Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1598 The Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant

The dinner was very simple, the dishes were lackluster, there was neither wine nor moving music, it was very different from other grand welcome dinners, it was very low-key.

These priests from the Holy See of the Vatican don't know how they behave behind the scenes, but at this moment, they are showing abstinence and admiration.

While it wasn't a huge dinner party, the dinner party was packed with people!

Needless to say, the protagonist of the dinner is the Pope, he is the center of the whole dinner and the focus of everyone's attention!

By the way, several senior Vatican clergy around him, such as the bishop of Kent, also became one of the focus of the scene.

In addition to these clergymen from the Vatican, the President of the United States and the First Lady also attended the welcome dinner hosted by the Diocese of Boston and gave a speech before the dinner!

In addition, the accompanying American religious leaders, senior government officials from Boston and Massachusetts, religious leaders, and a few celebrities also attended the dinner!

Of course, this also includes Ye Tian, ​​Betty, David, and Matthew and Evelyn.

Without exception, everyone at the dinner was dressed up.

All the men are in suits and leather shoes, basically dark three-piece suits and bow ties, well-groomed, polite and almost impeccable!

The ladies were all in long skirts and gowns, with light makeup, and appeared at the welcome dinner in their most elegant state!

During the dinner, except for Ye Tian and a few others, everyone else was very excited and behaved cautiously!

By the time the dinner party was over, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Then, another social reception.

When people raised their wine glasses and began to talk to each other and taste the fine wine amidst the sound of the elegant piano, they found that the Pope and the President of the United States walked into a room next to the banquet hall together!

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Cardinal Kent, Ye Tian and David also walked into that room, and closed the door to block everyone's sight!

Seeing this scene, everyone didn't know that the pope and the president must have important matters, and they wanted to have a secret discussion with Steven, maybe this is the highlight of tonight!

But no one can guess what the specific content of this meeting is, including those priests from the Vatican!

After entering the room and sitting down on the sofa, Ye Tian took a look at the situation in the room.

Besides myself and David, there were four other people in the room.

These four people are the Pope and the President of the United States, Cardinal Kent and Leonardo, the previous priest in his forties.

Obviously, being able to appear on this occasion and participate in this meeting is enough to show that Leonardo is also a confidant of the Pope, just like Cardinal Kent.

When scanning the people in front of him, Ye Tian deliberately paused for two seconds when he glanced at the President of the United States, and nodded slightly at the President of the United States!

Although he didn't say anything, everyone in the room immediately understood what he meant. There are no fools here, everyone is a genius!

The next moment, the pope explained in person:

"Steven, what I want to discuss with you today, you must have guessed it, is that Kent talked to you before and entrusted your company to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar.

, Regarding this matter, when I was in Washington. I have already communicated with Mr. President, and I have no intention of hiding Mr. President. After all, this is the United States, and it is impossible to hide it.

Besides, in this matter, it is very likely that Mr. President will be needed to help, coordinate relations, and mediate some conflicts. It is precisely because of this that Mr. President will appear here! "

As he spoke, the Pope nodded slightly at the President of the United States.

The President of the United States also responded, who nodded with a smile and said:

"Your Majesty the Pope, Steven, you can talk as you like, don't care about my existence, just treat me as a listener!

From small to large,

I have heard countless legends about the Knights Templar, and I even wanted to be one of them, but unfortunately I was born at the wrong time!

It's not just me. I believe that all children living in the Western world have such a dream when they were children. They all dream of becoming a Templar Knight and conquering all directions with their swords.

However, what we know about the Knights Templar has been processed through literature. I would like to hear what you professionals think of the Knights Templar.

I have been known for a long time for the treasure of the Knights Templar, one of the most famous treasures of the Middle Ages, and I would also like to know about this treasure"

Hearing this, what else can Ye Tian say?

He took a deep look at the Pope and the President of the United States, then nodded with a smile and said:

"In this case, it is better to be respectful than obedience, His Excellency, we can start this talk!"

The Pope nodded lightly, and immediately got to the point without any delay.

"Steven, before Kent talked to you about entrusting your company to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, he said that you seem to have some concerns and have not decided whether to accept the entrustment.

We are sitting here face to face now, can you elaborate on what concerns you have? We can discuss and try to solve these problems together! "

"Okay, my lord pope, then let me talk about it"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, before throwing out his own question.

"First of all, if you want to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, you must not bypass the two holy relics of Christianity, the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant. The treasures of the Knights Templar are inextricably linked with these two holy relics!

It is even possible that the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant are hidden in the treasure of the Knights Templar. Once this conjecture is true and our company successfully finds the treasure, it will definitely cause shock!

As we all know, the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant are not only the two holy relics of Christianity, but also the two holy relics of Judaism. Once they are discovered, the final ownership will be a very important issue.

Because of the ownership of the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, there have been countless bloody fights and even large-scale wars in history. Will such things happen again today? It is not impossible!

Your Vatican represents Christianity, but what about Judaism? Everyone must be very aware of the strength and great influence of the Jews in the United States, and they must not be ignored!

Fearless Exploration Company is established in New York and Manhattan, which can be called the den of American Jews. If I offend the Jews in Manhattan, my exploration company will definitely struggle.

What's more, this time it involves the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, the two holy relics of Judaism. Once this news is spread, all Jews will be crazy about it, and I have to think carefully."

After the voice fell, the scene immediately became quiet. Everyone had different positions and emotional expressions.

The excited eyes of the President of the United States were shining brightly, like searchlights, and he looked as if watching the excitement is not a big deal, and he was almost dancing!

The Pope, Kent, and Leonardo were all lost in thought, and the expressions of the three were quite solemn.

After pondering for a moment, the Pope smiled and said:

"Steven, it seems that you are very familiar with the treasures of the Knights Templar, the legend of the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, you are indeed a top professional treasure hunter, and you really deserve your reputation!

We considered and discussed the problem you mentioned when we were in the Vatican, and came up with some solutions, which should avoid unnecessary troubles for you! "

"What is the specific method, I am all ears"

Ye Tian continued, eyes full of curiosity.

How can this matter be so easy to solve? If it were so easy, the Jews would not have been wiped out in history, wandering around the world for more than 2,000 years!

"Once we sign an agreement to entrust the exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar, I will immediately send a special envoy to Jerusalem, the Holy Land, to communicate with the relevant high-level Judaism, and strive to reach an agreement.

The same is true for Jewish religious groups and organizations in the United States and other places. We will try our best to communicate, especially in the United States and Manhattan. Mr. President can also come forward to help with work.

This is no longer the Middle Ages or earlier, as the possibility of the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant triggering a religious war is largely non-existent, and we, the Vatican, do not put our collaborators at risk.

As long as we have not reached an agreement with Judaism, then the contract entrusted to explore the treasure is a dead letter and will not take effect, and you don’t need to take action, so naturally there will be no danger.”

The pope threw out his own solution, which still sounds somewhat feasible.

As soon as his words fell, the President of the United States next to him immediately said:

"Steven, I can help communicate and coordinate with the American Jews. I believe it will not be too difficult. I am very familiar with the major Jewish organizations and major Jewish consortia in the United States!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately looked at the President of the United States, and nodded slightly at him.

Of course you are very familiar with the major Jewish syndicates! That is your benefactor. Without the full support of the Jewish consortium, can you become the president of the United States? Go dreaming!

After secretly complaining a few words, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Well, the issue of the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant can be put aside for the time being. I hope you can reach an agreement with the Jews. Let's talk about the next issue!"

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