exit, but is on a tarmac near the departure hall, waiting to be picked up here!

This is also the largest and most eye-catching apron in the entire Boston General Logan International Airport, with an excellent location and a good view.

What Ye Tian and the others came to greet were the Pope and his entourage who flew from Washington on Air Force One, as well as the US President and First Lady who accompanied him to visit Boston!

At this time, on this apron, senior government officials from Massachusetts and Boston, celebrities from all walks of life, the super rich, and religious leaders, etc., all gathered here, and the scene was very lively!

In addition to the many welcome crowds who came to pick up the plane, there were also many reporters from major media on the scene. These guys had already set up long guns and short cannons, just waiting for Air Force One to appear!

Everyone came here for the same purpose, which is to welcome the Pope and his entourage to visit Boston. As for the President and First Lady of the United States, they are just piggybacking gifts!

The president of the United States and the first lady will come to Boston every now and then, and they can see it on the TV news every day, so no one cares about it!

The Pope is different. During his tenure, it would be great to come to Boston once. As long as he is a Christian believer, who wants to miss this opportunity to meet the Pope?

Without exception, everyone on the tarmac was very excited at this time. While chatting in low voices, while looking at the southwest sky, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

And in front of this apron, inside the cordon, stood many Secret Service agents in suits and leather shoes, who were always on high alert, watching the scene closely.

Around the tarmac and near the welcome crowd, there are heavily armed and heavily armed Boston police, as well as a large number of airport security personnel.

In an open space a little farther away, there are a large number of vehicles parked, including the presidential motorcade that just flew from Washington, a large number of Boston police cars, and some other vehicles!

A little further away, on some commanding heights and in some very hidden places out of everyone's sight, there are still many sniper teams hidden, condescendingly monitoring the entire airport.

Within a range of 120 meters, Ye Tian found four of these sniper positions through perspective, and there must be more beyond 120 meters!

It can be said that the General Logan International Airport at this time can be called a post at three steps and a post at five steps. The security is extremely tight, and there are almost no security loopholes!

Air Force One hadn't appeared yet, and everyone was waiting patiently while chatting in low voices, and they were relatively relaxed.

Ye Tian and the others who were at the forefront of the welcome line, close to the cordon, and standing next to the red carpet were the same, chatting in low voices!

"Betty, take a look at my dress again. Is there anything wrong with it? If there is, please tidy it up for me. I don't want to lose face in front of the Pope."

Sophie said anxiously, she kept looking at the dress she was wearing, with a rather tangled expression.

Hearing this, Betty immediately rolled her eyes and said angrily

"Oh my god! Sophie, I can't even remember. How many times have you asked me to help with the dress? The fifteenth time? The twentieth time? Or more?

Don't worry, you are absolutely the most perfect Sophie I've ever seen, impeccable, you just wait to see the Pope in this state, there is no problem."

That being said, Betty still looked up and down Sophie's dress, and then looked at the high-end dress she was wearing!

Obviously, she was in the same mood as Sophie,

I was quite nervous and apprehensive, but I didn't show it!


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

Amidst the laughter, Betty and Sophie also relaxed a lot and became less nervous.

While they were laughing and chatting, a few meters away, Matthew and Evelyn, dressed in formal attire, were chatting with Cardinal Kent in a low voice, with pious eyes.

Kent has already put on a red robe that symbolizes his identity, a golden cross on his chest, and a red square cap on his head. He is very conspicuous in the crowd and is the focus of everyone's attention.

Surrounding Cardinal Kent, besides Matthew and Evelyn, there are many people!

These people are either high-level governments in Massachusetts and Boston, or religious leaders, and many celebrities, etc. There are a lot of people!

Those with slightly lesser status and insufficient weight are not qualified to approach them at all, and can only stand a little farther away and look at them enviously.

Matthew and Evelyn, who are talking to Kent, are exactly the objects of their envy!

Everyone here knows that the Cardinal Kent in front of him can be regarded as the confidant of the current Pope, otherwise he would not be allowed to come to Boston to stand in front!

