Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1604 The Boiling Old South Church

When passing by the first row of seats in the man's guest and friend area, the grandparents and parents who were sitting here stood up, and Ye Tian stopped immediately!

Grandpa turned his head to look at the door of the church, and then said to Ye Tian:

"Little Tian, ​​it's so noisy outside, is the Pope and the President of the United States here?"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"That's right, the Pope and the President of the United States are here. Their motorcade has entered Boylston Street, and in a blink of an eye they are at the door of the church. I am about to go out to meet them"

"These two are heavyweights. Since you are here to attend your wedding with Betty, let's not be rude. Let's go out to meet these two together."

With that said, grandpa was about to step out and take grandma and parents to the door of the church.

However, Ye Tian reached out to stop the old man.

"Grandpa and grandma, don't go to the door of the church. Just wait here. My parents and I will go. There must be a lot of people gathered at the door of the church, and it's a bit chaotic.

Furthermore, after the two of them arrived, they would definitely have to interact with the crowd outside and many media reporters, and even speak a few words, which would take a lot of time.

And I don't want our family to appear in front of the cameras of media reporters too much, which will have a certain impact on everyone. In view of this, I let your two elders sit here."

Hearing this, Grandpa nodded after thinking for a while and said:

"Since your boy said so, well, your grandma and I will sit here and wait for the two of you to enter the church before you introduce us to each other."

"Come on! Your two elders can rest here, we're going out!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then walked to the door of Laonan Church with his parents.

At this time, many wedding guests who had already arrived at the church and sat down in the guest area all stood up and turned around to look at the door of the church. Everyone was extremely excited and full of anticipation!

Fortunately, everyone was well-dressed and well-educated, and they didn’t flock to the church door to go out to watch the fun and greet the Pope, the President of the United States, and the First Lady!

Perhaps these people also want to do that, but considering their identities, as well as their image and demeanor in public, they have to be a little more reserved and can only stand and watch.

On the way to the entrance of the church, Ye Tian kept saying hello to the wedding guests on both sides of the main passage while walking forward.

There are not only his own relatives and friends, business partners, peer acquaintances, company employees, etc.; but also Betty's relatives and friends, as well as Matthew and Evelyn's relatives, neighbors, colleagues, etc.

When he walked to the middle of the aisle, he saw several superstars including Johnny Depp standing in the man's guest and friend area at a glance, and waved to them.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that boy Bowie, and several other friends who he knew when he was working on Wall Street and had a very good relationship!

These guys all sat together and knew each other. At this time, they were all very excited, and like everyone else, they turned and looked towards the church door.

When he saw Bowie, Ye Tian didn't wave his hand to greet him, but just nodded slightly with a smile on his face, and then moved on!

Bowie, too, just smiled and nodded as a greeting.

At this time, there are many colleagues in the church from the field of antique art collection. If they are too familiar with Bowie, it is likely to attract the curiosity and suspicion of some guys, which is not good!

While speaking, Ye Tian and his parents had already arrived at the door of the church.

Before they went out, the cheers outside and the whistling of the helicopter engine had passed through the church door and entered their ears.

When they walked out of the church gate, a scene of complete boiling near the Old South Church immediately caught their eyes!

Compared with before, the alert level outside the church has increased a lot.

Over the church, a helicopter from the Secret Service and two police helicopters from the Boston Police,

They are hovering at different heights, closely monitoring the situation on the ground.

On the perimeter of the cordon on several streets around the church, a large number of Boston police officers with live ammunition have been added. These guys are both excited and nervous, keeping a close eye on the surrounding situation, ready to respond at any time!

The number of plainclothes agents hidden in the crowd of onlookers has also increased a lot at this time, some of them are from the Secret Service, and some are from the famous Vatican Swiss Guard.

The situation inside the cordon is the same, there are many tall and sturdy agents, they also come from the Secret Service and the Vatican Swiss Guard!

The onlookers gathered outside the cordon to watch the excitement, as well as a large number of media reporters, were extremely excited, cheering non-stop, while looking eagerly at Boylston Street.

The presidential motorcade had not yet reached the gate of the Old South Church, but the roar of the engines of the heavy motorcycle team that opened the way had been carried by the wind and reached the ears of everyone in front of the church.

Obviously, the presidential motorcade will arrive soon, that is, in the blink of an eye.

