Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1597 Meeting the Pope

Amidst the warm applause, Air Force One landed smoothly on the airport runway and slowly taxied towards the apron.

After Air Force One taxied into place and finally turned off the engine and parked on the apron, the airport staff immediately drove the gangway truck and accurately delivered the gangway to the door of the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge of the ground of the Secret Service brought several agents forward and quickly checked whether the gangway was safe and the connection with Air Force One.

After confirming that it was safe, the person in charge of the ground of the Secret Service used the walkie-talkie to inform Air Force One that the cabin door could be opened!

In the next second, the cabin door of Air Force One opened.

At the same time, warm applause erupted on the tarmac. Everyone on the tarmac who came to welcome the Pope looked forward to the cabin door.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​​​who doesn't believe in Christianity, everyone at the scene counts as one. At this moment, everyone is very excited, and everyone's eyes are full of anticipation!

Many people from the religious circles pressed their right hands to their chests, waiting for the Pope to appear solemnly. Some devout believers even lightly crossed themselves on their chests and prayed in low voices!

In the eyes of people expecting, a figure appeared at the door of the cabin, it was His Excellency the Pope.

He bent down and walked out of the cabin of Air Force One, stood on the gangway platform at the door of the cabin, raised his right hand, and waved gently to the welcoming crowd on the tarmac and many media reporters with a smile on his face.

This is a white man in his seventies, with silver hair, a skullcap, a white cassock, and a golden cross on his chest. He has a kind face and looks very kind!

With the appearance of His Excellency the Pope, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak in an instant.

"clap clap"

People's applause became more enthusiastic and resounded throughout Boston International Airport.

At this time, not only the welcome crowd on the tarmac was applauding, but everyone in the waiting hall, and even most of the people in Boston and Massachusetts were applauding to welcome the arrival of His Excellency the Pope.

In the warm applause, there are also countless voices of devout prayers from those devout believers. For them, this is a happy moment!

Many media reporters at the scene raised their cameras and video cameras one after another, frantically pressing the shutter of the cameras, and the sound of clicking and clicking was heard endlessly!

What's more, some people have shed tears with excitement.

Only near Ye Tian, ​​there were Evelyn and Sophie, and Betty's eyes were a little moist, but no tears came out!

After waving his hands, the Pope began to walk down the gangway. Although the speed was very slow, his steps were quite steady.

"Honey, let's go"

Ye Tian whispered to Betty, then took her hand lightly, stepped out from the airport pick-up crowd, and walked unhurriedly towards the gangway.

At the same time, Cardinal Kent, several religious leaders of the Boston Diocese, and the Governor of Massachusetts and the Mayor of Boston stepped forward to meet the Pope at the port of the gangway!

Seeing these people walking forward and about to face the Pope, everyone on the live and live broadcast was extremely envious and wished they could replace them!

Especially Ye Tian and Betty's eyes were reddened by the envy of many people!

However, everyone knew very well that the reason why the Pope was able to visit the United States and visit Boston at this time was all because of these two guys!

That's why they appeared here and enjoyed the special courtesy. It is a matter of course that they go to the gangway to meet the Pope, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Who let their luck not be good enough, without a pair of eyes to discover treasures, without Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ"! I can only envy myself in vain!

In three or two steps, everyone has come to the bottom of the gangway, and according to the order that was set before, they lined up along the red carpet on the right side under the gangway.

Ye Tian and Betty were standing very near the front. Before them, there was only Cardinal Kent,

As for the others, they can only be ranked behind them!

In other words, after the Pope stepped down the gangway, the first person he met was Ye Tian, ​​followed by Betty, and then the others.

As for Cardinal Kent, he was originally a confidant of the Pope, and he came to Boston to play a front stand, so naturally he couldn't talk about meeting the Pope!

"Wow! Steven is such a bastard, and his beautiful and sexy fiancee, if only I were there, I would be able to meet the Pope right away!"

"Where are you? Don't even think about it. Do you have the Vatican's art collection that has been lost for hundreds of years? Do you have the masterpieces of Raphael and Michelangelo? If not, let's rest early!"

On the tarmac, as well as countless live broadcasts, there were voices of envious discussion everywhere, everyone wished they could replace Ye Tian and Betty!

In the midst of people's discussions, His Excellency had already stepped down the gangway and stood on the red carpet.