The identity of the cardinal is already very prominent, and everyone thinks that this cardinal may one day be able to go further and reach a higher level!

Thinking of this, everyone is rushing to make friends one after another. Who wants to miss this god-given opportunity?

As soon as he arrived at Boston International Airport in the afternoon, Ye Tian introduced Betty, Logan, Matthew and Evelyn to Cardinal Kent.

The cardinal wanted something from Ye Tian, ​​so he was naturally very approachable and enthusiastic. He soon chatted with Matthew and Evelyn, which made the others envious!

Matthew and Evelyn also performed very well. They didn't lower their positions and act groveling just because of the prominent status of the opposing cardinal!

After the initial excitement and apprehension, they regained their self-confidence in a blink of an eye, showing their self-cultivation and knowledge, which won the respect of Cardinal Kent!

A few minutes later, the mayor of Boston and the police chief came hand in hand, walked up to Ye Tian, ​​and chatted with him.

"Steven, I have to say thank you, if it weren't for your generosity, His Excellency the Pope would not be visiting Boston today!

For the Boston government and for all Boston citizens, the Pope's visit is very important. This is our honor and the city's honor! "

The mayor of Boston said in a low voice with a smile, and his words were very sincere.

"You're welcome, Monsieur Mayor, it was a matter of chance, caused by two top works of art I found in Paris, Raphael's Madonna and Michelangelo's Lamentation.

More than 200 years ago, they were treasured by the Vatican. I happened to find them today and they belonged to me. Considering that Betty and I will get married soon, I took them out to facilitate this matter!

Of course, I am also very honored to be able to invite the Pope and his entourage to come to Boston. I hope that the Pope's trip can send blessings to Boston and all Bostonians! "

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, his posture was very high, and it was quite touching!

Hearing what he said, the mayor of Boston and the chief of police couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they even felt a little unbelievable!

Is this still the same Steven we know, the ruthless, unashamed bastard? This is too level, too good!

After chatting for a few more words, the Chief of Boston Police suddenly interjected and asked

"Steven, how are your wedding preparations going tomorrow? Has the security at the scene been arranged? Do you need help from the Boston police?

Because both the Pope and the President of the United States will attend your wedding, the importance can be imagined, and there must be no surprises at the wedding."

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this old friend, then nodded confidently and said

"Everything is ready, the only thing we need is the east wind! All the preparations for tomorrow's wedding between Betty and me have been completed, and we will wait until tomorrow, when everyone will attend our wedding ceremony!

As for the security matters, you can rest assured that my security personnel and the special agent team of the Secret Service will guard the wedding scene like a rock, and there will never be any accidents.

Thank you for your kindness, Jeremy, but please believe that we are fully able to cope with the current situation. If the Boston police need to provide support, then I will take the initiative to speak up.

Jeremy, I have a heartfelt request. You Boston police must have many informants. I hope you can use these informants to help me release a message for everyone.

If someone makes trouble at my wedding and makes me unhappy, then I will absolutely retaliate with an eye for an eye, no matter what kind of god he is, I will make him unhappy for the rest of his life!

No matter where he hides, even if it is a mouse hole, I will go to the poor and fall to hell, dig him out at all costs, and make him pay for his stupid behavior! "

On the opposite side were the mayor of Boston and the chief of police, who were the administrators and law enforcement officers of the city, so Ye Tian didn't directly yell for beating and killing!

However, the meaning in his words couldn't be more obvious, even a fool can hear it!

If anyone dares to make trouble at tomorrow's wedding and ruin this beautiful moment, then wash your neck as soon as possible and prepare to go to hell. There is absolutely no second choice!

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the expressions of the mayor of Boston and the chief of police changed instantly, they were both ugly and embarrassing!

At the same time, both of them shuddered secretly, cold sweat broke out on their backs, and their eyes were full of fear!

really! Everything just now was an illusion, and this is the real Steven, he is still that ruthless super bastard who regards human life as nothing!

After complaining a few words to himself, Jeremy was ready to speak, talking about justice and the law.

At this moment, the scene suddenly boiled, and there was a burst of cheers.

“Great, Air Force One is finally here!”

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