Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1605 Entering the Climax

as expected!

After getting out of the car, the Pope and the President of the United States did not immediately walk towards the church, but turned around, each raised their right hands, and began to wave to the crowd of onlookers and many media reporters!

Especially the Pope, after waving his hand, accompanied by the bishops of Kent and Boston, and escorted by many secret agents, he walked towards the crowd of onlookers not far ahead.

Obviously, he is going to have a close contact with the believers under his leadership, to show off the attitude of the Vatican and himself to the people!

For all this, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago, and was not surprised at all.

He still stood with his parents under the steps in front of the church, waiting patiently, and chatting with Jason and the others in a low voice.

"Steven, why did that guy Bowie come to the wedding? And he was seated quite in the front, sitting with a few guys from Wall Street. Is there something I don't know?"

Jason asked curiously in a low voice. He was obviously confused about Bowie's appearance.

Ye Tian looked at this guy, then smiled and whispered:

"Some things can be told to you now, but you have to keep it secret! Bowie was my colleague and a very good friend when I was working on Wall Street. He was kicked out of Wall Street with me!

We were kicked out of Wall Street because of the same thing, and it is also a shared sorrow! A year ago, Bowie had sex with me, became my secret son, and only David and I knew about it! "

Hearing this, Jason suddenly realized, and exclaimed in a low voice.

"No wonder! I said that Bowie's Texas cowboy has such good eyesight. He can always find valuable antique works of art. It turns out that you have been guiding him all the time. Could his eyesight be bad?

This trick is so clever, it completely fooled everyone's eyes, I also said, why every time we go to an antique market, that guy Bowie will appear right after him, and then return with a full load.

The two of you have been acting together, one in the open and the other in the dark, crazily ransacking every antique art market you have ever been to, sweeping all valuable antique art, it is so ruthless! "

"Bgo! This is why I asked Bowie to be a secret player. As long as it is a leak that I find out, then don't try to escape my grasp. If I can't take it off, it's Bowie's job to do it!

For more than a year, only David knew about this partnership with Bowie, and even Betty didn't know about it. If it weren't for this, Bowie would be my best man today! "

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, with a smug look in his eyes.

Between joking and chatting, more than ten minutes passed quickly.

After interacting with many onlookers at the scene, answering a few questions from the media reporters, and showing the image of being friendly to the people, the performance of the Pope and the President of the United States finally came to an end.

Afterwards, they each waved to the crowd of onlookers around the church and many media reporters before turning around and walking towards the door of the church.

When they approached, the people who had been waiting under the steps of the church and lined up on both sides of the red carpet began to greet them, all of them were very excited and excited!

Especially those ladies who came here in full costumes, many people saw the Pope right in front of their eyes, so close to them, they were so excited that they shed tears!

In the blink of an eye, the pope had come to Ye Tian and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Steven, nice to see you again, it's a great honor to officiate your wedding to Betty, send you all my best wishes, happy newlyweds, what a beautiful day today"

"Good morning, Your Majesty, thank you very much for coming to the Old South Church and presiding over Betty and I's wedding. It is a great honor for us. Today will be the best day of our lives!"

Ye Tian said politely with a smile on his face, and stepped forward to shake hands with the Pope.

Then, he introduced his parents again.

Mom and Dad also greeted the Pope,

And politely thanked a few words, the performance is quite satisfactory, very decent.

As for Matthew, Evelyn, and Jason next to them, there is no need for Ye Tian to introduce them.

They had met the pope at Boston International Airport and last night at the welcome dinner.

After saying hello, Ye Tian asked Jason to lead the Pope and his party up the steps to the entrance of Old South Church, and stayed there for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the President of the United States and the First Lady also came to everyone, and it was natural to exchange polite greetings.

After dealing with these two, Ye Tian accompanied them up the steps to the entrance of Laonan Church.

Just before entering the church, the Pope, the President of the United States, and the First Lady all stopped at the same time and turned around. They waved again to everyone near the Old South Church, and they behaved very gracefully!

"This is a politician, and they are all movie kings!"

Ye Tian secretly sighed with emotion, his face was always filled with a bright smile.

After waving their hands, the Pope, the President of the United States, and the First Lady walked into the Old South Church under Ye Tian's personal guidance, and disappeared from the sight of everyone on the square in front of the church!

At this moment, there were voices of discussion in the square in front of the Old South Church and countless live broadcast terminals at the same time, and each voice was full of envy.

"Wow! Steven is so lucky to be able to invite the Pope to preside over his wedding. If it were me, I would be dizzy with happiness!"

"Without a doubt, this is definitely the most luxurious and important wedding ceremony I have ever seen. It is unprecedented, and it is almost impossible for there to be another one in the future!"

Just as people were talking, Ye Tian had already brought the Pope, the President of the United States, and the First Lady to the middle of the church.

As they walked along the main passage, Ye Tian kept introducing the wedding guests on both sides.

"Your Majesty, let me introduce you. This is the curator of the Metropolitan Museum of New York, Mr. Thomas, and the beautiful lady next to him is Mrs. Thomas. They came here from New York on a special trip!

Raphael's "Madonna" and Michelangelo's "Mourning for Christ" are currently on display at the Metropolitan Museum. Their exhibitions have caused a huge sensation and attracted countless attentions! "

As soon as his words fell, Thomas greeted excitedly.

"Good morning, Your Majesty the Pope, I'm Thomas, it's an honor to meet you,..."

While Thomas greeted, Mrs. Thomas curtseyed to the Pope, and lowered her head to kiss the back of the Pope's hand, trembling with excitement!

The Pope nodded slightly to the couple and greeted them with a smile, showing a very kind manner.

After Thomas, Ye Tian introduced the director of OA, Julian, and Julian's wife, and it was naturally another polite greeting.

Following his introduction, the Pope, the President of the United States and the First Lady also nodded and greeted these wedding guests, with warm smiles on their faces all the time, impeccable!

All the guests in the church are standing in front of their seats at this moment, looking towards the main aisle. Their eyes follow the pope and the president all the time, and every line of sight is extremely hot!

Those wedding guests seated on both sides of the main aisle, near the main aisle, were even more excited, and some ladies even shed tears of excitement.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to take the Pope, the President of the United States and the First Lady through the main aisle to the front of the guest area, which is the first row of seats in front of the stage.

At this time, the grandparents, uncle and other elders had already stood up, all staring at Ye Tian, ​​the Pope, the President of the United States and the First Lady!

After standing still, Ye Tian immediately introduced his family members one by one, and the family members also greeted these few, each of them behaved very decently, neither humble nor overbearing!

Although the few people in front of me are all high-profile figures, they are neither their own pope nor their own president. Naturally, everyone has no pressure and their mentality is relatively peaceful!

Of course, there is also a reason why Ye Tian vaccinated his family members in advance.

Next, the President of the United States and the First Lady took their seats in the first row, and His Excellency the Pope and his entourage went to the reserved lounge, led by Ye Tian and the priest of Laonan Church.

Before the wedding ceremony officially begins, even the Pope has to make some preparations, such as changing clothes, sorting out and adjusting emotions, familiarizing himself with the process, and so on.

Seeing Ye Tian take the Pope away and go to the lounge at the back, all the guests in the church immediately understood that this much-anticipated wedding ceremony will soon enter the final part!

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