Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1599 1 Everything Is a Deal

Ye Tian looked at everyone present, then continued with a smile

"Your Majesty, you must know that I am an atheist and have no religious beliefs, and the treasures of the Knights Templar involve many Christian holy objects and many secrets about religion!

So here comes the question, is it appropriate for me to lead this operation to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar? Will there be a backlash from the religious community, there's a good chance of that happening"

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene nodded slightly, expressing their deep agreement.

Without a moment's hesitation, the cardinal Kent next to him immediately gave a countermeasure.

"Steven, we have considered this issue and conducted some discussions. If your company accepts the commission to explore the treasure, we, the Vatican, will send people to participate in the exploration.

At that time, Leonardo will lead four members of the Swiss Guard to follow you to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar and unravel the fog that has shrouded this treasure for more than seven hundred years.

Your Brave and Fearless Exploration Company is only responsible for the exploration of treasures and security matters. All matters related to religion are handed over to Leonardo and the others, and our Vatican Holy See will also come forward.

In the name of external publicity, we, the Holy See of the Vatican, led this treasure hunt to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar. Your Brave and Fearless Exploration Company is only an externally hired specific executor.

In this way, your atheist identity will not attract too much attention and criticism from the religious circles, and your worries will no longer exist, and you can act freely.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at Leonardo next to him, and nodded to him with a smile on his face.

The other party also nodded slightly at him, looking very confident, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes!

After pondering for a while, Ye Tian responded with a smile.

"This solution is not bad, it can indeed reduce a lot of unnecessary disturbances, allowing us to focus on exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar without being distracted by other things or even being interrupted.

There is one thing I must declare in advance, once we sign the entrustment contract, when we publicize it to the outside world, you can say that you, the Vatican, lead this exploration operation, but in the course of the operation, I must be the leader!

Leonardo and the four members of the Swiss Guard can join my treasure hunting team, but they must obey my command. This is non-negotiable, and you, the Vatican, cannot interfere with my actions.

Once the exploration operation is launched, I have my own opinions on how to act, and no one else can interfere. It is also a taboo to make a long-term leader. If that is the case, I would rather not accept the commission! "

The voice fell, and the room fell silent again.

After thinking for a while, the Pope continued to say

"Okay, Steven, it's true that you can't make bulls. We can accept this. The action of exploring the treasure is based on you, and we will assist you. This can be written into the entrustment agreement."

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then continued to say with a smile

"This treasure hunt is of great importance. Once we sign the entrustment agreement and launch a joint exploration operation, the news will definitely spread quickly and spread to the whole world.

We have to do a lot of preparatory work. You need to coordinate and open up many relationships to reduce resistance from all walks of life. In this way, many people will definitely know about this exploration operation.

The more people who know, the more likely the news will be leaked. "Fire cannot be contained in paper", I firmly believe in this sentence, and this is the reason why I often live broadcast treasure hunts publicly.

Instead of waiting for leaks and letting the gossip spread all over the sky, attracting countless speculations, it is better to make this treasure exploration operation public and announce publicly from the very beginning that "

When saying these words, Ye Tian secretly said in his heart

"Cooperate with you Vatican, buddy, dare not be more careful? What if the buddy finds the treasure of the Knights Templar, but you are stalking me behind my back?

As long as this exploration operation is made public, known to the whole world, and attracts countless attentions,

Even if you guys want to play tricks, you will have a lot of worries! "

The Pope and Kent looked at each other and exchanged glances.

At the same time, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of both of them, as did the President of the United States and Leonardo sitting next to them.

Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved!

This bastard Steven is really cunning like a fox. There are almost no things he can't think of. No one can count on this bastard, only to be counted!

After a long silence, Kent nodded and said

"No problem, Steven, as long as we sign the entrusted exploration agreement, we can hold a press conference after we get through various relationships and before the exploration operation officially begins!

This press conference was held in the Vatican, and both of us attended. At this press conference, we, the Holy See of the Vatican, will publicly announce this joint exploration operation"

"Yes, I am very much in favor of holding a press conference, this way, it will certainly reduce a lot of suspicion, and it will also be a guarantee for the cooperation between us.