After walking out of Laonan Church and standing still at the entrance of the church, Ye Tian immediately turned on the perspective secretly, and scanned the situation around the church at the fastest speed.

As far as he could see, he had a panoramic view of everything around Laonan Church in an instant, seeing it clearly and clearly!

Needless to say, many security personnel, Secret Service agents, and members of the Vatican Swiss Guard in the cordon have undergone numerous audits and investigations, and there is no doubt about their identities.

Although they are all wearing powerful firearms, they will not pose any threat to the safety of the Pope and the President of the United States, but they are powerful security forces!

The many Boston police officers who are on duty outside the cordon and are responsible for maintaining order on the scene have also undergone numerous audits and are also very reliable. Don't worry about what trouble they will cause!

Ye Tian's eyes quickly swept over these guys, and after confirming that there was no problem, he looked at the crowd of onlookers gathered outside the cordon, as well as the many media reporters at the scene!

Among the crowd of onlookers and media reporters, he did find a few guys with hidden guns under their coats, mixed in the crowd, not much different from the people around them!

However, these guys are either their own security personnel, or agents of the Secret Service and the Swiss Guard, so there is naturally no threat.

After confirming that there were no gunmen lurking in the crowd, Ye Tian quickly shifted his gaze to the buildings of different styles and heights around the Old South Church!

He saw through all the buildings within a range of 120 meters, not missing a single corner!

Inside and on top of several of the buildings, he spotted several sniper teams, from the Boston Police and the Secret Service, commanding the area outside Old South Church.

Except for those sniper teams, he never found other gunmen.

In other words, don't worry about a stream of hot bullets flying out of those buildings, heading straight for the Pope and the President of the United States, and the First Lady!

In less than ten seconds, Ye Tian had a complete grasp of the situation around Laonan Church, and felt much relieved.

After confirming that there was no hidden danger, he then withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

Next, he gave a slight nod to Mattis, who was in charge of security at the site, and then walked over to where Jason and the others were with his parents.

Jason was one of his best men and was responsible for welcoming the guests. He was standing on both sides of the red carpet under the steps of the church with Anderson and Logan.

When Ye Tian and his parents walked down the steps and came to stand beside Jason and the others, the presidential motorcade just happened to drive along Boylston Street and entered the square in front of Old South Church.

With the arrival of the presidential motorcade, the atmosphere in the area of ​​the Old South Church reached its peak in an instant.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, long-lasting and very enthusiastic, resounding through the entire block, and also resounding through countless live broadcast terminals.

Accompanied by warm applause, and the endless sound of camera shutters, one after another, the sound became one!

At the same time, the nerves of all the security personnel and agents at the scene were tense to the extreme in an instant.

Especially those Secret Service agents, they had already activated the moment the presidential convoy arrived, approaching the US President's car 'Army One'.

When they came close to the convoy, they immediately joined the agents who were protecting the president, quickly set up a line of defense around 'Army One', and stared at the surroundings vigilantly.

The rest of the Secret Service agents and the members of the Vatican Swiss Guard quickly approached the Pope's car, and another Cadillac bulletproof luxury car set up a cordon around it!

After the convoy stopped at the square in front of the Old South Church and confirmed the safety of the scene, the relevant personnel stepped forward and opened the doors of the "Army One" and the armored Cadillac behind them.

Immediately afterwards, the Pope, the President of the United States, and the First Lady got out of the car one after another, landed on the square in front of the Old South Church, and appeared in front of everyone.

With the appearance of these people, the atmosphere near the Old South Church suddenly reached its peak, like a volcanic eruption.

"clap clap"

The applause at the scene became more enthusiastic, more than ten times louder than before, and everyone here was clapping wildly.

Among the applause, there were also countless shouts of excitement, all of which were salutes and greetings to the Pope!

Regardless of the scene at the Old South Church or the countless live broadcasts, there were many devout believers praying in low voices, crossing themselves lightly on their chests, and some even burst into tears!

Unlike at Boston International Airport yesterday, except for Secret Service agents and members of the Swiss Guard, no one stepped forward to greet the Pope and the President of the United States, including Ye Tian!

Because everyone knows very well in their hearts that this is a performance moment for the Pope and the President of the United States, and it is an excellent opportunity for them to show their image of being close to the people, and they cannot step forward to steal the spotlight!

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