At the same time, the President of the United States and the first lady walked out of the cabin, stood on the gangway platform at the entrance of the cabin, smiled, and waved to everyone present and many media reporters!

There was another round of warm applause on the tarmac, but the momentum was much smaller than when the Pope was welcomed. Obviously, people's attention was not on the President of the United States and the First Lady.

"Sir, this is Steven, and the beautiful lady next to him is Steven's fiancee, Betty. They will hold their wedding ceremony at the Old South Church in Boston tomorrow!"

Kent took a step forward and introduced Ye Tian and Betty to the Pope.

Before his words fell, Ye Tian and Betty took a step forward, bowed slightly to the Pope, and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Pope. I'm Steven. Welcome to Boston. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you very much for agreeing to officiate the wedding ceremony for us. You are truly a benevolent His Majesty!"

While he was saying hello and greetings, the Pope also looked at him with great interest, his eyes were full of curiosity and a little bit of admiration.

After he finished introducing himself, the pope immediately extended his right hand and shook hands with him.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I am also very glad to meet you. I have been famous for your name for a long time. According to legend, you are a person who will always be favored by God, and your luck is very good!

I hope that in the days to come, God will still take care of you and bring you good luck. Here, I would like to thank you especially for helping us find those two long-lost top-level works of art.

Needless to say, it is largely because of you that I was able to come to the United States and visit Boston this time. I am also very happy to officiate your wedding and send you my best wishes! "

"You're welcome, Your Majesty, Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" can return to the Vatican, we can get your blessing, this is the best of both worlds"

Ye Tian shook hands with the Pope, said a few polite words, and behaved neither humble nor overbearing, very decent.

Then, they chatted for a few more words, and then the pope looked at Betty and greeted her with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Betty, you are a beautiful girl, nice to meet you, and it is my honor to come to Boston to preside over your wedding with Steven, I wish you a happy life and love forever!"

Finally, Betty's tears still flowed down, it was all caused by excitement and happiness!

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty the Pope, I'm Betty, nice to meet you, and thank you very much for coming to Boston to preside over our wedding. It is a great honor for me. You are such a kind priest!"

Betty said respectfully, her voice was a little choked up.

As she said that, she bent her knees slightly, gave a salute, lowered her head and kissed the back of the pope's right hand, and then quickly drew a sign of the cross on her chest, showing great reverence and respect!

Seeing her actions, His Excellency the Pope nodded slightly, and a gleam of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, the pope said two more words of comfort and blessing, and was about to step out to the next person who came to greet him, the governor of Massachusetts!

He just took a step, as if he suddenly remembered something, he turned back to Ye Tian and said:

"Steven, do you have time later? If I have time, I would like to invite you and Betty to dinner. There are some things I want to talk to you about."

"It is a great honor to accept your invitation, His Majesty the Pope, and we are also very honored to have dinner with you. Betty and I have time in the evening, and we will definitely go to the dinner on time!

If possible, I hope that Betty's parents can also attend the dinner. They are very devout believers, and they must be very eager to have dinner with you and communicate! "

Ye Tian smiled and nodded in response, agreeing very happily!

Moreover, he hit the snake with the stick, which also created a chance for Matthew and Evelyn to get close to the Pope. Once the couple knew about it, they would probably be crazy about it!

As for some things that the Pope said to discuss, he certainly knows what the Pope is talking about!

Since there is a request for someone, how can the pope refuse his request.

"Okay, Steven, let Betty's parents come to the dinner together. I am also very happy to have dinner with them and exchange ideas. Kent will inform you of the time and place of the dinner later!"

After finishing speaking, His Excellency the Pope turned around and walked towards the Governor of Massachusetts.

Some people at the back of the team all looked at Ye Tian and Betty, their envious eyes turned red.

Who wouldn't want the chance to have dinner with His Excellency the Pope? Dream about it!

At this time, Ye Tian and Betty had already stood back to their original positions, quickly collected their emotions, and looked at the President of the United States and the First Lady who had already stepped down the gangway!

In a blink of an eye, the President of the United States and the First Lady had arrived in front of them. Both of them had bright smiles on their faces, showing their neat and white teeth!

"Good afternoon, Mr. President, welcome to Boston, I'm Steven, nice to meet you,..."

Ye Tian greeted the President of the United States with a smile on his face, and offered to extend his right hand.

The other party looked at him with eyes full of curiosity.

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