As for the huge attention and other noises that follow, that is not a problem, we have long been used to it, and I believe you, the Vatican, can easily deal with it"

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression was very relaxed.

Hearing what he said, the Pope and Kent couldn't help but rolled their eyes and complained secretly.

"You cunning bastard, attracting people's attention and introducing media supervision to restrain us is probably your real intention."

Without a moment's pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out continuously, reaching the ears of everyone in the room.

"Let's talk about the troubles and troubles that the descendants of the Knights Templar and derivative organizations may bring, and it may even be crazy sniping. I don't want to fight with those crazy guys.

Although as early as the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Knights Templar no longer existed as a military organization, most of its members were arrested, or died in cruel interrogations, or were burned to death at the stake.

But everyone knows that there are still many members of the Knights Templar who escaped by chance and continued to exist with a different face. Over the past few hundred years, the descendants of the members of the Knights Templar have spread all over the world.

As far as I know, the Jesuits in Portugal evolved from the Portuguese branch of the Knights Templar. Because of the patronage of the King of Scotland at that time, Scotland also had many descendants of the Knights Templar.

All European countries, North and South America, and even every place where Christianity exists, there may be descendants of members of the Templars. How to deal with the threat posed by these people?

In addition, mysterious religious organizations like the Priory of Mount Sion are inextricably linked to the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar. Will they pose a threat to this exploration operation?

There are also the Knights of the Hospital and the Teutonic Knights. Although these two knights are no longer military organizations, who can guarantee that they will not intervene and take the opportunity to snatch the treasure of the Knights Templar?

After the fall of the Knights Templar, many members of the Knights Templar from various European countries transferred to the Knights Hospitaller to avoid hunting, and some of them transferred to the Teutonic Knights.

Especially the Knights Hospitaller. After the Knights Templar was wiped out, they were the biggest beneficiaries and inherited most of the Knights Templar's legacy. Will they claim to be the heirs?

Then there is the threat of some religious extremists. Regardless of Europe or the United States, fanatical religious extremists have always existed since ancient times. Will they covet those Christian holy things? "

After the words fell, the pope immediately smiled and said

"Steven, these problems you are worried about are not problems at all, and they will not bring troubles and troubles to the future exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar. We all have a solution.

Let me talk about the Portuguese Jesuits you just mentioned first. You may not know that before I became Pope, I was a Jesuit and the Archbishop of the Diocese of Buenos Aires.

Of course, I am not a descendant of the Knights Templar. Although the Jesuits I lead are located in Latin America and Argentina, they have very close ties with the Portuguese Jesuits.

As long as we sign the entrusted exploration agreement, I will contact the relevant church members of the Portuguese Jesuit Society as soon as possible to communicate with them, and I believe they will not object to this joint exploration operation"

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded slightly, but didn't say anything!

He knew very clearly the origin of the pope in front of him, because he came from the Latin American Jesuits, and the Portuguese Jesuits really wouldn't pose much of a threat!

After a short pause, the Pope continued to say

"As for other descendants of the Knights Templar, it is not a problem. I think you know that from the fourteenth century until today, the Knights Templar has been trying to rebuild and restore its former glory.

These hundreds of years are called the rebuilding period of the Knights Templar, and their internal inheritance has never been cut off, and has been passed down from generation to generation until today's grand master Fernando.

The most fundamental reason why they failed to complete the reconstruction was that they were not recognized by the Holy See. If the Holy See publicly recognized their legitimacy, they would be able to complete the reconstruction immediately.

I know Fernando, the current grand master of the Knights Templar. Once we sign the commissioned exploration agreement, I will have talks with Fernando and other high-level members of the Knights Templar.

I wouldn't mind publicly acknowledging the Templars as long as they're willing to commit to giving up the Templar treasure and not seeking to gain access to the Christian relics and secular goods contained within it!

Under such circumstances, I believe Fernando will definitely make the wisest choice to rebuild the Knights Templar and give up the illusory treasure of the Knights Templar to them.

The next thing will be easy to handle, I will ask Fernando to issue a public statement, so that all members and descendants of the Knights Templar must not interfere with this joint exploration operation"


Everything is a deal, even the aloof Vatican Holy See is no exception!

Ye Tian and David looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding!

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